Факультет деканы





Факультет: ФПН, ФЭП, ФОГН

Мамандыќ В категория

Специальность: все специальности

Курс: 1 Учебный год 2012-2013


Дисциплина: Информатика

Кредиттіѕ саны Сабаќ тїрлері бойынша

Количество кредитов: 3 По видам занятий 1/2/0

Тест тапсырмаларыныѕ саны

Количество практических вопросов: 360

Факультет деканы

Декан фaкультета: Касымова Г.М.

Председатель МС Тагвиашвили Н.С.

Ассистент проф. Нурахметова А.Е.

$$$1. ______________ is a(n) organized collection of information in computerized format.

$$ Database

$ Architecture

$ MS Excel

$ Structure

$$$2. What is an operating system?

$$ System software that coordinates the hardware and software components of a computer system

$ The part of the hardware that operates input and output devices

$ The part of the hardware that operates the mouse and the windows on the monitor

$ A section of software that must be part of every program

$$$3. What is a computer network?

$$ Two or more computers connected together to exchange data and programs

$ A connection between keyboard and monitor

$ A group of computers that share the same power supply

$ A computer that is used by many different human users

$$$4. What is a group of 8 bits usually called?

$$ A byte

$ A bight

$ A bite

$ A blight

$$$5. What is a file?

$$ A file is a collection of information that has been given a name and is stored in a memory

$ A file is a section of main storage used to store data

$ A file is the part of a program that is used to describe what the program should do

$ A file is another name for Flash memory

$$$6. A(n) ____________ is a collection of data that has a name and is stored on a disk or other storage device.

$$ File

$ Folder

$ Memory

$ Floppy disk

$$$7. In the filename student.exe,.exe is a(n) ____________________

$$ Extension

$ Name of application program

$ Address

$ Name of logical drive that contains the mentioned file

$$$8. Raster is

$$ pixel

$ format name

$ monitor type

$ application label

$$$9. Vector image is

$$ a collection of geometrical object’s coordinates and parameters

$ pixel type

$ a horizontal line of pixels

$ collection of images

$$$10. The smallest unit of information is

$$ Bit

$ Byte

$ KByte

$ MByte

$$$11. One byte consists of

$$ 8 bits

$ 2 bits

$ 32 bits

$ 12 bits

$$$12. What hardware components (of a typical desktop computer) are usually found inside of the system’s unit?

$$ The processor, RAM, ROM

$ The processor, main memory, and monitor

$ First, second, and third memory

$ The keyboard, the disks, and the audio blaster

$$$13. Which component is the "brains" of a computer system?

$$ The processor chip

$ The secondary memory

$ The main memory

$ The power supply

$$$14. Where are programs and data kept while the processor is using them?

$$ RAM (Random Access Memory)


$ Disk memory

$ Flash memory

$$$15. Printer is

$$ device

$ draftsman

$ type ruler

$ drawing board

$$$16. Which of the following is data storage device

$$ Hard disks and floppies

$ Monitor

$ Printer

$ Random Access Memory

$$$17. Which device is used as long-term data storage

$$ Hard disk

$ Monitor

$ Processor

$ Random Access Memory

$$$18. Which of the following can be considered as Output device?

$$ Printer

$ Mouse

$ Keyboard

$ Microphone

$$$19. Which of the following can be considered as Input device?

$$ Keyboard

$ Monitor

$ Printer


$$$20. Which of the memory given below is external memory?

$$ Disk


$ Cache


$$$21. What are the general types of programs?

$$ System software and Application software

$ Word processors and Databases

$ Entertainment and Productivity

$ Hardware and Software

$$$22. MS Access is

$$ Application software

$ System software

$ Utility software

$ Operating system

$$$23. is a sequence of instructions that a computer can interpret and execute

$$ Program

$ Hardware

$ Computer

$ Bit

$$$24. is a step-by-step procedure for taking any instance of a problem and producing a correct answer for that instance.

$$ Algorithm

$ MS Word

$ Anti-Virus

$ Calculator

$$$25. Which of the followings can be logical operator?

$$ AND




$$$26. Which of the following languages can be considered as a programming language?

$$ Pascal

$ Nod32

$ MS Word


$$$27. Which one of the followings is not an Operating System?

$$ Microsoft Office

$ Linux


$ Microsoft Windows

$$$28. Which type of OS allows many different users to take advantage of the computer's resources simultaneously?

