Task 3. True or false?

1. The USA borders on Canada in the south and Mexico in the north.

2. The largest state in the country is Colorado.

3. Different nations who inhabit the country now brought their own holidays and customs to the USA.

4. The climate of the USA is arid throughout the country.

5. The Rocky Mountains stretch from north to south across the country.

6. The USA is rich in various natural resources.

7. The highest peak McKinley is situated in Hawaii.

8. In Hawaii there are a lot of volcanoes.

9. Lake Erie is entirely located on the territory of the USA.

Task 4. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the USA situated?

2. What countries does it border on?

3. How many states does the USA consist of?

4. What can you say about the landscape of the USA?

5. How does the climate of the USA differ?

6. What does the USA export and import?

7. What is the centre of the USA film business?

8. Which city has three universities?

Government AND elections


legislative – законодательная власть

executive – исполнительная власть

judicial – судебная власть

Supreme Court – Верховный суд

leap year – високосный год

Chief Justice – главный судья, председатель Верховного суда

to appoint – назначать

Associate Justice – помощник Верховного судьи

amendment – поправка

residence requirement – обязательное проживание в данной местности

taxation – налогообложение

jury trails – суд присяжных

purse – кошелек, казна

Task 1. Read the text and complete the diagram:

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