Retell the text “Acute Appendicitis”

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Acute appendicitis is (to know) to occur in all age groups.

It (to begin) suddenly.

The pain (to become) generalized in the abdomen.

Acute appendicitis (to accompany) by nausea.

The temperature (to be) normal.

The attack usually (to last) 3-4 days.

A moderate tenderness is (to feel) in the right lower part of the abdomen.

Text 2

Read and translate the text “Pain Management”.

How to kill the pain? Medication alone may not enough to manage certain kinds of pain. Some medicines are more effective in fighting pain when they are combined with other methods of treatment. In some cases, the patients pain condition may respond to treatment instead of medication. In fact, for some patients, certain therapies may eventually replace the need for taking any pain medicine, or less of it, over time. Studied and practiced as super specialized branch of medicine across the world today, pain management offers relief and hope to patients assailed by severe pain, including that due to cancer, rated among the most painful. Also being targeted are severe backaches or cervical problems, killer migraines, nerve pains, pain in feet and calves due to diabetes, dental pains, pain after strokes or phantom limb pains.

Though universally suffered, the perception pain differs from person to person. While some people smile through the most severe attacks of abdominals colic or multiple fractures, a cut on the finger or a mild headache can be unbearable for others. Keeping in mind the subjective differences, pain clinics use detailed assessment forms. These help gauge individual pain tolerance levels, the psychological make-up of a person, gender, circumstance, the origin of pain, its duration and evolution.

In the West, where pain management has been a super specialty for a couple of decades now, a pain team ideally consists of a physician, an anesthetist, an anesthetist nurse, a neurosurgeon, a psychologist and a physiotherapist who work round the clock. But in India, pain teams rely mainly on the skills of anesthetists and neurosurgeons. It was the epidural injections that initially revolutionized pain management.

Here are a some new and modern available alleviating techniques:                                                                                  Radiofrequency ablation (After a radiography pin points the site of pain. A fine needle is inserted into the nerve. When radio frequency waves of particular potency are passed through the  nerve gets damaged).                             

Nerve blocks (Pain pathways are temporarily numbed either through chemicals: alcohol or other drugs). Electrical impulses or ultrasonic waves).                                                  Skin patches (Patches enable analgesics to enter the bloodstream directly).                                                                   Pumps (Sophisticated catheters are inserted through needles to place them on peripheral nerves).            

 Suppositories (Pain-relieving drugs are given in the form of rectum suppositories).                                                         

Epidurals (Long-lasting epidurals are injected into pain receptors in the spinal cord).                                             

Biofeedback (Physiological changes are viewed on the monitor to help the patient gain voluntary control).

Aiding the psychological assessment are new, physical strategies, including skin patches that use painkillers can attached on thighs, arms, chest or abdominal area.

While invasive techniques have higher success rates. But they work only with the active participation of the patient.

Say it in English:

Лечение, боль, множественный перелом, нейрохирург, физиотерапевт, электрический импульс, периферические нервы, физиологические изменения, фантомная боль.

Feel in the gaps using the words: perception of pain, treatment, a neurosurgeon.

Opiates decrease the ______________ by two general mechanisms.

A study compared three approaches to the __________ of pharyngitis.

Besides, regular observation by ___________ and a neurologist is recommended.


Read the dialogue between a nurse and Mrs. Right. Then act it out.

At the hospital

Nurse: Mrs. Right, I’m afraid we have bad news for you.

Медсестра: Миссис Райт, боюсь, у нас плохие новости для Вас.

Mum: What’s wrong with my daughter?

Мама: Что с моей дочерью?

Nurse: She has an appendicitis attack. We need to keep her at the hospital for a while.

Медсестра: У нее приступ аппендицита. Придется ей оставаться некоторое время в больнице.

Mum: How long will it take?

Мама: Как долго это продлится?

Nurse: The doctors should carry out the surgery. After that, we have to keep watch over her for a week or so.

Медсестра: Докторам нужно провести операцию. После этого, мы должны наблюдать за ней примерно в течение недели.

Mum: Surgery! How horrible! Is it dangerous?

Мам: Операция! Какой кошмар! Это опасно?

Nurse: Don’t worry, Mrs. Right. It’s not dangerous at all. It involves minor surgical intervention. Mary won’t feel any pain or discomfort.

Медсестра: Не беспокойтесь, миссис Райт. Это вовсе не опасно. Это незначительное хирургическое вмешательство. Мэри не почувствует ни боли, ни дискомфорта.

Mum: Why does she have to stay for the whole week here?

Мама: А почему ей нужно оставаться здесь целую неделю?

Nurse: That’s because after each even minor surgery, we keep an eye on general condition of the patient. We need to make sure that she doesn’t have fever or any other complaints. We are here to provide first aid in case there are any problems.

Медсестра: Это потому что после каждой, даже незначительной операции, мы наблюдаем за общим состоянием пациентов. Нам нужно убедиться, что у нее нет температуры или других жалоб. Мы здесь для того, чтобы оказать первую помощь при возникновении каких-либо проблем.

Mum: I see. Thanks a lot. I’m sure you’ll take a good care of my daughter.

Мама: Понятно. Спасибо большое. Я уверена, что вы позаботитесь о моей дочери.

Nurse: By the way, Mrs. Right, do you have health insurance?

Медсестра: Кстати, миссис Райт, у вас есть медицинская страховка?

Mum: Yes, of course. It covers all types of health problems for a year.

Мама: Да, конечно. Она покрывает любые проблемы со здоровьем в течение года.

Nurse: You need to show it to the secretary. She will do all the necessary inquiries. Your health insurance company is obliged to pay all the expenses at the hospital.

Медсестра: Вам следует предъявить ей секретарю. Она сделает все необходимые запросы. Ваша страховая компания обязана покрыть все расходы в больнице.

Mum: Thanks for reminding me. I’ll do it.

Мама: Спасибо, что напомнили. Я так и сделаю.

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