Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What ought to true friends to be like?

1. What ought to true friends to be like?

2. What kind of people helps others, take care of others?

3. What kind of boys and girls are good classmates?

4. What ought you to be and do if you want to be a good son (daughter)?

5. What ought you to be and do if you want to be a good pupil (to become good at sports and games).

Задание 3. Составьте диалог из следующих выражений:

- Great! I'd love to!

- What time shall I come?

- Would you like to go dan­cing?

- May I bring a friend?

- After you.

- What would you like to drink?

- It’s been nice talking to you.

- I'm sorry but I’m pressed for time.

- I'm afraid I've taken up too much of your time.

- It was great.

- Best regards to your mother.

- I'm on my way to your place.

- I'd like to talk to you right now.


Задание 1. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский

1. Мои родители запрещают мне курить.

2. Мама не разрешает Павлу заводить домашнее животное.

3. Закон разрешает продавать алкоголь только лицам старше 16 лет.

4. Его родители не хотят, чтобы он служил в армии.

5. Твои родители разрешают тебе работать полдня после школы?

6. Закон разрешает подросткам получить водительские права в 16 лет.

7. В школе учителя заставляют школьников выполнять много заданий и упражнений

Задание 2. Опираясь на вопросы, составьте рассказ на тему «Дружба»

1. What traits of character in man do you value most of all?

2. What traits do you consider negative and why?

3. Which is more important for a person — his character or intellect?

4. Is a pupil's progress in studies connected with his character?

5. Can a person live without having friends?

6. Is it difficult to find a good friend?

7. What is the hardest thing in friendship?

8. What is more important in life: friendship or love?

Задание 3. Ролевая игра «I’m receiving guests at my birthday party»


Dating. Summer Job. Business meeting


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст

In the United States dating starts early. In some families thirteen- and fourteen-year-old boys and girls go out on dates. When young teenagers go on dates they often go with a group, and usually the group has a chaperone. But older teenagers usually do not have a chaperone on their dates.

When a third person arranges a date between two strangers, it is a blind date. Some people send information about themselves to a computer dating bureau, which matches them with blind dates.

In the past it was customary for a boy to pay for a date. Sometimes today a girl pays for herself. This is called going dutch. Frequently a boy asks a girl for a date, but more and more often girls are asking boys for dates.

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