UNIT 5. Future Simple. Future Continuous

1. Преобразуйте данные предложения, используя Future Simple.

1. The students have tests twice a week. 2. I spend summer holidays in the country. 3. Our engineer left for Novosibirsk on Monday. 4. She agrees with him. 5. Our school year begins on the 1st of September. 6. We do our homework in the afternoon. 7. I saw him at the University. 8. We sleep in the open air. 9. Her uncle worked at the plant. 10. I am busy on weekdays.

2. Заполните пропуски, добавляя по смыслу слова, используя will или going to:

1. A Poor Sue went to hospital yesterday.

B I’m sorry to hear that. I ______________some flowers.

2. A This room’s very cold.

B You’re right. I ____________________ the heater.

3. A Are you still going out with Alice?

B Oh yes. We _________________ get married next year.

4. A Oh dear. I can’t do this homework.

B Don’t worry. I _____________ you.

5. A Did you remember to book seats for the theatre?

B No, I forgot. I __________ now.

6. A It’s John’s birthday tomorrow.

B Is it? I can’t afford a present but I ________ a card.

7. A How old are you?

B I’m 64. I ___________retire next year.

8. A Why are you buying so much food?

B Because I ______________cook for ten people.

9. A Jack is very angry with you.

B Is he? I didn’t realize. I ____________ring him and apologize.

10. A Why are you leaving so early?

B Because the teacher gave us a lot of homework and I ____________very carefully.

3. Замените инфинитив в скобках, используя Future Simple или Present Simple.

1. Jane will look after her brother till her mother (to come) back. 2. We (to go) to the theatre the day after tomorrow if we (to get) tickets. 3. As soon as the teacher (to enter) the classroom, the pupils will stand up. 4. Wait for me till I (to return). 5. We (not to go) on an excursion tomorrow, if the weather (to be) nasty. 6. The children (to stay) at home next Sunday if it (to rain0. 7. Don’t get off the tram before it (to stop). 8. We’ll go to the seaside after we (to pass) all our examinations.

4. Преобразуйте следующие предложения, используя Future Continuous.

1.They were having dinner at three. 2. I am doing my morning exercises. 3. The children will ski in the afternoon. 4. The girl was reciting a poem. 5. I shall wait for you at the metro station. 6. The students will discuss this project on Friday. 7. They will eat strawberries after dinner. 8. He is playing computer games. 9. She was washing dishes when he called.

5. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Через неделю наш теплоход в это время будет приближаться к берегам Кубы. 2. Я буду ждать вас завтра в это же время. 3. Через два дня студенты начнут сдавать экзамены. 4. Не приставай к нему, он очень волнуется: завтра в это время он будет давать свой первый концерт. 5. Он говорит, что придет на вокзал проводить нас. 6. Что вы будете делать завтра в это время? – Буду давать свой первый урок в школе. 7. Убери свою комнату прежде, чем поедешь за город. 8. Он все поймет раньше, чем ты начнешь свои объяснения. 9. Завтра в это время корабль будет приближаться к Неаполю. 10. Официантка принесет кофе и мороженое через пару минут. 11. Завтра мы увидимся.

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