$$ Multi-user

$ Single-user, multi-tasking

$ Single-user, single task

$ Multi-user, single task

$$$29. In MS Windows term “Clipboard” refers to

$$ Special memory part for temporary storage

$ Part of memory to store operating system

$ Word processor window

$ Special memory part for permanent storage

$$$30. Choose the correct mask for searching group of.xls files

$$ *.xls

$ *.*

$ xls.*


$$$31. To delete a file immediately without putting it into “Recycle Bin” we use combination

$$ Shift+Delete

$ Delete

$ Shift+Tab

$ Alt+Tab

$$$32..exe and.com extensions are used for

$$ executable files

$ document files

$ video and music files

$ picture files

$$$33. What is the Windows Explorer?

$$ File manager

$ Graphics editor

$ Text editor


$$$34. _____ is the extension of archive file

$$ rar

$ exe

$ dat

$ xls

$$$35. Adobe Photoshop is

$$ graphic editor

$ text processor

$ computer game

$ monitor type

$$$36. What are the correct graphic files extensions

$$ jpeg, gif

$ doc, txt

$ mp3, fla

$ avi, txt

$$$37. Which menu contains the commands to save current document or to open previously opened document?

$$ File menu or Office button

$ Tools menu

$ View menu

$ Edit menu

$$$38. The Save command

$$ Stores document in memory on a disk

$ Brings a document from disk to memory

$ Brings a document from disk to memory and deletes file on disk

$ Stores document in memory on disk then erases document from memory

$$$39. Which of the following commands places data onto clipboard?

$$ Cut

$ Redo

$ Paste

$ Undo

$$$40. To delete a symbol at the left side of the cursor _____ button should be pressed

$$ Backspace

$ Insert

$ Delete

$ Esc

$$$41. Which of the following deselects a selected block of text?

$$ Clicking anywhere outside the selected text

$ Clicking any alignment button on the toolbar

$ Clicking the Bold, Italic, or Underline button

$ Clicking Bullets button on the toolbar

$$$42. What is MS Word?

$$ Text processor

$ Image Editor

$ Sound editor

$ Language translator

$$$43. MS Word: How do we insert a symbol in MS Word

$$ Insert-Symbol

$ Insert-Field

$ Insert-Picture-Clip Art

$ Insert-Page Numbers

$$$44. MS Word: To change the number of columns for a paragraph, we

$$ Select a paragraph then from Page Layout/Columns

$ Select a paragraph then from Format/Paragraph

$ Select a paragraph then from File/Properties

$ Select a paragraph then from Insert/Field

$$$45. MS Word: How can we insert a table?

$$ From Insert/Table

$ From Format/Tabs

$ From Insert/Reference/Index and Tables

$ From Format/Insert/Table

$$$46. MS Excel: =AVERAGE(A4:A6)

$$ shows the average of the cell A4, A5 and A6

$ shows the average of the cell A4 and A6

$ Is invalid because the cells are not contiguous

$ shows the average of the cell A4 and A5

$$$47. MS Excel: A formula containing the entry =B3 is copied to a cell two rows down. How will the entry appear in its new location?

$$ =B5

$ =B3

$ =B3

$ =C5

$$$48. MS Excel: How many cells are included in the function =SUM(A1:C5)

$$ 15

$ 3

$ 8

$ 2

$$$49. The notation B6:B9 indicates a(n)_________?

$$ range

$ average

$ count

$ sum

$$$50. MS Excel: Let A=25 and B=125. What does the function “=IF(A*5<B;”Profit”;”Loss”)” return?

$$ Loss

$ Profit

$ Gain

$ 25 and 125

$$$51. MS Excel: To find the sum of A1 and A5 and write the value into cell B6

$$ You should write “=SUM(A1;A5)” into cell B6

$ You should write “=ADD(A1;A5)” into cell B6

$ You should write “=SUM(A1:A5)” into cell B6

$ You should write “= ADD(A1:A5)” into cell B6

$$$52. MS Excel: The cell at the intersection of the second column and third row has the cell reference

$$ B3

$ 3B

$ C2

$ C3

$$$53. MS Excel: Which of the following is true?

$$ A workbook contains one or more worksheets

$ A worksheet contains one or more workbooks

$ A spreadsheet contains one or more worksheets

$ A spreadsheet contains one or more formulas

$$$54. MS Excel: What is the effect of typing F5+F6 into cell without a beginning equal sign?

$$ The entry will be treated as a text entry and display F5+F6 in the cell

$ The cell will display the contents of the cell F5 plus cell F6

$ The entry is equivalent to the formula =F5+F6

$ The entry will be rejected by excel, which will signal an error message

$$$55. MS Excel: Cell F6 contains the formula =AVERAGE(B6:D6). What will be the contents of cell F7 if the entry in cell F6 is copied to cell F7?

$$ =AVERAGE(B7:D7)


$ =AVERAGE(B6: 6D)


$$$56. MS Excel: Given that cells B6, C6 and D6 contains the numbers 10, 20 and 30, respectively, what value will be returned by function =IF(B6>10;C6*2;D6*3)?

