Fact File

Name origin: Canada comes from an Indian word kanata, meaning ‘a village’ or ‘a settlement’.

Total area: 9,984,670 square km

Population: 33,574,000

Official languages: English and French

Ethnic groups: 80.0 % European (English, French, Scottish, Irish, German, Russian, others), 4.0% South Asian, 3.9% Chinese, 3.8% Native Indians, 3.3% other Asians, 2.5% African Canadians, 2.5% others.

Motto: ‘From Sea to Sea’

National anthem: 'О, Canada'

Royal anthem: ' God Save the Queen'

Capital: Ottawa

Largest city: Toronto

Government: federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy

Canada’s 10 Provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia.

Canada/s 3 territories: Nunavut, Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories

Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II (symbolic)

Longest river: the Mackenzie River (2,241 km long)

Highest mountain: Mount Logan (5,959 metres high)

Currency: Canadian dollar

National holiday: Canada Day (the first of July)

National symbols: the maple leaf and the beaver

Ex. 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following geographical names:

Canada [/kxnədə] – Канада

Newfoundland and Labrador [/nju:/fənd/lxnd /lxbrədL] –Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор (провинции Канады)

Nova Scotia [/nOuvə/skouSə] – Новая Шотландия

Prince Edward Island [/prins /edwəd /ailənd] – Остров Принца Эдуарда

New Brunswick [/nju: /brAnzwik] – Нью-Брансуик

Quebec [kwi/bek] – Квебек

Ontario [On/tFəriou] – Онтарио

Manitoba [/mxnitoubə] – Манитоба

Saskatchewan [sxs/kxtSiwOn] – Саскачеван

Alberta [xl/bə:tə] - Альберта

British Columbia [britiS kə/lAmbiə] – Британская Колумбия

Northwest Territories [/nO:T/west teritəriz] – северо-западные территории

Yukon [/ju:kən] – Юкон

Ottawa [/Otəwə] – Оттава

Toronto [tə/rOntou] – Торонто

Montreal [mOntri/O:l] – Монреаль

Vancouver [vxn/ku:və] – Ванкувер

Greenwich mean time (GMT) [/grinidZ mi:n /taim] – среднее время по гринвичскому меридиану

Ex. 2. Read the following international words and guess their meanings. Check the words in bold type in the dictionary:

federation region debate resident territory province prairies monarchy population reservation religion standard colonies constitution migration national general collective central official potential total historic ethnic parliamentary civil special legendary romantic delicious to occupy to separate to present to illustrate to symbolize to debate to guarantee

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