Контрольная работа № 3. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски одним из вариантов

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски одним из вариантов. Один вариант лишний.

Computers have already turned into essentials for us. We can’t do without them_________(1). There is a strong opinion that computer technologies give new opportunities to people who study languages. At first glance it may sound strange – the computer is a lifeless object, ________(2)?

The main advantage of the computer is that it can make learning and drilling less boring. There are lots of computer games __________(3). The Internet access provides learners with up-to-date news, and typing helps to remember word spelling.

Nowadays computers are able to teach speaking, too – there is a special software that can check the position of the user’s lips and tongue,________(4). No doubt, the computer will learn how to answer our questions and will become a skillful conversationalist.


A neither at work nor in the classroom

B because it can be useful for writing too

C and it can correct pronunciation mistakes

D which turn learning new words into fun

E how can it possibly develop our communication skills


Прочитайте текст. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в нужную форму.

Tommy felt absolutely unhappy. His little kitten disappeared and Tommy__________5(not/know) where to look for it. He knocked on the neighbors’ door but they said that they _________6(not/see) the cat either. However, they gave Tommy some advice. “Write the information about your cat and your telephone number and put it on the noticeboard in the yard. If someone finds your cat, they ______7(contact) you. ”

That was good advice. Very soon the telephone rang and a woman said: “I _______8(find) a kitten in the flower-bed. It’s black with two white spots. If it’s yours, you may take it.” When Tommy came into the woman’s flat, the kitten was there. It ________________9(sleep) in a small basket, and didn’t even wake up when Tommy entered the room.

3.Прочитайте текст и вставьте подходящие слова, выбрав один из предложенных ниже вариантов.

My Aunt Jessica is one of _________________________(10) people I’ve ever met. She works as an _____________(11) and considers her job very important. She studies how people’s activities affect the environment. Aunt Jessica says that we have already done a lot of harm to the plant and that we need to work out some plan on how__________(12) the situation. According ____________(13) her, most people do not realize how dangerous the situation is, and don’t want to do___________(14) to prevent a catastrophe.


1 a) smart b) smarter c) smartest d) the smartest

2 a) environment b) environmental c) environmentalist d) environmentally

3 a) to improve b) to rise c) to enlarge d) to grow

4 a) to b) with c) - d) on

5 a) some b) any c) something d) anything


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