$$ 90

$ 40

$ 60

$ 10

$$$57. MS Excel: Which type of the chart shows the proportion of parts to a whole?

$$ Pie chart

$ Line

$ Horizontal bar chart

$ Column chart

$$$58. MS Excel: The reference CIS120!A2

$$ Is a relative reference to cell A2 in the CIS120 worksheet

$ Is a relative reference to cell A2 in the CIS120 workbook

$ Is an absolute reference to cell A2 in the CIS120 worksheet

$ Is an absolute reference to cell A2 in the CIS120 workbook

$$$59. MS Excel: Determine which kind of sequence is true by default for the given cell entries =SUM(B6:B10); 56; profit respectively

$$ formula, number, text

$ number, formula, text

$ text, formula, number

$ formula, text, number

$$$60. MS Excel: Which function key change the cell reference type from relative to absolute?

$$ F4

$ F6

$ F3

$ F2

$$$61. MS Excel: How many cells are chosen, if range C5:D10 is selected in MS Excel

$$ 12

$ 10

$ 11

$ 15

$$$62. MS Excel: What is a base element of spreadsheet?

$$ Cell

$ Row

$ Column

$ Table

$$$63. MS Excel: In MS Excel the entering of ______ starts from sign “=”

$$ Formula

$ Number

$ Text

$ Picture

$$$64. You can enter a formula such as “=(A1+A2+A3)/3” instead of

$$ =AVERAGE(A1:A3)


$ =AVER(A1+A2+A3)

$ =AVER(A1:A3)

$$$65. MS Excel: To insert a new column in Excel document we use

$$ Home/Insert/Columns

$ Format/Column

$ File/Properties

$ File/Print

$$$66. MS Excel: What does the function MAX(A1:A8) do?

$$ Finds the largest value in the range from A1 through A8

$ Finds the sum of A1 and A8

$ Finds the larger value of A1 and A8

$ Writes first A8 and A1

$$$67. MS Excel: What does the function MIN(A2;A6) do?

$$ Finds the smaller value of A2 and A6

$ Finds the smallest value in the range from A2 through A8

$ Subtracts A6 from A2

$ Writes A6 and writes A2 but in hidden form

$$$68. MS Excel: How can we draw a graph for the given values?

$$ From Insert/Chart menu

$ From Format/Cells menu

$ From Format/Sheet menu

$ From File/Save menu

$$$69. What is key-field (key)?

$$ Set of attributes, that uniquely identifies any object

$ Database Type

$ Database Model

$ DB Password

$$$70. What for do we need keys (key-fields)?

$$ To uniquely identify any object

$ For DB description

$ To store passwords

$ For DB identification

$$$71. A table is a _______ of data about a specific topic, such as products or suppliers

$$ collection

$ synonym

$ structure

$ trees

$$$72. Tables organize data into _________ and __________.

$$ columns, rows

$ databases, systems

$ files, links

$ objects, symbols

$$$73. RDBMS is a

$$ Relational Databases Management Systems

$ Relational Databases Manufacturer Systems

$ Ready to use Database Management Systems

$ Recordable Database Management System

$$$74. A database is ______________ that's related to a particular subject or purpose

$$ a collection of information

$ a particular fields

$ a particular records

$ a collection of queries

$$$75. MS Access: A select query

$$ retrieves data from one or more tables and displays the results in a datasheet

$ retrieves data from forms and displays the result in a datasheet

$ deletes data from one or more tables and displays the results in a datasheet

$ refreshes data from one or more tables and displays the results in a form

$$$76. MS Access: Access file has ___ extension

$$ accdb

$ exe

$ com

$ bmp

$$$77. Say, you opened a Word document on the computer with only MS-Word installed (no other applications of the package available). Your Word document contains the charts you have pasted from Excel. You can do with the chart one of the following:

$$ resize, delete, but updating isn’t possible

$ resize, delete, update

$ replace with another chart, resize, update

$ replace with another chart, but not resize, update

$$$78. Any time you connect 2 or more computers together so that they can share resources, you have a __________

$$ Computer Network

$ Virus

$ Anti-Virus

$ Monitor

$$$79. __________ is a computer network limited to the immediate area, usually the same building or floor of a building

$$ local network

$ Internet

$ global network

$ star

$$$80. Any internet or network that covers an area larger than a single building or campus is called ________

$$ WAN


$ IP

$ Ring

$$$81. defines the structure of the network

$$ Topology

$ Internet


$ Computer

$$$82. topology connects one host to the next and the last host to the first

$$ Ring

$ Star

$ Bus

$ Hierarchical

$$$83. A special computer device that handles the connection between 2 or more networks is called

