The ancient tribes in Kazakhstan territory (111 B.C. – V A.C.)


1. Kazakhstan in Saka-Sarmatian period.
In the early 1st millennium BC, defined as the Early Iron Age, the population of the Central Asian steppes turned to nomadic pastoralism. The emergence and development of his in the steppes of Central Asia and Eurasia, marked a new stage in the ethnic history - began to appear in the arena of tribes and tribal unions, who spoke in Persian sources named Saki.
Persian texts give us the most detailed picture of settlement Saka tribes Saks tigrahauda / ostroshapochnye Saks / Saks haomavarga (produced drink haoma), Saks, which for Sogdos Saks and overseas. In general, the area which is related to dwelling Saks, includes limits on the Northern Black Sea coast to the eastern regions of Central Asia, including the Pamir, and sometimes up to East Turkestan.
It is generally accepted that all associate with nomadic peoples are defined as belonging to the eastern branch of the Indo-Iranian group of Indo-European languages. Written sources and archaeological evidence suggests that even in 7-5 centuries. BC. e. Saka tribes of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, were related - nected with civilizations of the ancient world - Assyria and Media, and with sulfur - Dina VI century BC - From Persia.
Saki participated in many historical events of the time. Thus, the Persian king Cyrus made an alliance with the Sakas and seek their help in the war against the Lydian king Croesus. Darius 1 / 521-486 years. BC / on time subjugated individual Saka tribes, including Saks haomavargov. They joined the XV satrapy (tax-paying districts) of the Achaemenids. Saki served in the armed forces of the Achaemenids. Part of them even entered the personal guard of Persian king - in the number of so-called "ten thousand mertnyh Bess." At the end of the beginning of the VI-V centuries. BC individual Saka tribes fought on the side of the Persians in grekopersidskih wars. In the 30 years of the IV. BC Alexander the Great defeated the army of the last Achaemenid Darius III and invaded Central Asia. Taking Marakanda (Samarkand) Greco-Macedonians went to the Syr Darya. When you try to cross it, Alexander the Great was wounded Saka boom.
Archaeological and ethnographic data suggest the existence of the Sakas three major livestock species: nomad - semi-nomadic and sedentary. In Saka have evolved wheeled transport. The high level of craftsmanship, the existence of religious beliefs and said the find in the Issyk burial mound of the rich man, better known as "The Golden Man".
2. Ancient triebs.

At the beginning of our era in Kazakhstan dominated by two tribal union: Usun and Kang-kü/Kangju. Usun. Usuns moved to Jeti 160 g do.n.e. Here, a new independent ownership led by the leader Usuns, bore the title "gunmo." Original place of settlement Usuns was part of the current Chinese province of Gansu. Center Usun possessions was Ili valley, although rate Usuns-city Red Valley - Chiguchen, was located in the Issyk-Kul. Usuns migrated mingled with the local population. In Usuns were Caucasoid features as Saks and Mongoloid Yuezhi. Usuns were a nomadic people, but there were quite a large sedentary population. Archaeological evidence of the development of crafts such as weaving, tanning, Kuznetsk and jewelry. Did Usuns and fishing - this is shown by numerous finds of stone sinkers. There is every reason to believe that the sedentary life of farming existed in Usuns in the first centuries of our era. On the territory of the state Usun found a large quantity of metal, stone and clay seals, which indicates the existence of private property.
Kangüy (Kangly). At the turn of a new era of population Kang-kü to Chinese testimonies of 600 thousand to 120 thousand able-bodied men. Its capital city was Bityan. If the economy was dominated by cattle Usuns, then Kangüy Valley Syr main direction of economic activity sequences were rainfed agriculture, estuary, combined with sedentary cattle.
Settlements at Kangüy consisted of dozens of residential and commercial buildings were fortified by walls and moats, GOVERNMENTAL filled with water. Utility value had hunting and fishing - is talking about it finds harpoons jail, fishing hooks and sinkers.
Kangüy tribes were exchanged with the Central Asian states. Transcaucasia, Rome and China. In 1.2 cc. BC Kangüy minted its own coins. Chinese Ambassador Zhang Nian of Usuns Kang-kü/Kangju was in ravlen prints on post horses, indicating a highly developed road infrastructure.
The Huns (Xiongnu). At the end of the 3rd century BC large tribal association formed Huns. The basis of economic activity and Huns were breeding, but they knew and agriculture.
The history of the rise of the Huns is associated with the leader of the Huns - Shanyu Mode, which for several years to subdue the neighboring nomadic tribes and moved to China, defeated his army and forced the Chinese emperor to pay an annual tribute. As a result, the gains under the rule of the Huns was a huge territory - from Transbaikalia to Tibet, from Xinjiang to the middle reaches of the Hwang Ho. Trying to defend against nomadic incursions, the Chinese and built the Great Wall of China.
In 43 BC Hun Empire was divided into two parts, North and South. In 93 AD northern Chinese empire was divided - 200 thousand Huns surrendered to China. Southern Huns in the beginning of our era moved into Central Kazakhstan, entering into contact with Kangüy north of the Syr Darya. Later, the Huns, moving to the west, appear in the Aral and Caspian steppes, forcing the Alans. This was the beginning of the Great Migration.

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