Case 10.1. «Jollibee Foods Corporation»

Тема 10. Формування і реалізація стратегій діяльності ТНК


Під час вивчення десятої теми студентам слід зосередити увагу на особливостях стратегінчого менеджменту ТНК; особливостях ринкових стратегій; вивченні стратегії виходу з ринку; маркетингових стратегіях ТНК.


План семінарського заняття № 10

1. Поняття глобальної стратегії. Оцінка потенціалу для глобальної стратегії (аналіз ринкових, економічних, середовищних і конкурентних чинників).

2. Сутність стратегічного управління. Рівні стратегічного управління.

3. Стадії розроблення стратегії: місія, аналіз і діагностика, мета, формування стратегії, реалізація стратегії, контроль.

4. Конкурентні переваги і стратегії їхнього розвитку.

5. Особливості ринкових стратегій.

6. Стратегія виходу з ринку.

7. Маркетингові стратегії ТНК.

Основна література: Руденко, Рокоча

Додаткова література:


Основні поняття

Стратегія світового ринку, маркетингові стратегії, маркетинг-мікс, стратегія на рівні фірми, стратегія на функціональному рівні, стратегія бізнесу, стратегія найнижчих витрат на виробництво та збут продукції, стратегія підтримання найнижчої ціни на продукт, стратегія глобальної диференціації, стратегія глобального фокусування, міжнародна стратегія, мультиринкова стратегія, глобальна стратегія, транснаціональна стратегія.



Питання для самоконтролю та обговорення

1. Назвіть складові успішності стратегічного управління.

2. Які конкурентні переваги ТНК покладено в основу розробки їх стратегії?

3. З’ясуйте, яку роль відіграє SWOT-аналіз у розробці стратегії ТНК.

4. Назвіть види конкурентних стратегій ТНК. Розкрийте їхню суть.

5. Коротко охарактеризуйте маркетингові стратегії.

6. Які параметри системи управління ТНК пов’язані із стратегічним аналізом?

7. Охарактеризуйте фактори, що впливають на розробку ефективної стратегії.

8. Доведіть, що стратегія ТНК находиться у тісному взаємозв’язку із середовищем та структурою.

9. Проаналізуйте модель Дімзи.

10. А чому полягають особливості ринкових (конкурентних) стратегій?

11. В чому полягає сутність стратегії виходу з ринку?

12. Охарактеризуйте процес прийняття рішень щодо вилучення зарубіжних інвестицій.



Заповніть таблиці та проаналізуйте інформацію

Завдання 1

Проаналізуйте різні типи міжнародних стратегій та заповніть таблицю (Панченко Є.)


Таблиця 10.1

Порівняння різних типів міжнародних стратегій

Назва стратегії, приклади Характерні ознаки Позитивні риси Негативні риси
Міжнародна стратегія ()      
Мультиринкова стратегія ()      
Глобальна страте­гія ()      
Транснаціональна стратегія ()      



Завдання 2

Проведіть SWOT-аналіз стратегії та діяльності однієї з ТНК (робота за варіантами):

1 Apple Inc.

2 Google Inc.

3, Inc.

4 IKEA International Group

5 BlackBerry, Research In Motion

6 The Coca Cola Company

7 Dell Inc.

8 Lenovo Group Limited

9 McDonald's Corporation

10 Nestlé S.A.

11 eBay Inc.

12 Facebook, Inc.

13 Ford Motor Company

14 General Motors Company

15 Hewlett-Packard Company

16 International Business Machines Corporation, ІВМ

17 Nissan Motor Company Ltd

18 Volkswagen Group

19 PepsiCo Inc.

20 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

21 Starbucks Corporation

22 Toyota Motor Corporation

23 Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

24 The Walt Disney Company



Результати оформіть у вигляді таблиці 10.1.


Таблиця 10.2

SWOT-аналіз (компанії)

SWOT-аналіз Позитивний вплив Негативний вплив
Внутрішнє середовище Потенційні внутрішні переваги – Strengths (сильні сторони): - - Потенційні внутрішні недоліки – Weaknesses (слабкі сторони): - -
Зовнішнє середовище Потенційні зовнішні можливості – Opportunities (можливості): - - Потенційні зовнішні загрози – Threats (загрози): - -


Завдання 3

За результатами проведеного аналізу запропонуйте компанії можливі заходи для мінімізації загроз та усунення слабких сторін.



Case 10.1. «Jollibee Foods Corporation»


Jollibee Foods Corporation operates a number of different concept restaurants in the Philippines, and beyond. From its core business, a McDonalds-like concept restaurant, Jollibee has expanded into a pizza chain, fast food Chinese restaurants, bakeries, breakfast bars, and a tea house. The company competes well with multinationals in the Philippines, and has begun a large expansion into the international market, including China and the United States. The flagship brand, Jollibee, with its distinctive company mascot, a large red and yellow bumble bee and additional product concepts, dreams of becoming a global powerhouse in the restaurant industry.

The Republic of the Philippines is a country in Southeast Asia consisting of over 7,000 islands. The Philippines was "discovered" by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521, who claimed the islands for Spain. While Magellan met his death soon after arriving in the Philippines, the country was under Spanish control for a number of years. The Philippines came under the rule of the United States in 1898 when Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish, and Spain ceded the islands under the Treaty of Paris. While Tagalog, or Filipino, is the official language of the Philippines, English is widely spoken, especially among educated Filipinos. In 1935, the Philippines became a self-governing commonwealth and gained complete independence in 1946. After a number of different administrations, strongman Ferdinand Marcos ruled the country for a number of years and maintained strong ties with the United States. With the increasing discontentment of the Filipino people, a "peoples revolution" occurred, and Marcos was forced to leave the country. Political instability resulted for a time, however, democracy quickly took a firm hold in the Philippines. The democracy could be described as somewhat fragile, suffering from a number of cases of political corruption and attempted coups.