$$ Network adapter

$ Executer

$ Compiler

$ Navigator

$$$84. is the large collection of inter-connected networks that all use the TCP/IP protocols and that evolved from the ARPANET

$$ Internet

$ Topology

$ Protocol

$ E-mail

$$$85. Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via computer is called ______

$$ E-mail

$ Network

$ Internet

$ Download

$$$86. is a very common method of moving files between two Internet sites

$$ FTP

$ IP

$ Homepage


$$$87. The is a collection of electronic documents, or "pages", that can be viewed on your computer using a Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer

$$ WWW



$ IP

$$$88. is the protocol for moving hypertext files across the Internet


$ IP



$$$89. Which of the following is an example of a web browser?

$$ Microsoft Internet Explorer

$ Earth link

$ Communication software


$$$90. Protocol means

$$ Set of rules to transfer data over network

$ Set of rules to store data on network

$ Network data structures

$ Knowledge system

$$$91. What do we use to work with Internet?

$$ Computer, modem, telephone line

$ Computer, modem, printer

$ Computer, scanner, modem

$ Computer, telephone, printer

$$$92. Every HTML document starts with

$$ <html> tag

$ <start> tag

$ <table> tag

$ <begin> tag

$$$93. Which of the tag given below makes the text bold?

$$ <b>

$ <i>

$ <br>

$ <p>

$$$94. Which of the tag can be written without ending tag?

$$ <br>

$ <head>

$ <ul>

$ <ol>

$$$95. To color the background of the HTML page with yellow, we write

$$ <body bgcolor=”yellow”>

$ <body background=”yellow”>

$ <body color=”yellow”>

$ <background color=”yellow”>

$$$96. Can we draw a table in HTML page?

$$ Yes, with <table> tag

$ No, HTML page can contain only text

$ Yes, with <draw> tag

$ Yes, with <draw table> tag

$$$97. Which of the following is Internet service?

$$ E-mail

$ Client

$ Server


$$$98. An HTML file must have an

$$ htm or html extension

$ exe or bat extension

$ ppt or txt

$ xml or js

$$$99. is a malicious computer program that is written to purposely cause damage to a computer

$$ Virus

$ WinZip

$ Operating system


$$$100. is an application that runs in the background on a computer to detect and delete viruses and other harmful malware that infect the machine.

$$ Antivirus software

$ Windows

$ Internet Explorer

$ Virus

$$$101. is the account name used to gain access to a computer system, also known as username.

$$ Login

$ Password

$ Server

$ Virus

$$$102. A computer virus is

$$ Program, which corrupts data and computer programs

$ Graphical editor

$ Data encryption program

$ Programming language

$$$103. Information science is

$$ the study of different ways of data transfer, storing and handling processes using computer

$ the study of chemical organisms using computer

$ the study of physical processes using computer

$ the study of different ways of data transfer, storing and handling processes using disks

$$$104. Information processes are

$$ the processes of handling, storing, transferring and searching the information

$ the processes of encoding and decoding the information

$ the processes of searching the information in library

$ the processes of deleting the information

$$$105. Computer hardware consists of

$$ mechanical, electrical and electronic devices, units, mechanisms

$ system programs, application programs and programming systems

$ hardware environments and system programs

$ hardware environments and applications

$$$106. Application (applied) programs can be classified into

$$ specialized and universal

$ open and closed

$ system and hardware

$ system and universal

$$$107. Software

$$ a collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it

$ a physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices

$ a computer device, such as a CD-ROM drive or printer, that is not part of the essential computer, i.e., the memory and microprocessor

$ a single computer bus that connects the major components of a computer system

$$$108. What is a data?

$$ information in a form suitable for use with a computer

$ information in a form suitable for use with a monitor

$ information in a form suitable for use with a book

$ information in a form suitable for use with a microphone

$$$109. Digital audio encoding format

$$ mp3

$ avi

$ doc

$ xls

$$$110. Operating systems and Microsoft Office programs

$$ software

$ hardware

$ adware

$ malware

$$$111. BIOS and operating systems

$$ system software

$ application software

$ programming software

$ hardware

$$$112. Show the year when the INTERNET was introduced

$$ 1969

$ 1983

$ 1993

$ 2000

$$$113. Electronic mail is

$$ the system of exchanging messages within the network

$ the exchange system aimed to create files and folder in the network

$ the system of spreading viruses over the network

$ the system of storing the messages on a disk

$$$114. Types of numeral system

$$ positional and non-positional

$ open and closed

$ input and output

$ positional and open

$$$115. Positional systems

$$ binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal

$ Roman numbers, Babylonian notation or the Chinese

$ Egyptian numerals, octal, hexadecimal

$ binary, decimal, Roman numbers

$$$116. Non-positional system

$$ Roman

$ decimal

$ octal

$ binary

$$$117. Any numbers (in certain limits) in memory of the computer are coded by numbers of

