Hyphen with blanks is never used

Mathematical operators and relation signs (except solidus) are separated from adjacent symbols or numbers except the cases than such signs are used for notation the positive or negative value, increment and decrement, e.g., the boiling temperature precision is ±1.5°C, during ~20 min, ethanol: water = 1: 1, multiplication factor ´200.

Several words abbreviations are separated by blanks except the abbreviations in general use (e.g., p.m., a.m., i.e.).

The abbreviation used as an adjective is hyphenated (e.g., IR-spectroscopy, LСD-state).


Point is decimal symbol: 5.25. Celsius degree is noted like 5°C, and not 5°. Angular degrees are never omitted: 5° – 10°, and not 5 – 10°; on the figure on the axes: θ, deg., and not θ°. Variable dimension is separated by comma (e.g. E, kJ/mol).

If the authors want to compare their theoretical and experimental results with the results obtained earlier it is necessary to make reference to the paper, where these results are described [1-7]. The literary source is numbered in the order of citing and the source number is given in square brackets.


The bibliographic list is given like a special unnumbered section. The type of the bibliographic list is Times New Roman type 8pt.

References should be named in square brackets, the interval between bracket and the following text is set to be 5 mm.

Formats of references are as follows.

· for books:

J. K. Author, “Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of His Published Book, xth ed. City of Publisher, Country: Abbrev. of Publisher, year, ch. x, sec. x, pp. xxx–xxx. See [1].

NOTE: Use et al. when three or more names are given.

· for handbooks:

Name of Manual/Handbook, x ed., Abbrev. Name of Co., City of Co., Abbrev. State, year, pp. xx-xx. [2].

· for conference articles:

J. K. Author, “Title of paper,” in Unabbreviated Name of Conf., City of Conf., Abbrev. State (if given), year, pp. xxx-xxx.

· for electronic conference articles:

J. K. Author [two authors: J. K. Author and A. N. Writer ] [three or more authors: J. K. Author et al.], “Title of Article,” in [Title of Conf. Record as it appears on the copyright page ], [copyright year] © [IEEE or applicable copyright holder of the Conference Record]. doi: [DOI number] [3].

· for online sources:

J. K. Author. (year, month day). Title (edition) [Type of medium]. Available:
http://www.(URL) [3]

· for patents:

J. K. Author, “Title of patent,” U.S. Patent x xxx xxx, Abbrev. Month, day, year. [4].

· for standards:

Title of Standard, Standard number, date. [5]

· for dissertations:

J. K. Author, “Title of dissertation,” Ph.D. dissertation, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., Abbrev. State, year. [6]

· for periodicals:

J. K. Author, “Name of paper,” Abbrev. Title of Periodical, vol. x, no. x, pp. xxx-xxx, Abbrev. Month, year.[7]


[1] M. Gorkii, “Optimal design,” Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 12, pp. 111-122, 1961 (Transl.: in L. Pontryagin, Ed., The Mathematical Theory of Optimal Processes. New York: Interscience, 1962, ch. 2, sec. 3, pp. 127-135).

[2] Transmission Systems for Communications, 3rd ed., Western Electric Co., Winston-Salem, NC, 1985, pp. 44–60.

[3] J. Jones. (1991, May 10). Networks (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available: http://www.atm.com

[4] J. P. Wilkinson, “Nonlinear resonant circuit devices,” U.S. Patent 3 624 125, July 16, 1990.

[5] IEEE Criteria for Class IE Electric Systems, IEEE Standard 308, 1969.

[6] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993.

[7] W. Rafferty, “Ground antennas in NASA’s deep space telecommunications,” Proc. IEEE vol. 82, pp. 636-640, May 1994.

At the end of the paper biographies and photos of the authors should be given. Times New Roman type 8pt is used. Photos must be high-quality black and white images in jpg format (2.5cm×3.2cm) and top left of the biographies.


Name M. Surname was born in (place) in (year). He/she received B.S./M.S./ Ph.D. degrees in (specialty) from (name of the University), City, Country, in (year).

The second paragraph uses the pronoun of the person (he or she). It lists military and work experience, including summer and fellowship jobs. Job titles are capitalized. The current job must have a location; previous positions may be listed without one. Information concerning previous publications may be included. Current and previous research interests end the paragraph.

The third paragraph lists any memberships in professional societies other than the IEEE. Finally, list any awards and work for IEEE committees and publications. 


Ivan I. Ivanov was born in Greenwich Village, New York City, in 1977. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in aerospace engineering from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, in 2001 and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, in 2008.

From 2001 to 2004, he was a Research Assistant with the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Since 2009, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station. He is the author of three books, more than 150 articles, and more than 70 inventions. His research interests include high-pressure and high-density nonthermal plasma discharge processes and applications, microscale plasma discharges, discharges in liquids, spectroscopic diagnostics, plasma propulsion, and innovation plasma applications. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Earth, Moon, Planets, and holds two patents.

Mr. Ivanov was a recipient of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Young Scientist Award for Excellence in 2008, the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society Best Symposium Paper Award in 2011, and the American Geophysical Union Outstanding Student Paper Award in Fall 2005.



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