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1. Strategic recruitment 17

2. General and General competitive strategy. 20

2.1. The strategy of "leading for cost reduction based on prices". 23

2.2. The strategy of differentiation. 24

2.3. Strategy Focus. 26

3.Types of strategies depending on the position of companies in the field. 27

Findings. 29


The main characteristic of the current economic situation in Ukraine is high dynamics of economic processes, accompanied by a change in size and legal forms of enterprises complexity of their economic relations, change the volume, range and range of production, demand and prices for products produced needs in fixed and working capital, the emergence of new types of markets, the weakening of state and social orientation. The uncertainty of the future, caused by these factors is associated with significant risks. Hence the urgency is strategic planning, objectives which are promising vision of operating conditions, positioning on the market that can not only take action to address the adverse impacts or reducing them to a minimum, but also get some benefits from the situation.

The main tool that provides a consistent commitment of all departments entity is its overall economic strategy. Supports overall strategy and specifies its individual set of interrelated areas of competitive strategies, joint global goal that set the direction and under the conditions of modern economic transformation involves the creation and maintenance of a high level of competitive advantage. So the theme is important and requires detailed study.

The problem of competitiveness - a complex and multifaceted. The most significant contribution to its development have American and Western European research centers, including the research groups of Porter, I. Ansoff (USA), A. Gutman (Canada), J. Daninha (UK), Labor A. Bogdanov, V. Glushkov Gvishiani D., V. Afanasyev, G. Javadov, G. Popov, A. Birman and other prominent scientists.

In scientific publications, a number of domestic and Russian scientists and experts advisable to note - A. Amosha, VA Andrianov, P. pharmacist B. Burkyns'kyi, I. Gerchikov, G. provinces, A. Derevianko, P. Erokhin Yu Ivanov A. Kredisov, I. Lukinova D. Lukyanenko, V. Mamutov V. Oberemchuka, Y. Pakhomov, Vladimir Pavlenko, AI Starostin, N. Chumachenko, Chervov L., M. Jakubowski, S. Yaroshenko and others.

Analysis and synthesis of publications on the subject matter concerned have concluded that the existing methodological approaches to creating competitive strategies of enterprises in crisis insufficiently developed both in theoretical and practical aspects.

The aim is to research and study the theoretical aspects of competitive strategies and determine their place in the "set strategic" enterprises.

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