Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentPerfect или PastSimple


Глагол. The Present Perfect / Настоящее совершенное время

Начало формы

Тест №2 The Present Perfect / The Present Perfect Continous

Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Choose the correct variant:

1. She … all the horses in this stable.
has ridden
has been riding

2. He … on every bed in this room and he does nоt like any of them.
has slept
has been sleeping

3. She …. That is why she is wearing breeches.
has ridden
has been riding

4. The students … very hard this year.
have worked
have been working

5. She … for a rise in salary for two months but she has nоt dared to ask for it.
has hoped
has been hoping

6. He his … key and he has been trying to wake his flatshare by throwing stones at his window.
has been loosing
has lost

7. He … stones at the wrong window.
has been throwing
has thrown

8. I … too fast. That is why I am so tired.
have walked
have been walking

9. He … his car. That is why his hands are so dirty.
has greased
has been greasing

10. She …. Somebody else ought to drive.
has drunk
has been drinking

11. We … sandwiches for the party all the afternoon.
have made
have been making

12. She … in this school for three years.
has taught
has been teaching

Конец формы


Write the participle form of the following verbs.

1. go →

2. sing →

3. be →

4. buy →

5. do →

Complete the table in present perfect simple.

positive negative question
He has written a letter.    
  They have not stopped.  
    Have we danced?
She has worked.    
  Andy has not slept.  

Write sentences in present perfect simple.

1. they / ask / a question -

2. he / speak / English -

3. I / be / in my room -

4. we / not / wash / the car -

5. Annie / not / forget / her homework -

Write questions in present perfect simple.

1. they / finish / their homework -

2. Sue / kiss / Ben -

3. the waiter / bring / the tea -

4. Marilyn / pay / the bill -

5. you / ever / write / a poem -

Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.

1. They have talked about art at school. -

2. Jane has got a letter. -

3. Oliver has cooked dinner. -

4. Caron has read seven pages. -

5. You have heard the song 100 times. -

Before submitting the test, check the following:

§ Got the spelling right?

§ Put in the full stop or question mark where required?

§ Used the correct key to type the apostrophe (Shift and #)?

In the test we cannot give you a second try. Such careless mistakes would therefore cost you valuable points.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentPerfect или PastSimple.

1.I (to see) Pete today
have seen
saw today - период времени который не закончился
have see В Present Perfect глагол должен стоять в 3 форме
2. I (to read) this book last year.
have read last year - нет связи с настоящим, действие в прошлом
readed Глагол read - неправильный, read-read-read
3. I (to read) this book this week
read this week - период времени который не закончился в данный момент
has read has употребляется после he,she,it
have read
4.I never (to be) to Washington.
never have been never ставится после вспомагательного глагола
was Мы используем c present perfect never и ever
have never been
5. You ever (to be) to New York?
Did you ever be Мы используем c present perfect never и ever
You have ever been В вопросах вспомагательный глагол выходит на первое место
Have you ever been
6.You ever (to see) the eruption of a volcano?
Have you ever seen
Have you ever see Глагол должен стоять в 3 форме. see - saw - seen
Have you seen ever Ever и never в предложении стоят в определенном месте. См. правила урок 33
7.He (not to eat) yesterday.
didn't eat
didn't ate После did глагол употребляется в 1 форме
hasn't eaten yesterday - действие в прошлом, нет связи с настоящим
8.You (to play) the piano yesterday?
Have you play yesterday - действие в прошлом, нет связи с настоящим
Did you play
Did you played После Did глагол употребляется в первой форме
9.You (to play) the piano today?
Did you play today - период времени который не закончился в данный момент
Have you played
You have played В вопросах вспомагательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим
10. Where you (to put) my pen? I cannot find it
Have you put
Did you put У нас есть результат действия - I cannot find it
you put В вопросах вспомагательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим

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