$$ binary system

$ octal system

$ decimal system

$ hexadecimal

$$$118. Raster

$$ a rectangular grid of pixels on the monitor screen

$ number of the bats which taken each pixel in video memory

$ images defined by geometric primitives

$ graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data

$$$119. Raster editors

$$ Paint, Adobe Photoshop

$ Adobe Illustrator

$ Corel Draw

$ Adobe Flash

$$$120. Vector editor

$$ Adobe Illustrator

$ Paint

$ Adobe Photoshop

$ Paintbrush

$$$121. Major classes of software

$$ system software, programming software, application software

$ system software, programming software, word software

$ programming software, application software and memory software

$ system software, application software, operating software

$$$122. Modern computers are designed by principles of

$$ Von Neumann architecture

$ Jack Copeland architecture

$ Harvard architecture

$ Alan Turing architecture

$$$123. Application software

$$ web browsers, database management systems, spreadsheets, word processors

$ C++, scripting languages: PHP, Perl, Python

$ BIOS, operating systems

$ CD, DVD, hard disk

$$$124. Programming software

$$ C++, scripting languages: PHP, Perl, Python

$ web browsers, database management systems, spreadsheets, word processors

$ BIOS, operating systems

$ CD, DVD, hard disk

$$$125. System software

$$ BIOS, operating systems

$ web browsers, database management systems, spreadsheets, word processors

$ C++, scripting languages: PHP, Perl, Python

$ CD, DVD, hard disk

$$$126. Application software

$$ computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks

$ program or application that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications

$ computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software

$ a physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices

$$$127. Programming software

$$ program or application that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications

$ computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks

$ computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software

$ a physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices

$$$128. System software

$$ computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software

$ computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks

$ program or application that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications

$ a physical aspect of computers, telecommunications, and other devices

$$$129. Vector image is

$$ a collection of geometrical objects

$ collection of raster

$ a horizontal line of pixels

$ collection of images

$$$130. Which of the following can be considered as Input device?

$$ Keyboard

$ Printer

$ Speaker


$$$131. Raster editors

$$ Paint

$ Adobe Illustrator

$ Corel Draw

$ Adobe Flash

$$$132. Vector editor

$$ Corel Draw

$ Paint

$ Adobe Photoshop

$ Paintbrush

$$$133. A logic operation which to each simple statement puts the compound statement in conformity, consisting that the initial statement is denied

$$ inversion

$ conjunction

$ disjunction

$ implication

$$$134. Representation of decimal number 2 in the binary system

$$ 10

$ 01

$ 00

$ 11

$$$135. A logic operation which to each two simple statements puts the compound statement which is false if both initial statements are false

$$ disjunction

$ conjunction

$ implication

$ equivalence

$$$136. Representation of number 10 (the binary system) in the decimal number

$$ 2

$ 3

$ 11

$ 100

$$$137. Logic operations

$$ inversion, conjunction, disjunction, implication, equivalence

$ notation,inversion

$ integer, real, boolean

$ real, boolean, disjunction, implication, equivalence

$$$138. Disk storage, disk cleaners, file managers. These programs are

$$ utility software

$ application software

$ programming software

$ hardware

$$$139. Main functions of table processor Excel (application software)

$$ creating tables and performing different operations on them

$ text editing, text formatting, sending text to the printer

$ to create graphical applications

$ to create diagrams and graphics

$$$140. To convert from decimal to binary system number

$$ must be divided by 2

$ must be multiplied by 2

$ must be divided by 10

$ must be multiplied by 10

$$$141. The logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are simultaneously true or false

$$ equivalence

$ inversion

$ disjunction

$ conjunction

$$$142. To convert from binary to decimal system number

$$ must be multiplied by 2

$ must be divided by 10

$ must be multiplied by 10

$ must be divided by 2

$$$143. Convert binary number 1000 to decimal system

$$ 8

$ 88

$ 2

$ 10

$$$144. The logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being false if a condition true, and the consequence is false

$$ implication

$ inversion

$ disjunction

$ conjunction

$$$145. The logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are true

$$ conjunction

$ inversion

$ disjunction

$ implication

$$$146. Truth table

$$ is a table showing the truth of a complex expression for all possible values ​​of the including variables

$ set of the methods providing gathering, storage and processing information

$ group of documents, linked together with hyperlinks and which have a common theme

