V. Образуйте производное слово, подходящее по смыслу предложения

1. All of them got the____________to the party. to invite

2. Mr. Field is a very_________neighbour. to help

3. Your___________will be taken into consideration, to propose

4. He is an____________singer, very few people to know

have heard his songs.

VI. Переведите на английский язык слова, данные в скоб-ках.

1. I've never seen (такие) __________high mountains.

2. The red dress is (хуже) _________than the blue one.

3. You can't believe everything she says, (не так ли) _________?

4. The little boy was (напуган) ___________by the look of the big dog.

5. Where did you (учился) _________to play the guitar?

6. I said I could (сводить) _________him to the theatre.

7. It doesn't (делает) _________any difference now.

8. Oh, here you are! And where are (другие) ____________boys?

VII. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. a) Neither of the two boys spoke no German.

b) No one of the two boys spoke German.

c) Neither of the two boys spoke German.

2. a) There isn't any other way to do it.

b) There isn't any another way to do it.

c) There isn't no other way to do it.

VIII. Напишите подходящие по смыслу фразы-стимулы к данным ответам.

1. —____________________ — Here you are.

2. —____________________ — With pleasure.


I. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной вре­менной форме.

The Bedes (to be) _______________in their new house for twenty-two days when their first post (to arrive) __________The postman

(to bring) ____________three large envelopes. There was a letter

from Gwen's sister. Gwen (to think) _____________: «I (to read)

_____________it when the postman (to go) ________away.» One

envelope (to address) ________________to Mrs. Alison who (to live)

___________next door at that time but she (to leave) ___________

somewhere on holiday. Gwen (to promise) __________to keep the

letter until Mrs. Alison (to arrive) __________When Gwen's husband

returned from work later in the day he said: «Mrs. Alison (to come)

_____________back from her holiday. She (to come) _____________

to see us tonight.»

II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

What... surprising news!... nine-year-old girl nearly drowned when she was swimming.... child was alone in... large pool. She got into difficulty while she was swimming in... deep end of the pool. When... family dog, Spot by... name, heard her cries, it jumped into... water and pulled the girl out. They say the dog will receive... extra bone for... dinner.

III. Вставьте предлог или послелог, где необходимо.

Congratulations... your success! You are really good... languages. How long did it take you to translate this text... Russian... English? If you are really interested... humanities you should enter... alinguistic university. You remind... me of my own ambitions when I was leaving... school.

IV. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в нужном порядке.

1. are/1/not/go/to/as/children/am/circus/eager/to/the/as/the.

2. French/are/class/students/there/speak/your/any/in/who?

3. a/that/describes/a/person's/called/lifestory/biography/book/is.

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