Ex.3. a) Translate the following words and combinations

B) make your own sentences with them.

Родиться, домохозяйка, много дел по дому, нас пятеро в семье, оба, дружный, хорошо учиться в школе, принимать участие, любимый предмет, хорошо образованный человек, знание, вдохновлять (поощрять), хирург, мне пришлось, ждать с нетерпением

Ex.4. Answer the questions.

1. What is her first name? 2. What is her surname? 3. When was she born? 4. Where is she from? 5. How many are they in the family? 6. What are her parents? 7. What were her favourite subjects at school? 8. What does she want to become? 9. What is she fond of?

Ex. 5. Answer the questions:

1. What is your name? 2. Where and when were you born? 3. How old are you? 4. Have you got a family? 5. How many persons does it consist of? 6. Where are you from? 7. Where do you live? 8. What is your occupation? 9. What school did you finish? 10. How well did you do at school? 11. What was your favourite subject? 12. Do you like to read? Who is you favourite writer? 13. What sport do you go in for? 14. What are you going to be? 15. Do you know about the difficulties of your future profession?

Ex. 6. Put questions and ask your fellow students to answer them.

  1. Является ли А. хорошим студентом (другом, спортсменом и т.д.); ленив ли он, опаздывает ли иногда.
  2. Женат ли он (холост, разведен, собирается ли жениться)
  3. Был ли он вчера на концерте (в кино, театре, на стадионе, в университете, на уроке английского языка)
  4. будет ли он завтра утром дома (в университете в 2 часа дня, занят вечером)
  5. Спросите, присутствовали ли вчера студенты вашей группы на собрании, и кто отсутствовал
  6. Боится ли ваша подруга мышей (пауков, лягушек)

Lesson 2.

Ex. 1. Read and translate the dialogue:

N: Pleased to meet you. My name is Nick and yours?

P: My full name is Peter Popov. I am very glad to share a room with you in the hostel. I think we'll get on well, won't we?

N: I hope so. What year student are you?

P: I am a first year student, I am only 17. And you?

N: I am a second year student. You see I entered the Institute after the Army. So I'll be 22 in two days.

P: My best congratulations, Nick. You are the same age as my elder brother. And what place do you come from?

N: I am from Brest region. My family lives in the country. And what about your family?

P: My parents live in Samara. My father is an engineer and my mother is a librarian. And what about your family?

N: Oh, my family is very large. I have both parents, grandparents, two sisters and a brother. My father is a surgeon and my mother is a pharmacist.

P: Do you all live together?

N: Fancy that! We all live in a big private house. The remarkable thing is that we practically never quarrel. Come and see us. I'll be glad to introduce you to my family.

P: All right. I'll be glad to know them all.

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