C. After you have been introduced to someone, it is polite to ask a few general questions to get acquainted

For example:

B: Where are you from, Carol?

C: I’m from Connecticut.

B: Connecticut, which part?

C: Hartford, the capital. How about you, Ben?

B: Nebraska – a place called Bellevue. It’s near Omaha.

C: How do you know Alan?

B: He is my friend from college.

D. Work in small groups. Practise introducing your friends to each other. Remember to smile (and use handshakes where appropriate).

E. The purpose of this activity is to get information about another person, and then introduce him/her to the class. You will be working in pairs. Here are some questions to use:

1. What’s your name?

  1. Where are you from?
  2. Do you work? If not, what do you do?
  3. When did you arrive here?
  4. Do you have a hobby?
  5. What are three things you like and three things you dislike?

Read through the following paragraph and practise introducing yourself to a roomful of people.

How to Introduce Yourself to a Roomful of People

At times, a self-introduction may be one-sided – such as when a roomful1 of people are asked to introduce themselves. In this case, you may be asked to provide specific information, but at other times you may be free to respond in any manner you choose. The first case is easy – just remember to include a greeting, your name, and all the requested information (regardless2 of the responses of previous3 participants).

Focus On Three Things Only

When the introduction details are your choice, be conversational and brief, focusing on only three things. The idea is to build rapport4. By choosing just three things, your introduction will be more memorable. For example, for a very short introduction I might say something like,

“Hi, everyone. I’m Lisa, Lisa Marshall. I’m a professional speaker and author who enjoys dancing and photography.”

For a longer answer I might say something like…

“Hi, everyone. I’m Lisa, Lisa B. Marshall. I’m a professional speaker and author. I specialize in communication skills and I’m excited because my new audiobook on interviewing skills will be released shortly. I enjoy dancing, although4 I’m not that good at it. I really love Latin music and salsa dancing is my favourite. I also enjoy photography. In fact, I am thinking of buying myself a digital SLR5 for my upcoming birthday.”

Lisa B. Marshall


1 roomful – полная комната (людей, гостей и т.п.)

2 regardless – не обращая внимания, невзирая на

3 previous – предыдущий, предшествующий

4 build rapport – установить контакт с кем-л.

5 although – хотя

6 digital SLR (digital single-lens reflex camera) – цифровой однообъективный зеркальный фотоаппарат


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