III. Training exercises. Упражнения на повторение и закрепление материала. Задание 1. Порядок выполнения задания

Задание 1. Порядок выполнения задания. Подставьте прилагательные из приведенного ниже списка в предложения. Слово можно использовать только однократно.

  • Absolutely – certainly – fully – greatly – highly – terribly

1 The package tour I’ve booked came _______ recommended.

2 I’m ______ not going to do diving if there are sharks around.

3 Our visit to the aquarium was _______ brilliant.

4 The passengers were _______ relieved when the pilot finally landed the plane.

5 We were ______ upset when we found out our holiday had been cancelled.

6 Janice _______ deserves a long holiday after working so hard.

Ответ: 1) highly, 2) certainly, 3) absolutely, 4) greatly, 5) terribly, 6) fully

Задание 2. Порядок выполнения задания. Подставьте слова из приведенного списка в предложения. Одно из слов можно использовать повторно. Убедитесь, что выбранное вами слово, имеет правильную грамматическую форму для данного предложения.

  • Combine – connect – divide – join – share

1 The hostel we stayed was cheap and clean, but we had to ______ a bathroom.

2 Poor accommodation _______ with rude staff made our stay quite miserable.

3 He _______ all his time between lying on the beach and hanging round the pool.

4 Another couple at the resort asked us to ______ them on a fishing trip.

5 Our hotel suites ________ through a door in the lounge.

6 Your flight to Frankfurt arrives at 3o’clock and your _______ flight to New York departs at 5:30.

Ответ: 1) share; 2) combined; 3) divides/divided; 4) join; 5) connect; 6) connecting

Задание 3. Порядок выполнения задания. Это упражнение на словообразование; на знание суффиксов таких частей речи, как прилагательных, существительных и наречий, образованных от глаголов и существительных. Выберите правильную производную форму от основы слова, данного в скобках. При выборе части речи, обращайте внимание на часть речи, стоящих рядом соседних слов.

1 I’d like some _____ (inform) about adventure holidays, please.

2 Luckily, we had a _______ (know) guide during our visit to Edinburg.

3 These _______ (memorise) will stay with me forever.

4 Sheila wasn’t very ________ (enthuse) about going for a swim in the cold lake.

5 Do we need any more _______ (equip) to go sailing.

6 Let me give you some _______ (advise) about travelling in the mountains.

7 You need ___ (permit) from the authorities to visit the uninhabited Galapagos Islands by boat.

8 We haven’t solved all the _______ (mystify) of the Mayan civilization.

9 A visit to the village will give you an idea of what _______ (live) used to be like in the nineteenth century.

10 The islands that used to be unspoilt have become _______ (progress) more crowded in summer.


1) information; 2) knowledgeable; 3) memories; 4) enthusiastic; 5) equipment; 6) advice; 7) permission; 8) mysteries; 9) life; 10) progressively

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