The population of the Philippines is approximately 91 million, with an estimated population growth rate of a little under 2% per year. The Filipino people are a mix of Malay, Indonesian, and Spanish, with a significant Chinese ancestry population. The ethnic Chinese have been very influential in the Filipino economy. Filipino culture is a mix of Asian, Spanish, and American cultural values. Total GDP for 2007 was $144.1 billion, with a growth rate of 7.3%. Per capita GDP is $1,624. The currency of the Philippines is the peso (PHP) and has traded in an approximate range of 53 to 40 PHP per U.S. dollar during the past five years.

What would eventually become Jollibee Foods began as an ice cream parlor named Magnolia, started by Tony Tan in 1975 as a family-based business. Eventually the company began offering hot meals and sandwiches, and from this operation the concept of a fast food hamburger business was developed. From these humble beginnings, Jollibee has expanded over the years, both in terms of revenue, and concentric diversification. In 1978, the company began a bakery, and by 1986 Jollibee opened its first international operation in Taiwan. With the acquisition and development of additional restaurant concepts, Jollibee moved into the pizza business, breakfast cafes, Chinese fast food, and the teahouse business. Much of this diversification has come in recent years. While mostly known for its Jollibee hamburger franchise, the company has diversified into many additional fast food areas and has expanded significantly in terms of outlets and geographical coverage.

The mission of Jollibee Foods is stated as: To serve great tasting food, bringing the joy of eating to everyone. Jollibee has a vision statement which not only expresses its current values, but also addresses its aspirations.


We are the best QSR...

The most endearing brand...

that has ever been...

We will lead in product taste at all times...

We will provide FSC excellence

in every encounter

Happiness in every moment...

By year 2020, with over 4,000 stores worldwide,

Jollibee is truly a GLOBAL BRAND

Jollibee makes itself well-known in the Philippines through extensive advertising, hiring of celebrity endorsers with wholesome images, and through its charitable works.

Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) consists of a number of SBUs which cut across different food groups. At the core of JFC is Jollibee, the McDonald's-like hamburger restaurant. The unit sells a standard fare of lunch and breakfast items, but adds a local touch with products such as the Amazing Aloha Burger (slice of pineapple on top of a burger), the Jolly Hotdog Taco Style, Chickjoy with Rice, and Palabok (noodles with a spicy sauce, boiled egg, shrimp, ground pork). Jollibee competes with McDonald's on the basis of price, local product offerings, and national identity. JFC also owns Chow King, a Chinese fast food restaurant chain with operations in a number of countries. The firm has a pizza restaurant chain called Greenwich. In addition, JFC owns a bakery chain called Red Ribbon, and a breakfast cafe called Delifrance.

JFC is looking internationally to increase sales and recently acquired Yonghe King, a "contemporary Chinese fast food" restaurant chain in China. Also in China, JFC has established its first teahouse, called Chun Shui Tang, to serve upscale Chinese consumers. JFC operates restaurants in the Philippines, China, Brunei, Vietnam, Saipan, Indonesia, Dubai, and the United States. The units in the US are located in areas with large Filipino-American populations. JFC feels that international expansion is important not only to grow the company, but because: "Being open to different cultures widens one's spectrum of tastes, style, and ways of seeing food." JFC feels that international expansion provides for organizational learning, and the leveraging of this learning into new markets. JFC is always searching for new product concepts, including its new pilot store called Tio Pepe Karinderia. This new restaurant concept serves very low-priced typical Filipino dishes and seeks to compete with street vendors by offering a more hygienic and cost-efficient operation.

As Jollibee looks to the future, it seeks greater expansion opportunities. The company plans on opening more stores and in more markets, including the Indian market in 2009. Jollibee has experienced great success in its relatively short history, but it now faces a number of challenges. Rising food and fuel prices are putting pressure on the company to raise prices. Consumer spending in the Philippines is starting to show weakening, especially among lower income consumers, as their disposable income has started to decline. In addition, the flagship brand is coming under attack from McDonalds as it continues to open more new stores in the Philippines. According to Tony Lopez of the Manila Times, McDonald’s beats Jollibee in revenue per store, and has been gaining ground through better customer service, better kid's meals, and better cost and supply chain management. Undeterred, Jollibee looks ahead with the pioneering spirit that established the first ice cream shop in 1975.


Chae, S. Jollibee serves up fast food, Filipino-style: Chicken, rice noodles a nice change. Tribune Business News. November 8, 2007;

Cuevas-Miel, L. Fast-food giant plans new round of price hikes, Tribune Business News. May 15, 2008;

Jollibee Hoods Corporation Annual Report 2006; Lopez, T. McDo vs. Jollibee. The Manila limes. August 14, 2007;

Rubio, R. Jollibee ventures into karinderia concept. BusincessWorld. July 25, 2007; Accessed on May 23, 2008; Country Background Notes: Philippines. Accessed on June 3, 2008; =5y. Accessed June 5, 2008.


Discussion Questions:

1. What advantages does a domestic firm have over a MNC in its local market?

2. Can Jollibee Foods Corporation continue to leverage its brands and products in other geographic markets successfully, including the United States? Explain.

3. What strategic direction would you suggest for Jollibee Foods Corporation?


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