B: Connect the ideas with appropriate linkers

1. a) Japan has a massive trade surplus with the rest of the world.

b) It can afford to give more money to the Third World.

2. a) There is a wonderful opportunity to make a lot of money.

b) There are high risks involved.

3. a) We have good reason to feel pleased with our progress.

b) We mustn’t get complacent.

4. a) She had had a good long rest.

b) She was feeling much better and much more relaxed.

5. a) This is one of the most commonly used metals in modern industry.

b) Its availability is widespread.

6. a) Our flight was delayed.

b) Air-traffic controllers were on strike.

7. a) We were planning to play tennis.

b) It was raining and we went swimming.

8. a) There’s not much water left.

b) Be careful not to use much.

9. a) The cost of running the club has increased.

b) We must ask our members to contribute more each week.

10. a) You are going to be in the area anyway.

b) You can pick up the order for me.

11. a) The rest of the week I’m tied up.

b) It’ll have to be Monday.

12. a) It is late.

b) Why don’t we get a take-away meal instead of cooking for ourselves?

13. a) The latest news about the economy has been extremely depressing.

b) Public confidence in the government has reached an all-time low.

14. a) Our survey will produce the essential statistics.

b) It will provide information about people’s shopping habits.

15. a) Think carefully about whether you really want the job.

b) Are you able to move the house if you do get it?

16. a) There was absolute silence.

b) There was the sound of the sea in the distance.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Музыка будет настолько громкой, что ты просто не сможешь подойти близко к сцене.

2. Говорят, “Naked Gun” - хороший фильм, поэтому я, наверное, куплю кассету.

3. Я позвоню ему, чтобы напомнить о книге. Он все время забывает ее принести.

4. Финансовые трудности - причина многих разводов.

5. Невнимательность на дороге очень часто приводит к столкновениям.

6. Она не входила в палату из страха заразиться.

7. Серия сокращений, которая закончилась потерей работы для сотен служащих, вызвала бурный протест.

8. Он резко повернул руль, чтобы избежать наезда.

9. Вы можете объяснить причину вашего отсутствия на Совете директоров?

10. Серьезные ссоры часто происходят из-за мелочей.

11. Он застонал от отчаяния. Она пошла в магазин за чаем.

12. Отпечатков пальцев нигде нет. Значит, преступник работал в перчатках.

13. Девочки взвизгнули от радости, увидев подругу.

14. Ты провалил страноведение по собственной глупости - не мог “шпору” достать?

15. Я отправлю запрос по Е-mail, чтобы не терять время.

16. Банк закрыл кредит компании. В результате она обанкротилась.

17. Из-за твоей ………..мне придется теперь делать все заново!

18. Возьму еще сотню - на случай, если оштрафуют.

19. - Почему вы не отдали ему ключ?

- Понимаете, дело в том, что я не смог его найти.


1. Закрытие магазина обусловлено не зависящими от нас обстоятельствами.

2. Плюс к своим ежедневным обязанностям, на этой неделе учителям приходится выполнять очень много «бумажной» работы.

3. У Мартины есть еще много о чем подумать, кроме работы.

4. Раз уж ты идешь в магазин, купи кое-что и мне тоже.

5. Каникулы были ужасными: не только еда отвратительная, но и погода дождливая.

6. Одни люди страдают от полноты, тогда как другие никак не могут поправиться.

7. В доме все было так же, как до отъезда, только на мебели лежал толстый слой пыли.

8. Он не взял с собой ничего, кроме небольшого чемоданчика.

9. Все светильники были выключены, кроме одной маленькой лампочки в углу.

10. Все было замечательно организовано, кроме гостиницы.

11. Нет, я не останусь. Завтра рано вставать, да и скучновато тут что-то.

12. Он никому не сказал об этом, чтобы никого не тревожить.

Exercise 5. Insert appropriate linkers and connectors:

1. I’d say my job has become more interesting. ______________, I wonder if we could discuss my salary some time?

2. The cost may be lower than we first thought but ______________ it will still be quite substantial.

3. He explained what the Crux is, ______________ what it was.

4. Either he escaped, or he came to grief. ____________, he was never seen again.

5. I’m very happy now that I have past my test! We should celebrate it! ______________, do you think you could lend me $50?

6. I didn’t ask you to come. ___________, why have you come?

7. The mobile library services have been reorganised – _____________, they visit fewer places.

8. It’s not difficult to get money for research, ______________ it’s not always difficult.

9. – What does the market research consist of?

- Well, ___________, it depends on our target age group.

10. He left on Tuesday. ____________ I think he did.

11. I have to go now. ______________, if you want that book, I’ll bring it next time.

12. I’m getting a grant for a speech therapy course. But _____________, I don’t know whether I want to do it any more.

13. The police say his death was an accident, _______________, officially.

14. They liked the magazine very much – ______________, they bought it or borrowed it from each other.

15. This topic is very difficult for the 1st years to discuss. _______________, how did the seminar go?

Exercise 6. Join these sentences using appropriate linkers.

