
Ex. 25 Explain the use of the Past Indefinite in the following sentences:

1. Then a bomb hit close by. He felt himself being lifted. Then he was out. Later, he opened his eyes. He began to hurt and he didn't think about anything for a long time. 2. At home we heated soup. 3. A netting wire fence ran all around the house to keep out rabbits and deer. 4. My aunt looked after my father and they lived in our old house. 5. "Wow!" he said to the wide straw hat I wore. 6. He always smiled at children and gave them sweets. 7. He moved across the lawn to the house and I followed him. The moonlight fell in streaks through the leaves. 8. " Did you hear about the party?" "It was a complete failure?" 9. You heard what he said. 10. She knew her brother at the University where he lectured on physics. 11. That evening she had a date with a man who sold cosmetics. 12. He sat down and silently took one of the cigarettes from the desk.13. In Port-au-Prince nobody walked at night. 14. The office smelt like a stage dressing-room. 15. He collected books on Carribean flora. 16. He added after a pause, "I saw you talking to the captain just now." 17. He did his best to look after her; he took her out on long slow strolls; he saw that she went to bed early. 18. He decided that he would make sure that their promise came true. 20. I wonder what happened to him in India.

Ex. 26 Complete the newspaper story about a fire. Put in the past simple forms of the verbs:

Two people... (die) in a fire in Ellis Street, Oldport yesterday morning. They... (be) Herbert and Molly Paynter, a couple in their seventies. The fire... (start) at 3.20 am. A neighbour, Mr Aziz,... (see) the flames and... (call) the fire brigade. He also... (try) to get into the house and rescue his neighbours, but the heat... (be) too great. The fire brigade... (arrive) in five minutes. Twenty fire-fighters... (fight) the fire and finally... (bring) it under control. Two fire-fighters... (enter) the burning building but... (find) the couple dead.

Ex. 27 Complete the conversation. Put in the past simple negatives and questions:

Claire:... (you / have) a nice weekend in Paris?

Mark: Yes, thanks. It was good. We looked around and then we saw a show.... (we / not / try) to do too much.

Claire: What sights... (you / see)?

Mark: We had a look round the Louvre.... (I / not / know) there was so much in there.

Claire: And what show... (you / go) to?

Mark: Oh, a musical. I forget the name.... (I / not / like) it.

Claire: Oh, dear. And... (Sarah / enjoy) it?

Mark: No, not really. But we enjoyed the weekend. Sarah did some shopping, too, but... (I / not / want) to go shopping.

Ex. 28 Translate the sentences using the Present Indefinite or the Past Indefinite:

1. Я очень благодарен вам за то, что вчера при встрече напомнили ему об этом. 2. Он улыбнулся, когда увидел своего приятеля в окне вагона. 3. Жаль, что вы не хотите воспользоваться такой возможностью. 4. Шофер остановил машину и сказал, что мотор не в порядке и надо его проверить. 5. Этой книги уже нет в продаже. Жаль, что я не купил ее на прошлой неделе. 6. Кажется, он интересуется химией. – Да, он увлекался ею еще в школе. 7. Я даже еще сейчас сержусь на вас за то, что вы были так невнимательны вчера. 8. Наша библиотека снабжает студентов всеми нужными им книгами. 9. Он был настолько самоуверен, что считал, что к нему эти правила не относятся. 10. По его улыбке я понял, что ему приятно услышать эти новости.

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