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III: {{064}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: The phoneme is the smallest ###.

III: {{065}} S: The phoneme is a unity of three aspects: material, abstractional and ###.

  III: {{066}}

S: The functions of the phoneme are constitutive, distinctive, ###.

III: {{067}} Q: The correct answer for the following is:

S: L.V. Shcherba created … conceptionof the phoneme theory.

-: a mentalistic

-: a materialistic

-: a historical

-: a linguistic

III: {{068}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: The function of speech sounds in so far as they constitute the material forms of morphemes, words and sentences may be called ###.

 III: {{069}}

S: The smallest language unit that exists in the speech of all the members of a given language community is called ###.

III: {{070}}

S: The phoneme is material, real and ###.

III: {{071}}

S: Allophones that occur under the influence of the neighbouring sounds in different phonetic situations are called …

III: {{072}}

S: A set of symbols representing speech sounds is termed as ###.

III: {{073}}

S: The functional view of the phoneme gave rise to a branch of linguists called ###.

III: {{074}}

S: The “abstract” view of the phoneme regards phonemes as independent of the acoustic and physiological ###.

III: {{075}}

S: The “physical” view regards the phoneme as a ### of related sounds satisfying certain conditions.

III: {{076}}

S: Sounds which are variants of a phoneme are called ###.

III: {{077}}

Q: The correct answer for the following is:

S: In the sentences: “He was heard badly. – He was hurt badly.”- the opposition of phonemes serves to distinguish the meaning of …

-: the morphemes

-: the whole phrase

 -: the words

-: the paragraph

III: {{078}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: The phoneme is realized in speech in the form of speech ###.

III: {{079}} Q: The correct answer for the following is:

S: The allophones of the same phoneme are not identical in their articulatory content though there remains some … between them.

-: linguistic relevance

-: phonetic similarity

-: allophonic similarity

-: peculiarity

III: {{080}}

S: The dark [ł] and the light [l] belong to the same phoneme [l] as they are not capable of differentiating the …

-: context

-: meaning

-: sounds

-: letters

III: {{081}}

S: The articulatory features which form the invariant of the phoneme are called …

-: irrelevant

-: relevant

-: linguistic

-: functional

III: {{082}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: If an allophone of the same phoneme is replaced by an allophone of a different phoneme the mistake is called ###.

III: {{083}}

S: If an allophone of one phoneme is replaced by another allophone of the same phoneme the mistake is called ###.

III: {{084}}

S: Allophonic transcription is called ###.

III: {{085}}

  S: Phonetic transcription is called ###.

III: {{086}}

S: Narrow transcription provides symbols for all ###.

III: {{087}}

S: Broad transcription provides symbols for all ###.

III: {{088}}

Q: The correct answer for the following is:

S: Narrow transcription is good for … purposes.

-: linguistic

-: scientific

-: teaching

-: phonological

III: {{089}}

S: Allophones of different phonemes occur in … phonetic context.

-: different

-: the same

-: equal

-: narrow

III: {{090}}

S: Allophones of the same phoneme never occur in … phonetic context

-: different

-: the same

-: equal

-: narrow

III: {{091}}

S: Broad transcription is good for … purposes.

-: scientific

-: teaching

-: linguistic

-: phonological

III: {{092}}

S: There are … kinds of oppositions of phonemes in the English language.

-: two

-: three

-: four

-: five

III: {{093}}

S: If the opposition is single one … feature of phonemes is marked.

-: distinctive

-: double

-: triple

-: multiple

III: {{094}}

Q: Notions can be made up through matching their parts from the columns.


L1: If one distinctive feature of phonemes            R1: single

 is marked, the opposition is          

L2: If two distinctive features of phonemes          R1: double

 are marked, the opposition is      

L3: If three distinctive features of phonemes        R3: triple

are marked, the opposition is    

                                                                               R4: proper

                                                                               R5: regular

III: {{095}} Q: The sentence can be completed using your knowledge of theory of the subject.

S: Scientists use ### type of transcription.                                                                                                                

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