$ representation of а table on the computer

$$$147. Inversion

$$ is a logic operation which to each simple statement puts the compound statement in conformity, consisting that the initial statement is denied

$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are true

$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are simultaneously true or false

$ is a logic operation which to each two simple statements puts the compound statement which is false if both initial statements are false

$$$148. Conjunction

$$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are true

$ is a logic operation which to each simple statement puts the compound statement in conformity, consisting that the initial statement is denied

$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are simultaneously true or false

$ is a logic operation which to each two simple statements puts the compound statement which is false if both initial statements are false

$$$149. Implication

$$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being false if a condition true, and the consequence is false

$ is a logic operation which to each simple statement puts the compound statement in conformity, consisting that the initial statement is denied

$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are true

$ is a logic operation which to each two simple statements puts the compound statement which is false if both initial statements are false

$$$150. Equivalence

$$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are simultaneously true or false

$ is a logic operation which to each simple statement puts the compound statement in conformity, consisting that the initial statement is denied

$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are true

$ is a logic operation which to each two simple statements puts the compound statement which is false if both initial statements are false

$$$151. Disjunction

$$ is a logic operation which to each two simple statements puts the compound statement which is false if both initial statements are false

$ is a logic operation which to each simple statement puts the compound statement in conformity, consisting that the initial statement is denied

$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being true if both initial statements are true

$ is the logic operation putting in conformity to each two simple statements the compound statement, being false if a condition true, and the consequence is false

$$$152. Logic function is a function in which variables accept only value

$$ true or false

$ open or closed

$ yes or no

$ good or bad

$$$153. Types of numeral system

$$ positional and non-positional

$ open and closed

$ input and output

$ positional and open

$$$154. Positional systems

$$ binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal

$ Roman numbers, Babylonian notation or the Chinese

$ Egyptian numerals, octal, hexadecimal

$ binary, decimal, Roman numbers

$$$155. Non-positional system

$$ Roman numerals

$ decimal

$ octal

$ binary

$$$156. Convert decimal number 25 to octal system

$$ 318

$ 110012

$ 312

$ 110018

$$$157. Hexadeciamal system

$$ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F}

$ {0, 1}

$ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

$ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}

$$$158. Convert binary number 101 to decimal system

$$ 5

$ 4

$ 10

$ 8

$$$159. Choose the right variant for A↔B









$$$160. Choose the right variant for A→B









$$$161. Choose the right variant for AÙB









$$$162. Choose the right variant for AÚB









$$$163. Choose the right variant

A B ?

$$ Equivalence

$ Implication

$ Disjunction

$ Conjunction

$$$164. Choose the right variant

A B ?

$$ Disjunction

$ Conjunction

$ Implication

$ Equivalence

$$$165. Choose the right variant

A B ?

$$ Conjunction

$ Disjunction

$ Implication

$ Equivalence

$$$166. Choose the right variant

A B ?

$$ Implication

$ Conjunction

$ Disjunction

$ Equivalence

$$$167. Virus

$$ a program or programming code that replicates by being copied or initiating its copying to another program, computer boot sector or document

$ protective software designed to defend your computer against malicious software

$ set of the methods providing gathering, storage and processing information

$ a set of related programs, located at a network gateway server, that protects the resources of a private network from users from other networks

$$$168. Antivirus program

$$ protective software designed to defend your computer against malicious software

$ a program or programming code that replicates by being copied or initiating its copying to another program, computer boot sector or document

$ a set of related programs, located at a network gateway server, that protects the resources of a private network from users from other networks

$ set of the methods providing gathering, storage and processing information

$$$169. Real-time message conversation in the Internet

$$ Chat



$ mail

$$$170. 1 Kbyte

$$ 1024 bytes

$ 8 bits

$ 1024 Mbytes

$ 100 bytes

$$$171. 1 Mbyte

$$ 1024 Kbytes

$ 1024 bytes

$ 1024 Gbytes

$ 1000 Kbytes

$$$172. Operating system

$$ it controls the hardware and is the link between you and the computer

$ the tools which allow programmers to develop applied programs

$ the system of exchanging messages within the network

$ the exchange system aimed to create files and folder in the network

$$$173. Archive file

$$ used to collect multiple data files together into a single file for easier portability and storage

$ controls the hardware and is the link between you and the computer

$ the system of exchanging messages within the network

$ software is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware

$$$174. Extensions of archive files





$$$175. WinRAR

$$ software program for compressing data and extracting compressed archives

$ software is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including but not limited to computer viruses, computer worm, Trojan horses, spyware and adware

$ program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems

$ an influential imperative and procedural programming language

$$$176. How to add file to archive?

$$ right-click on the file and choose 'Add to archive...'

$ left-click on the file and choose 'Add to archive...'

