A. Simple Sentence

1. Subjunctive II is used in exclamatory sentences beginning with “Oh, that …”, “If only …”:

Oh, that the storm were over! (present)

If only Rowley had come! (past)

Such sentences express wish or regret.

2. Subjunctive II is found in simple sentences with modal verbs. In the sentences referring to the present or future the modal verb in Subjunctive II is followed by a non-perfect infinitive, in the sentences referring to the past – by a perfect one:

Could you come again tomorrow?

You might have opened the door for me.

3. Subjunctive II is also found in simple sentences containing the modal phraseological expressions had better, would rather, would sooner. Such sentences express preference of advice:

I would rather know the painful truth than imagine it (preference).

You’ d better keep out of sight until it’s all over (advice).

B. Complex Sentence

Subjunctive II is used in nominal and adverbial clauses.

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