He (grow) a beard when he leaves school

19 This aeroplane (crash).

20 I (stop) here for a moment to get some petrol.

21 You (ask) him to help you?

22 I've lent you my car once. I (not do) it again.

23 I have seen the play. Now I (read) the book.

24 Small boy: I (be) a frogman when I grow up.

25 I (not sleep) in this room. It is haunted.

26 We (buy) a metal detector and look for buried treasure.

27 You (reserve) a seat?

28 I (plant) an oak tree here.

29 The dog (bury) the bone.

30 I (have) a bath.

31 I (smuggle) this out of the country,

32 There was very little blossom this spring. Apples (be) scarce.

33 I don't like this macaroni. I (not finish) it.

34 I (not stay) here another minute.

35 They (try) him for manslaughter when he comes out of hospital.

36 We (make) a lot of money out of this.

The present continuous and the be going to form

PEG 202-6

Planned future actions can be expressed by the present continuous tense with a time expression or by the be going to form with or without a time expression. The present continuous is mainly used for very definite arrangements in the near future. The be going to form can be used more widely.

Use the present continuous where possible in the following sentences and put the remaining verbs into the be going to form.

I (play) bridge tonight with Tom and Ann.

He (have) an operation next week.

3 It's very cold. I (light) a fire.

We (have) some friends to lunch tomorrow.

5 I've bought a piano; it (be) delivered this afternoon. ~
Where you (put) it? ~
I (put) it in the dining room.

6 You (go) to the auction tomorrow? ~
Yes, I (go) but I (not buy) anything.

I've reminded you once; I (not do) it again.

8 I (have) my hair cut this afternoon.

9 My nephew (come) to stay with me next weekend. ~

Where you (put) him? ~

I (put) him in the room in the tower.

Our class (start) German next term.

I (spend) a few days in London next week.

The Town Council (build) a new school here.

13 What you (tell) the police? ~
I (tell) them the truth.

He (start) tomorrow.

The Queen (open) Parliament next month.

The Prime Minister (speak) on TV tonight.

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