$ right-click on the file and choose 'Archive'

$ left-click on the file and choose 'Archive WinRAR'

$$$177. File managers. It is …

$$ system software

$ application software

$ programming software

$ hardware

$$$178. Operating system. It is …

$$ system software

$ application software

$ programming software

$ hardware

$$$179. Anti-virus programs. It is …

$$ system software

$ application software

$ programming software

$ hardware

$$$180. The link between user and the computer hardware

$$ operating system

$ programming languages

$ file managers

$ cables

$$$181. Programming systems

$$ the tools which allow programmers to develop applied programs

$ the link between you and the computer

$ software is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware

$ software program for compressing data and extracting compressed archives

$$$182. Application software

$$ includes the everyday programmes that you use such as Word Processors, Spreadsheets and Databases

$ includes the operating system and utility programs that control how the hardware of a computer works

$ is any physical device that makes up part of or plugs into your computer, you can see it, touch it and pick it up

$ programs that control how the hardware of a computer works

$$$183. Examples of operating systems

$$ Windows XP, Windows NT, UNIX

$ Microsoft Word, Paint, Internet Explorer

$ Pascal, C++, Delphi

$ Doctor Web, Eset Nod32

$$$184. Examples of application software

$$ Microsoft Word, Paint, Internet Explorer

$ Windows XP, Windows NT, UNIX

$ Pascal, C++, Delphi

$ Doctor Web, Eset Nod32

$$$185. ZIP, RAR. What is it?

$$ extensions of archive files

$ antivirus programs

$ archivers

$ extensions of antivirus programs

$$$186. Types of operating system

$$ single-user, multi-user, network operating systems

$ open, closed

$ old and new

$ single-system, multi-system

$$$187. Standard capacity of CD disks

$$ 700 Mb

$ 4 Гб

$ 1024 Кb

$ 1,44 Mb

$$$188. Main functions of text processors

$$ text editing, text formatting, sending text to the printer

$ creating tables and performing different operations on them

$ to create graphical applications

$ to create diagrams and graphics

$$$189. Microsoft Excel files have the next extension





$$$190. Two kinds of memory in the personal computer

$$ internal, external

$ open and closed

$ operative and USB memory

$ input and output

$$$191. Devices of the computer

$$ a hardware of the computer

$ a software of the computer

$ software and hardware of the computer

$ sequence of commands for the computer, made by the person

$$$192. The first generation of computers used

$$ vacuum tubes

$ transistors

$ integrated circuits

$ microprocessors

$$$193. The Second Generation of Computers used

$$ transistors

$ vacuum tubes

$ integrated circuits

$ microprocessors

$$$194. The Third Generation of Computers used

$$ integrated circuits

$ vacuum tubes

$ transistors

$ microprocessors

$$$195. The Fourth Generation of Computers used

$$ microprocessors

$ vacuum tubes

$ transistors

$ integrated circuits

$$$196. The Fifth Generation of Computers are based on

$$ artificial intelligence

$ microprocessors

$ transistors

$ integrated circuits

$$$197.When you start Excel you're faced with a big empty grid. There are

$$ letters across the top and numbers down the left side

$ numbers across the top and letters down the left side

$ letters across the top and down the left side

$ numbers across the top and down the left side

$$$198. In MS Excel tabs at the bottom named

$$ Sheet1, Sheet2 and so on

$ Page1, Page2 and so on

$ List1, List2 and so on

$ Number1, number2 and so on

$$$199. The first workbook you open in Excel is called

$$ Book1

$ Book0

$ Workbook1

$ Workbook0

$$$200. Each new workbook in Excel comes with …. worksheets

$$ 3

$ 2

$ 4

$ 1

$$$201.You need a new workbook in Excel. How do you create one?

$$ click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Create, then click New Workbook

$ in the Cells group, click Insert, and then click Workbook

$ in the Cells group, click Insert, and then click Insert Sheet

$ click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click New. In the New Workbook window, click Cells

$$$202. You can enter three basic kinds of data into worksheet cells in Excel

$$ numbers and text, formula

$ numbers and graphics, text

$ text and graphics, formula

$ numbers and video, text

$$$203. A system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet

$$ WWW

$ client - server

$ web server

$ web browser

$$$204. A collection of related web pages containing images, videos or other digital assets

$$ website

$ web server

$ web browser


$$$205. A device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information

$$ modem

$ server

$ system block

$ monitor

$$$206. The live exchange of information among several persons and machines remote from one another but linked by a telecommunications system

$$ teleconference

$ Internet

$ electronic mail

$ television

$$$207. A global system of interconnected computer networks

$$ Internet

$ electronic mail

$ local network

$ electronic network

$$$208. What is the transmission of messages over electronic networks like the internet?

