Vocabulary exercises

1. Study the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into Russian.

A. 1. We want the best man for the job; money is no object. 2. The sole object of their expedition was to find and film the rare crea­tures. 3. I've no objection to anybody coming into my lesson. 4. The military objectives are simple — to capture and hold the city. 5. "Ob­jection overruled", said the judge. 6. My father is a very calm per­son, but my mother is just the opposite. 7. Most of the local resi­dents opposed the closing of their hospital. 8. We hold almost diametrically opposing points of view. 9. He stood his ground against all opposition. 10. This is one of the world's best fishing grounds. 11. She is suing the company on the grounds of unfair dismissal. 12. We have good grounds for thinking that she's dis­honest. 13. We went for a walk around the hospital grounds. 14. Don't mention his health, it's forbidden ground. 15. She didn't overlook a thing in planning the party. 16. June went there some­times to cheer the old things up. 17. That was an unkind thing to say. 18. She's got a thing about fast cars. 19. I'll phone him first

thing in the morning. 20. It's a good thing that we booked our tickets early. 21. The thing is, my parents like me to be home by 20 o'clock. 22. Things have been going very well for us recently. 23. A week's rest would be the very thing. 24. That was a terrible thing to do. 25. Let's call the whole thing off.

B. 1. When she began the job she showed initiative and was pro­moted to manager after a year. 2. Initially he opposed the plan but later changed his mind. 3. She worked her initials in red. 4. The young man after initial shyness turned into a considerable social success. 5.1 shouldn't always have to tell you what to do, use your initiative for once! 6. You attend to your affairs and I'll attend to mine. 7. He drew attention to the rising unemployment among miners. 8. She left her luggage unattended. 9. Are you sure you'd like the publicity which would attend a career in television? 10. There is no point in your coming to my class if you're not going to attend to what I say. 11. At­tend to your duties. 12. The meeting was designed to reassure par­ents whose children were taking exams that summer. 13. The nurse tried to reassure the frightened child. 14. She looked at me reassur­ingly. 15. He spoke in his usual assured tones. 16. Despite the Gov­ernment's repeated assurances to the contrary, taxation has risen over the past decade. 17. We would like to assure our customers of the best possible service. 18. We yielded to their arguments. 19. The lock was old and yielded when we pushed the door. 20. Over the past fifty years crop yields have risen steadily by 1-2% a year. 21. Baby toys are usually made out of yielding materials.

2. Give the English equivalents for:

отдаленный предмет; объект насмешек; наглядное доказательство; главная цель; основная цель; быть против курения; возражать из принципа; не перено­сить грубость; выдвигать возражения; отметать возражения; не возражать;

возражать против плана; не одобрять чей-либо брак; противиться переме­нам; полная противоположность; дом напротив; быть в оппозиции; выступать против законопроекта; сидеть друг против друга;

спортивная площадка; парк при больнице; пройти большое расстояние; не иметь причин для отказа; стоять на своем; устраивать во всех отношениях; кос­нуться многих вопросов; не иметь оснований беспокоиться; основания для раз­вода; беспричинные страхи; под предлогом, что;

чайная посуда; странная вещь; бедняжка; положение дел; ничего подобно­го; дело в том, что; сказать не то, что надо; как раз то, что нужно; первым делом;

хорошо, что; забыть все это (всю эту историю); это не совсем прилично; что-то непредсказуемое; иметь предубеждение; раздевайтесь;

начальная стадия; ранние симптомы; одинаковые инициалы; первоначаль­ное преимущество; брать на себя инициативу; сделать по собственной инициа­тиве; проявить инициативу, мирная инициатива; инициативный человек;

следить за воспитанием детей; ухаживать за больным; посещать школу; об­ращать внимание на что-то; привлечь внимание к чему-то; внимательно отно­ситься; обслуживать клиента; гардеробщица; плохая посещаемость; оставить без присмотра;

успокоить пациента; убедить кого-то не волноваться о чем-то; несмотря на заверения; убедиться в том, что; заверить кого-то в чем-то; уверенный тон;

приносить большой доход; давать хороший урожай; оказаться безрезуль­татным; уступить под давлением; поддаться искушению; поддаваться лече­нию; надой молока; покладистый характер.

3. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary.