1. Noise is unpleasant. It’s even more unpleasant when you’re trying to sleep.

2. The local community is still reliant on traditional industries. Farming and mining are examples of them.

3. You can’t rely on her. She arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.

4. There’s one more topic to discuss. It’s the question of our salary.

5. The cinema is only open to adults. It’s open to people over 18.

6. We’ve planted lots of different flowers. Among them we have roses, carnations and poppies.

7. I didn’t like them, now I do.

8. I’ll mention the advantages. I’ll mention the disadvantages.

9. I get dressed. I bring the paper. I feed the cat. I fix my breakfast.

10. You must avoid sweet foods. You must avoid cakes, chocolate, caramel and stuff like this.

11. Arabic is written in the opposite direction to English. It’s written from right to left.

12. On most English farms you’ll find only three kinds of animals. They are sheep, cattle and pigs.

13. I need your name and address. What’s your date of birth?

14. There are three reasons why I hate him: he is rude, he is a liar and he owes me money.

15. He was never a useful assistant to me. He was rather a nuisance.

Exercise 7. Translate into English

1. Это наше самое постыдное поражение. Одним словом, фиаско.

2. Наконец-то мы узнали, что произошло на самом деле.

3. Я делал попытку за попыткой и в конце концов у меня получилось.

4. Мы не можем поехать – начнем с того, что слишком холодно, а кроме того у нас нет денег.

5. В общем и в целом, мы неплохо провели время.

6. Думаю, что книга не переиздавалась с 1977 г., так или иначе, я буду ссылаться на это издание.

7. В конце концов, ничего необычного в этом не было. Просто еще один развод. Вообще-то все намного сложнее, чем кажется.

8. Я его не люблю, скажу больше, ненавижу.

9. И вдруг он увидел перед собой, а точнее, над собой большую птицу.

10. Поначалу он быстро уставал, но вскоре привык.

11. Один из них долго смотрел на меня и наконец спросил, что я здесь делаю.

12. Похоже у них проблемы с ориентацией в пространстве, иначе говоря, они заблудились.

13. Я не знаю точно чем он занимался. По-моему это было связано с промышленностью. Но, как бы там ни было, он получил за это рыцарское звание (knighthood).

14. Она от него без ума, вернее (точнее сказать), он так думает.

15. Он не против, можно сказать больше, горит желанием начать.

16. На экзамене вы не показали ожидаемый уровень знаний. Иначе говоря, вы не сдали.

17. – С днем рождения, Том!

– Вообще-то, день рождения у меня был вчера.

18. Может, мы и не успеем на автобус, но в любом случае, мы будем там к полудню.

Exercise 8. Choose the best linking devices from the list below the MEMO to fill in the gaps.

To: Director

From: Office Manager

I have several proposals for cutting down on office staff. 1___________, I suggest that we eliminate the full-time position of order clerk, 2___________ there is not enough work to occupy him throughout the month. Orders and requests for sales information are heaviest at the end of the month; 3_____________, there is little to do the first two weeks of each month. 4______________, I recommend that we hire temporary help for the last two weeks of each month and give the orders from the first of the month to the sales department to process.

5________________, now that our systems are completely computerised we no longer need a computer programmer on staff. It’s true, we will need computer programming services occasionally in future, 6___________________, when we revise our billing system. In such cases, 7 _________________, we can hire a freelance programmer.

8_________________, I suggest that I share my secretary with the assistant office manager, 9________________ eliminating one secretarial position.

10______________ this will increase the managerial workload, I feel we can handle it. 11 _______________, we can always hire temporary help to get us through particularly busy periods.

If these suggestions are followed, we should be able to save approximately $26,000 in the coming year in salaries alone. 12______________, I believe these changes will result in greater work efficiency.

Choose from:

1. at first first in the first

2. thus so since

3. on the contrary conversely in contrast

4. therefore consequently hence

5. second on the other hand otherwise

6. consequently for instance even though

7. however in addition as a matter of fact

8. apart from second moreover

9. by contrast likewise thus

10. although since so

11. finally lastly moreover

12. in a word so in addition

Exercise 9. In the following essay, the linking words and phrases are left out. Fill in each blank with any linker that makes sense.

Every day we hear about the problem of hunger in Africa. Many authorities state causes, _____________ 1 drought and overpopulation. They ____________ 2 suggest solutions, ______________ 3 food aid and population control.

It is true that such realities as drought and overpopulation worsen the problem of hunger in Africa. _____________ 4, these realities are not the real cause of Africa’s famine. The real culprit is poverty, _____________ 5 only by doing something about poverty itself can we solve the hunger problem in Africa.

I am not suggesting that we ignore the problems of drought and overpopulation. ______________ 6, I believe we should study them carefully in order to learn what lies behind them. Let us look, ______________ 7, at drought.

Insufficient rainfall is a problem for farmers all over the world, _____________ 8 it is only the truly poor who die from it. How, ______________ 9, did Africans become so poor? In the past several hundred years, with the help of European colonizers, the best farmlands were taken and planted in cash crops for export, with profits going to a few of the wealthy. _______________ 10, there has not been enough food produced for the poor majority, _______________ 11 it is these already hungry people who are so affected by drought. Since food aid treats symptoms, not causes, I suggest that the only long-lasting solution to this problem lies, not in food aid, ___________ 12 in revising Africa’s farming practices.

_______________ 13, let’s look at the second authorities mention, ____________ 14, overpopulation. It is true that Africa’s population growth rate is higher than that of any other continent.

_______________ 14, having many children is logical for African farmers, who need a lot of workers for the family farm and who know one out of three of these children will die before adulthood. Studies from all over the world show that the best way to raise living standards is to lower birth rates.

_______________ 15, when African parents can be sure their children will survive and that they can earn a decent living, they will not need to have so many of them.

_______________ 16, I suggest that when we hear words drought and overpopulation in connection with famine in Africa, let’s keep in mind the real enemy, ______________ 17, poverty.

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