Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1.What do people seek for?

2. Why is the economic security of large nations relatives high?

3. How can a small nation ensure its economic security?

4 What do you know about Belgium?

5 How can the Belgians maintain a relatively high level of living?

6 Why is trade so important for Belgium?

7 What are the main items of Japanese export?

Переведите однокоренные слова и определите, какими частями речи они являются.

1. depend, dependence, interdependence, independence, independent; 2. necessary, necessities, necessarily, unnecessary, unnecessaries; 3. vary, various, variety; 4. secure, security; 5. relative, relatively; 6. profit, profitable, profitability, profitably, profitless, unprofitable; 7. maintain, maintenance; 8. communicate, communication; 9. possible, possibility, impossible, possibly.

Вставьте в пропуски слова из упражнения 2 в нужной форме.

1. The USA is known as one of the main... to many international funds.

2. Such means of... as the Internet is widely used bybusinessmen and in e-commerce (электронная коммерция).

3. A lot of technological processes greatly... on the supply of electricity.

4. In economics food, water, clothes and a house are known as the main... for man's life.

5. It is... for companies to provide proper... systems in order to keep their future plans in secret from competitors.

6. The level of living does not... greatly in industrialized countries, it is... the same.

7. If costs are higher than..., the business is... and the firm will go bankrupt.

8. It is important for national governments to... tradefacilities such as roads, railways, sea ports, and airports in good condition.


Перед работой над текстом повторите грамматические темы: страдательный залог с модальными глаголами, Future Simple Passive.

Прочитайте и переведите текст, выпишите из него новые слова.


Economic security of large nations, like the United States and Russia, can be maintained, which means their smaller dependence on world markets. Nowadays these large nations are provided with such economic fundamentals as natural resources, good agricultural land, and effective manufacturing enterprises relatively well, although in future gas, oil mineral resources will be exhausted and these nations will have to export them.

Self-sufficiency can be ensured by the government policies of large nations but it is impossible for more dependent nations. Self-sufficiency may be achieved by various policies in accordance with particular economic characteristics of each nation. Although large and rich nations are less self-sufficient today than they were 30 years ago, they are still able to rely mainly on their domestic resources and production for national prosperity.

The USA is an example of a country with a free market economy and strong economic fundamentals. It is also known as an economy of free enterprise1. American government (usually called the US administration) does not participate directly in foreign trade but it often uses protective tariffs to support domestic producers.

However, with its large territory which includes about 6 percent of the land surface of the earth, the United States has always been more interested in the development of domestic market. More than 90 percent of the nation’s total trade has recently been done on its territory. Thus, the United States has sought to maintain its economic security through a policy of protection that has restrained trade with other nations in favour of2 a domestic market where industry and agriculture have been free to develop and expand to meet domestic demand.

At present a variety of policies are being followed by different countries in the world economy. However, all these policies are being used in order to provide a certain degree of economic security for a nation.

On the one hand, the economic security of any nation is based on economic nationalism recognized as the only practical economic way of life in the modern world. On the other hand, various conflicts can be caused if a nation follows policies of restraints in trade which prevent the growth of world economic well-being.

Пояснения к тексту

1free enterprise — свободное предпринимательство

2in favour of — в защиту

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