1. I am against the trip. 2. I wanted to climb the hill but Bill said (disagreed) that he was too tired. 3. He showed his displea­sure at our presence by stalking out of the room. 4. The proposed new examination system has been vigorously criticized and con­demned by teachers. 5. We are in the building facing the Govern­ment offices. 6. Our plan met with fierce resentment and hostility. 7. Put a tick next to (against) the answer that you think is cor­rect. 8. The college premises were beautiful. 9. My fears turned out to have no real cause or reason. 10. His lectures included in­formation on many different subjects. 11. We have reasons to be­lieve that you have been lying to us. 12. Part-time work would suit me very well. 13. The students all seemed very well prepared and had a good knowledge of the history of Britain. 14. He left because of ill-health. 15.1 can't do anything with him. 16. I've got so much work to do I don't know where to start. 17. You'd better not put your knife in your mouth when you eat. 18. Living condi­tions and situation have changed since you've been here. 19. I strongly dislike and avoid eating tinned food. 20. Fortunately, I noticed it. 21. His first reaction was one of shock and resentment. 22. Did you do it without anyone telling you what to do? 23. Af­ter an hour I found it difficult to concentrate my attention. 24. Take no notice of what he says. 25. It was a pleasure to lecture to an appreciative audience. 26.1 was trying to convince the lonely child that she was still wanted. 27. The Prime Minister promised the

electorate that taxes would not be increased. 28.1 was relieved to hear his words. 29. We had a far better amount of food produced than any farm round here for miles. 30. Part of his success is that he can be flexible when necessary. 31. He was accused of giving in to his cowardice.

4. Answer the following questions. Use the essential vocabulary.

1. What is another way of saying that the bag was full of pre­cious things of different kinds? 2. How can people convey that they are ready to spend a lot of money on something? 3. What is an action or story which we learn how (not) to act in an especially bad situation? 4. What things do you find objectionable? 5. What is a shorter way of saying that you disapprove of the plan because you think it is wrong, evil and stupid? 6. What do we call a polit­ical party opposed to the Government? 7. What do we call people or things that are completely different? Can you give an example? 8. What can be said about the lecture that included information on many different subjects? 9. What do we call gardens and land attached to an institution? 10. What can you say in answer to a suggestion that pleases you in every way? 11. What can a woman say if she hasn't got any clothes suitable for the occasion? 12. What do we say about a person who is afraid of (strongly dislikes) heights? 13. What phrase is used to mean there was no way of planning to avoid something? 14. What phrase is often used to emphasise an important remark which follows? 15. What is often used to represent the name of a person? 16. What is said about people who prefer not to take the first step in an undertaking? 17. Do you think that inventiveness and bold independence should be rewarded? 18. What man is the opposite of a man without ini­tiative? 19. What is another way of saying that there were many people present at the meeting? 20. Are children of school age obliged to go to school in all countries? 21. What do we call peo­ple whose job is to serve people in a shop, museum or theatre? 22. What is a teacher likely to say to an inattentive pupil? 23. If one is nervous and afraid what is he/she in need of? 24. How do we speak to people to stop them from worrying? 25. What is your idea of a self-assured person? 26. When does a tree usually yield plenty of fruit? 27. Usually people try to resist temptation. What happens if they don't? 28. Why do children usually like toys from spongy and flexible material?

5. Review the essential vocabulary and translate the following sentences into English:

1. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы отправиться (в путь) рано. 2. Он часто делал сестру объектом насмешек. 3. Возражение, что у него нет опыта, было отвергнуто (проигнорировано). 4. Целью новой организации было пре­доставление (to provide) бесплатной юридической помощи малоимущим. 5. Мы категорически возражаем против строительства новой шоссейной дороги. 6. Если вы хотите попасть на станцию, вам следует идти в противоположном направлении. 7. Ее слова имели прямо противоположный эффект. 8. Она ока­залась полной противоположностью того, что все ожидали. 9. У нас нет ни­каких реальных оснований для того, чтобы жаловаться. 10. Он всегда отка­зывался от их приглашений под предлогом плохого здоровья. 11. Ночная смена меня прекрасно устраивает. 12. У нас есть основания полагать, что вы нас обманываете. 13. Я не могу приехать. Дело в том, что я уже назначил (arranged to do) кое-что на четверг. 14. Я упаковал кое-какие необходимые вещи и после обеда поехал на станцию. 15. Давайте будем называть вещи своими именами. 16. У нас очень хорошо идут дела. 17. Доктор посоветовал мне расслабиться и поменьше работать какое-то время. 18. Вы сделали это по собственной инициативе? 19. У него не хватало предприимчивости, что­бы открыть собственное дело. 20. Пожалуйста, сообщите нам, если вы не сможете присутствовать. 21. Вам бы лучше сначала заняться детьми — им нужно завтракать. 22. Она помахала рукой, чтобы привлечь мое внимание. 23. Именно он обратил мое внимание на книги этого писателя. 24. Я старал­ся убедить ее, что все было не так плохо, как она думала. 25. Несмотря на все его обещания он не вернулся. 26. Я не могу заверить вас, что лекарство совершенно безвредно (safe). 27. Его предприятие приносит большие дохо­ды. 28. Плодородная земля дала большой урожай. 29. Мы согласились с их аргументами.

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