Class assignments. VII. Translate the following word combinations

VII. Translate the following word combinations:

1. я пошел в стационар; он ходит в аптеку; он только что ушел в поликлинику; 2. врач прощупал пульс; я чувствую себя хорошо; испытываемая боль; 3. снять электрокардиограмму; сестра измерила температуру; сестра только что взяла у меня кровь для анализа; 4. врач выписывает рецепты; вчера врач выписал рецеты этому больному; врач только что выписал мне рецепт на микстуру.

VIII. Choose the appropriate verb. Translate the sentences:

1. When does the physician (expect, wait for) to discharge this patient from the hospital? 2. Please (wait for, expect) the doctor a little. He will be back soon. 3. The scientist (expected, waited for) that his investigations would enable him to determine the origin of the infectious process.

IX. Translate the following sentences with gerundial constructions:

1. Mother expected my being examined by this neurologist. 2. Mine Curie's having discovered radium enabled her to isolate other radioactive elements. 3. In spite of not having any university education Faraday made his great discoveries. 4. I heard of his being sent to the Congress of Physiologists in Leningrad.

X. Read and translate the medical terms:

aetiology [,i:ti'olad3i], pathogenesis [,pae0o'd3enisis], mechanism ['mekanizm], visual ['vizjual], palpation [раеГре/(э)п], percussion [рэ:кдГп], auscultation [,o:skal'tei/n], cystoscopy [sis'toskapi], edema [i'di:ma], haemorrhage [lhemarid3], objective [ab'd3ektiv], subjective [sAb'dgektiv]

XI. 1. Read Text E using a dictionary. 2. Memorize the words in bold type. 3. Be ready to answer the questions on the text:

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