Describe what would be an ideal working environment?

Team work is the key.


How would you evaluate your present firm?

Be positive. Refer to the valuable experience you have gained. Don’t mention negatives.


Do you prefer working with figures, or with words?

Be aware of what the job requires and position your answer in that context. In many cases it would be both.


What kinds of people do you find difficult to work with?

Use this question as a chance to show that you are a team player: “The only people I have trouble with are those who aren’t team players, who just don’t perform, who complain constantly, and who fail to respond to any efforts to motivate them.” The interviewer is expecting a response focused on personality and personal dislikes. Surprise her by delivering an answer that reflects company values.


How would your co-workers describe you?

Refer to your strengths and skills.


What do you think of your boss?

If you like him or her, say so and tell why. If you don’t like him or her, find something positive to say.


Why do you want to work in a company of this size. Or this type?

Explain how this size or type of company works well for you, using examples from the past if possible.


If you had your choice of jobs and companies, where would you go?

Refer to job preferences. Say that this job and this company are very close to what best suits you.


Why do you want to work for us?

You feel you can help achieve the companies objectives, especially in the short run. You like what you’ve learned about the company, its policies, goals and management: “I’ve researched the company and people tell me it’s a good place to work.”


What was the last book you read? Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended?

Think this through. Your answer should be compatible with accepted norms.


What are you doing, or what have you done to reach your career objectives?

Talk about formal courses and training programs.


What was wrong with your last company?

Again, choose your words carefully. Don’t be negative. Say that no company is perfect, it had both strengths and weaknesses.


What kind of hours are you used to working?

(Does the person match job and criteria?)


“As many hours as it takes to get the job done.”


What would you do for us?

Relate past success in accomplishing the objectives which are similar to those of the prospective employer.


What has your experience been in supervising people?

Give examples from accomplishments.


Are you a good supervisor?

Draw from your successes. Yes, my people like and respect me personally and professionally. They often comment on how much they learn and develop under my supervision.


Did you ever fire anyone? If so, what were the reasons and how did you handle it?

If you haven’t, say so, but add that you could do it, if necessary.


How have you helped your company?

Refer to accomplishments.


What is the most money you ever accounted for? Largest budget responsibility?

Refer to accomplishments. If you haven’t had budget responsibility, say so, but refer to an accomplishment that demonstrates the same skill.


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