Who is it about (Danielle, Helen, Clay Potter)?

1. had a wealth of fifty million dollars;

2. believed their duty to work for the betterment of society;

3. went on an afternoon outing to San Carlos Prison;

4. was scheduled to meet with Clay Potter;

5. had never been able to distinguish fool’s gold from the real thing;

6. was looking for easy pickings;

7. assisted with prisoner’s aid;

8. offered Clay financial support;

9. thought that Clay was an inventive murderer;

10. wanted the distinction, whispers.


2. Answer the given questions:

1. Who is Danielle Deveron and what can you say about her lifestyle?

2. What do you understand by the word “an outmate” which Danielle uses describing herself?

3. What did Helen Bernard feel ashamed about and why?

4. Why did Danielle agree to accompany Helen to San Carlos prison?

5. Did Clay Potter look like a hardened criminal?

6. Why is Clay compared to “Jason willing to fleece”?

7. Does the story of Clay sound convincing?

8. What was Danielle’s decision and how did Helen respond to it?

9. Why did Danielle decide to marry Clay? Was it the charitable act?

10. Why is the story called “Married to a Murderer?” Who is the murderer in the story?



1. TranslateintoEnglish:

Камера смертников, бледный (цвет лица), корысть, как само собой разумеющееся, легкая нажива, добыча, тонированные стекла, забыть, отпечатки, просчет, первоначальное заявление, приговорить кого-то к смерти, семейный конфликт, слезы, швейцарские часы, смягчающие обстоятельства, благие цели, пока смерть не разлучит, смелость, свадьба, шумиха, список судимостей, суматоха, лови момент, отмена приговора, тюремное заключение, пересмотр дела, с самого начала, осуждать.

2. Find the nouns in the text:

· a person who tries to arrange marriages or romantic relationships between people;

· a person who is kept in a prison;

· someone who does things that they think will help other people, although the other people might not find their actions helpful;

· the people who belong to the family of a king and queen;

· the person with the most important position in a company;

· people with a lot of power and influence;

· a famous person that most people know of;

· a person who is or was a student at a preparatory school, or someone who dresses in the traditional style of such students;

· a person who has magic powers or who performs tricks for entertainment;

· a person in charge of a particular political unit/organization;

· someone whose job is to speak for people in court;

· a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident.


3. Match the adjectives with their definitions:

1. Inadvertent a) no longer likely to change a bad way of life or feel sorry about it
2. Perverse b) doing, or willing to do, what you have been told to do by someone in authority
3. Pathetic c) present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place
4. Hardened d) acting to excuse something bad or causing something bad to be judged less seriously
5. Novel e) not intentional
6. Pervasive f) treated badly and unfairly
7. Obedient g) causing feelings of sadness, sympathy, or sometimes lack of respect
8. Extenuating h) seeming to have fallen further into the face, especially because of tiredness, illness, or old age
9. Downtrodden i) new and original, not like anything seen before
10. Sunken j) strange and not what most people would expect or enjoy

4. Insert the adjectives in new sentences:

1. She looked old and thin with __________ cheeks and hollow eyes.

2. Unless there are ______ circumstances, all students must be present on the day of the exam.

3. Keeping a sheep in the garden is a __________ way of keeping the grass short!

4. Terrorism will continue to haunt us until we treat its roots, which lie in the inequality of societies, the exploitation of the __________...

5. She took a __________ pleasure in hearing that her sister was getting divorced.

6. Students are expected to be quiet and __________ in the classroom.

7. All authors need to be wary of __________ copying of other people's ideas.

8. After the accident he became a __________ figure, a shadow of his former self.

9. Teenagers should not be sent to prison to mix with __________ criminals.

10. Reforms are being undermined by the all-__________ corruption in the country.

5. Fill in the prepositions, where necessary:

1. Helen sat ___ philanthropic boards

2. On this occasion Helen had piqued ___ her interest.

3. She remembered attending a party replete ___ movers and shakers.

4. He relieved the house ___ rare coins, stamps, jewelry.

5. The jury, faced with four bodies ___ the scene of murder, sentenced Clay to death.

6. Their tactics worked ____ the jury.

7. The preppie showed ___ every day in his fancy suits.

8. Everything was offered ___ a golden platter

9. Despite the clamor ____ a new trial neither expected Clay to be alive for very long.

10. Clay was very sick and his body was wasted ____ his long confinement.


6. Work out the meaning of the following expressions from the story:

pique one’s interest become involved with

make a killing set off (something)

be convicted of fool’s gold

draw murmurs take advantage of

arouse suspicion build a case against

sneak a peek make much of

dig up the dirt on smb up to ears

make a point of throw oneself/smb into frays

struggle for words be at smb’s side

whisper behind one’s back to all appearances

burn with anger carry on a relationship

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