$$ electronic mail

$ computer networks

$ server

$ protocol

$$$209. Displays the content of the active cell in Excel

$$ formula bar

$ ribbon

$ name box

$ sheet tabs

$$$210. For each additional line of text in Excel, press

$$ Alt+Enter

$ Ctrl+Enter

$ Alt+Shift

$ Alt+Delete

$$$211. Command, which inserts a Column or Row in Excel

$$ Home tab - Cells group - Insert

$ Insert tab - Cells group - Insert

$ Home tab - Add column or row

$ Page layout tab - Insert

$$$212. Way using which you cannot edit data in a cell in Excel

$$ clicking the cell

$ double-clicking the cell

$ selecting the cell and pressing the F2 key

$ selecting the cell and clicking anywhere within the formula bar

$$$213. In Excel you can view a worksheet in three ways

$$ Normal view, Page Layout view, Page Break Preview

$ Normal view, Page view, Break Preview

$ Normal view, Read view, Page Break Preview

$ Normal view, Page Layout view, Read view

$$$214. Excel. If in the first position is a sign = "equal", it is

$$ function or formula

$ date

$ number

$ text

$$$215. In Microsoft Excel you select a chart type by choosing

$$ Insert- Charts

$ Insert - Tables

$ Insert - Text

$ View - Charts

$$$216. To execute a basic descending or ascending sort based on one column in Microsoft Excel

$$ Home - Sort and Filter

$ Insert - Sort and Filter

$ View - Sort and Filter

$ Data - Sort and Filter

$$$217. HTML

$$ is a language for describing web pages

$ a programming language

$ it is not a markup language

$ is a language for describing pages

$$$218. HTML

$$ is a markup language that web browsers use to interpret and compose text, images and other material into visual or audible web pages

$ a collection of related web pages containing images, videos or other digital assets

$ a programming language

$ is a markup language that web browsers use to interpret and compose only text

$$$219. Website

$$ a collection of related web pages containing images, videos or other digital assets

$ is a markup language that web browsers use to interpret and compose text, images and other material into visual or audible web pages

$ a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet

$ a document or information resource that is suitable for the World Wide Web

$$$220. Community sites

$$ MySpace, Facebook

$ Google, Yahoo

$ YouTube, Twitter

$ Wikipedia, Ebay

$$$221. Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading

$$ <h1>

$ <heading>

$ <h6>

$ <head>

$$$222. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a underlined text

$$ <u>

$ <bold>

$ <i>

$ <italic>

$$$223. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic

$$ <i>

$ <italic>

$ <b>

$ <bold>

$$$224. ____ are the HTML codes that control the appearance of the document contents

$$ Tags

$ Codas

$ Slashes

$ Properties

$$$225. The page title is inside the ____ tag.

$$ Head

$ Body

$ Division

$ Table

$$$226. What is the syntax to write the HTML tags?

$$ <HTML>

$ <%HTML%>

$ "HTML"

$ (HTML)

$$$227. What is the file extension used for HTML file?





$$$228. Choose the correct HTML tag for the smallest heading

$$ <h6>

$ <heading6>

$ <h1>

$ <head6>

$$$229. In Excel: Column, Pie, Bar, Area, Line, Scatter. They are

$$ chart types

$ text types

$ table types

$ figure types

$$$230. In Excel you can use a variety of chart types

$$ on the Insert tab

$ on the Home tab

$ on the View tab

$ on the Data tab

$$$231. A computer application used to create and manage databases

$$ MS Access

$ Ms Excel

$ MS Word

$ MS Power Point

$$$232. Database. Table is

$$ a set of related records

$ a collection of data about an individual item

$ a single item of data common to all records

$ a set of related fields

$$$233. Database. Record is

$$ a collection of data about an individual item

$ a set of related records

$ a single item of data common to all records

$ a set of related fields

$$$234. Database. Field is

$$ a single item of data common to all records

$ a set of related records

$ a collection of data about an individual item

$ a set of related fields

$$$235. Database in Access. What is it?

$$ Form

$ Query

$ Report

$ Table

$$$236. Search sites

$$ Google, Yandex

$ Ebay, My space

$ Facebook, Vkontakte

$ Wikipedia, Facebook

$$$237. To add a chart to a slide

$$ click on the Create slide button on the Home tab to get a blank datasheet

$ create a table of data on the slide, select the data, and click on the Chart button to automatically create a chart

$ select the Title and Chart slide layout and the default chart appears immediately

$ click on the Insert Slide button on the Insert tab to get a blank datasheet

$$$238. When you use Save As Web Page, the presentation is turned into

$$ a framed HTML page

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