Essential vocabulary

1. set vt/i 1) to make to be in a specified condition, as to open the cage and set the bird free to set the papers (a village, a house) on fire; to fix or determine (a rule, time, standard), as to set a wedding day, to set a new land speed record; 2) to give (a piece of work) for (some­one) to do: Who sets the questions for the examination? The teacher sets the class various exercises. 3) to fix firmly (a part of the body, esp. regarded as showing one's intentions, feelings, etc.): He set his jaw and refused to agree to anything I said. She's set against her daughter's marriage. 4) to put into action: He set the machine going wittapush; to set the ball rolling; 5) to cause (a liquid, paste, soft material, etc.) to become solid: Set the jelly by putting it in a cold place. 6) to write or provide (music) for a poem or otner words to be sung: The poem was set to an old working song tune.

to set eyes on to see: / hope I never set eyes on that fellow again.

to set someone's teeth on edge to frighten smb

to set one's heart (mind, hopes) on to be filled with strong de­sire for: The boy has set his heart on becoming an engineer.

set a 1) determined: He is very set on going and I can't make him see that it's a bad idea. 2) given or fixed for study: The examination will have questions on the set books (texts). 3) (of part of the body, manner, state of mind, etc.) fixed in position, unmoving: She greeted her guests with a set smile. 4) ready, prepared: Are you all set? Then let's go.

set и 1) (notfmt) a group of people of a special type: the jet set. 2) (not pi) natural position of part of the body: From the set of her shoulders it was clear that she was tired. "Shampoo and set, please," she said abruptly.

2. abandon vt 1) to leave completely and for ever, desert: The
sailors abandoned the sinking ship.
2) to leave (a relation or friend)
in a thoughtless or cruel way: He abandoned his wife and went abroad.
3) to give up, esp. without finishing: The search was abandoned when
the night came though the child had not been found.

N.B. to abandon may be used with far more negative reasons than to give up.

3. resent vt to show or feel indignation at, as to resent smb's be­
haviour (smb's words, an insult, smb's manner, etc.): Anyone would
resent such treatment The child resented being made fun of.

Note the pattern smb resents smth. Compare with the Russian patterns: кого-л. возмущает что-л.; что-л. возмущает кого-л.

resentful a feeling or showing resentment, as to be resentful of smb (smth): The boy was resentful of the remark.

resentment n a feeling of indignation or annoyance; a deep sense of injury, as to (have) bear no resentment against smb (smth): His conduct aroused everybody's resentment.

4. suggest vt 1) to cause to come to the mind: The open window
suggested that somebody else had got into the house.
2) to bring itself
to the mind: An idea suggested itself. Harry has bad manners. Lack of
proper home training suggests itself.
3) to give signs (of): Her expres­
sion suggested anger/(that) she was angry.

suggestion n a slight sign: Her face held a suggestion of anger.

5. hand и 1) a performer; a practiser of a skill
an old hand, good hand at smth

Ant. not much of a hand at smth: / am not much of a hand at mak­ing pastry.

2) encouragement given by clapping the hands, as to give a (good, big) hand to, get a (big, good) hand; 3) help (lend a helping hand to); 4) control (get/become out of hand): The meeting is getting out of handwill everybody stop talking at once!

at hand (Jmf) near in time or place: She always keeps her dictio­nary at hand.

by hand by a person, not a machine or organisation: These rugs are made by hand.

to eat out of someone's hand to be ready to do everything some­one wants: I'll soon have him eating out of my hand.

to give smb a free hand to allow smb to dothings in his / her own


hand in glove (with) closely connected (with someone), esp. in

smth bad

hat in hand to beg, look for smth: He went to his employer, hat in hand, for a pay-rise.

on the one/other hand (used for comparing different things or ideas): / know this job of mine isn't much, but on the other hand I don't feel tied down.

to try one's hand (at) to attempt (an activity): / tried my hand at swimming though it was the first time I'd been in the water.

to wash one's hands of to refuse to be concerned with or respon­sible for.

6. clear vt/i 1) to cause to become clear: After the storm the sky
cleared. He cleared his throat.
2) to (cause to) go away: Soldiers! Clear
the people away from the palace gates.
3) to remove, take away, get
rid of: Whose job is it to clear snow from the road? 4) to free from
blame (a person wrongly thought to have done smth wrong): The
judge cleared the prisoner of any crime and set him free.

clear a 1) bright, free from anything that darkens, as clear sky, clear eyes. 2) certain, confident: She seems quite clear about her plans. 3) free from guilt or blame, untroubled, as a clear conscience, clear of guilt. 4) open, free from blocks, danger or obstructions, as a clear road, clear view: The road's clear of snow now.

the coast is clear {infmt) all danger has gone: When the coast was clear the two thieves escaped.

7. conduct n {fmt) behaviour: I'm glad to see your conduct at school
has improved.

conduct vt 1) {fmt) to behave (oneself): I like the way your chil­dren conduct themselves. Their behaviour is very good. 2) to direct the course of (a business, activity, etc.). 3) to lead or guide (a person, tour, etc.). 4) to stand before and direct the playing of musicians or a musical work. 5) to act as the path for (electricity, heat, etc.): Plastic and rubber won't conduct electricity. 6) to collect payments from the passengers on (a public vehicle): She's conducted on London buses for 20 years.

conductor и 1) a person who directs the playing of a group of musi-

cians. 2) a substance that readily acts, as a path for electricity, heat, etc: Wood is a poor conductor of heat. (AE) the guard of the train

8. compose vt/i 1) to write (music, poetry, essays, etc.): It is very
time-consuming to compose a good essay.
2) to make up (smth), form
(smth): The chemistry teacher asked the pupils what water was com­
posed of.

Syn. comprise, consist of, include, be made up of

3) to make (esp. oneself) calm, quiet, etc: The students couldn't stop laughing so the teacher asked them to compose themselves. 4) to make or form (smth) by putting parts together: The artist composed an in­teresting picture by putting the variously-coloured shapes together.

composer n a person who writes music

composition n 1) act of putting together parts to form smth, act of composing, as a piece of music of his own composition. 2) an exam­ple of this, as a piece of music or art or a poem: / like his earlier poems but not his later compositions.

9. abrupt a 1) sudden and unexpected: The train came to an abrupt
stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.
2) (of behaviour,
speech, character, etc.) rough and impolite, not wanting to waste time
being nice: Everybody resented his abrupt answer.

abruptly adv in an abrupt manner: "No," said Roger abruptly, "I'm staying here."

abruptness n His abruptness was really impolite.

10. ignore vt not to take notice of: Ignore the child if he misbehaves
and he will soon stop.

to ignore smth to pretend not to know or see it: She saw him com­ing but she ignored him. Ant. to consider, to regard

Note. The Russian for to ignore is игнорировать, не замечать. Ignore does not correspond to the Russian пренебрегать, не заботиться о чём-л., упускать из виду which is expressed by the verb to neglect, as to neglect one's duties, one's children.

ignorant a 1) lacking knowledge, not to know it, as ignorant of even simplest facts: He is quite ignorant of these facts. She was igno­rant of his presence. (She didn't know he was there.) 2) rude, impo­lite esp. because of lack of social training: He is an ignorant person —

he always goes through a door in front of a girl (lady). She is an igno­rant girl: she knows nothing about her country's history.

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