Пояснительная записка. Учебно-методическое пособие предназначается для студентов первого и второго курсов бакалавриата и специалитета Института математики

Учебно-методическое пособие предназначается для студентов первого и второго курсов бакалавриата и специалитета Института математики, естественных наук и информационных технологий. Пособие рекомендуется для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы при изучении дисциплины: «Иностранный язык (английский)».

Основная цель пособия – развитие навыков межкультурной коммуникации на основе компетентностного подхода. В частности, данное пособие направлено на развитие компетенций, связанных с толерантностью, бережным отношением к своей культуре и другим культурам.

Аспект изучения иностранных языков, связанный с культурой и традициями различных стран, охватывает две области. Первая, страноведение, связана с культурой и традициями стран изучаемого языка. Вторая, краеведение, предполагает умение рассказать на иностранном языке о себе и своем окружении – о своем вузе, своем городе и своей стране. Именно краеведению посвящено данное пособие.

Практика межкультурной коммуникации показывает, что иностранным собеседникам интересно услышать от наших студентов о том, в каком университете они учатся, в каком городе живут и где он находится, узнать рецепты национальных блюд и национальные традиции. Поэтому основные тексты первых трех уроков построены в виде писем другу, в которых описывается Институт математики, естественных наук и информационных технологий, Тюменский государственный университет и город Тюмень, а в четвертом уроке студентам предлагается самим написать такое письмо.

Каждый из четырех уроков пособия включает активную лексику с переводом, текст для чтения, задания на понимание текста и усвоение лексических единиц и задания на развитие навыков устной речи. Большинство заданий пособия предназначены для проведения занятий в активной и интерактивной форме, в том числе – в форме ролевых игр и проектов.




UNIT 1 OUR INSTITUTE……………………………  
UNIT 2 OUR UNIVERSITY………………………….  
UNIT 3 MY HOME TOWN……………………………  
UNIT 4 OUR COUNTRY…………………………….  





1. acquire (V) – приобретать (знания и т.п.)

2. associate professor – доцент

3. attend (V) – посещать; attendance (N) – посещаемость

4. bachelor (N) – бакалавр

5. course project – курсовая работа

6. degree (N) – степень

7. department (N) – отделение, кафедра, департамент

8. do one’s best – делать все возможное

9. educational program – направление подготовки

10. etc. (et cetera) – и так далее

11. field (of Mathematics, etc.) (N) – область (математики и т.д.)

12. graduate from (V) – заканчивать (об университете и т.п.); graduate (N) – выпускник; graduate paper – выпускная квалификационная работа; graduate student – студент магистратуры

13. investigate (V) – исследовать

14. master (N) – магистр

15. postgraduate courses – аспирантура; postgraduate student – аспирант

16. research (N, V) – исследование, исследовать

17. responsible (А) – ответственный

18. science (N) – наука, естественные науки

19. skill (N) – навык

20. specialized course – спецкурс

21. students’ progress – успеваемость

22. teaching staff – преподавательский состав

23. undergraduate student – студент бакалавриата или специалитета


1.1 Say a few words about your studies:

a) where you study; b) what subjects you study; c) how many classes you have every day; d) how long your classes last.


1.2 Read the following words and word-combinations correctly: The teaching staff, etc. (et cetera), specialized courses, to acquire, specialists, bachelor degree, master degree, candidate degree, dissertation, science, scientific, research, well-equipped, investigation, a graduate, to graduate, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Geography, Environmental Management, Tourism.


1.3 Read Letter 1and do the exercises after it.

Letter 1. I AM A STUDENT!

Hi, Susy!

I am happy to tell you that now I am an undergraduate student of the Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies. My educational program is Computer Security.

Our Institute is quite young, it was established in 2011. It is one of the largest institutes of the University. The main building of our Institute is situated in the centre of Tyumen, at the corner of Lenina and Perekopskaya Streets. There are the Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Information Technologies and the administration of the Institute. There are two more buildings, in Dzerzhinskogo Street (the Department of Geography, Ecology, Environmental Management and Tourism) and in Pirogova Street (the Department of Biology).

Every student has an opportunity to work in up-to-date lecture rooms where different scientific problems are under investigation. Here students can acquire skills, which help them to find a good job. There are also many multimedia and computer laboratories connected to the Internet. The main building offers students and teachers free WiFi connection.

The teaching staff of the Institute consists of professors, associate professors and well-qualified lecturers. They are competent in their subjects, friendly, and well-organized.

All students of the Institute are divided into groups. The heads of the groups are responsible for the attendance of classes and for the students’ progress. Our classes usually start at 8 o’clock in the morning and last till 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Each lecture or seminar lasts an hour and a half.

Undergraduate students are lectured in various subjects. During the first two years, they attend lectures on main fields of their science, history, philosophy, foreign languages, etc. They learn English to be able to read European and American journals and scientific books. In the third year narrow specialization begins. Students take specialized courses and additional practical and research work in the field they have chosen.

Lectures are given to large groups of students (from 20 to 200). Seminars and tutorials are usually arranged for smaller groups. In addition to attending lectures and seminars, students should choose a problem to investigate. They do their best to acquire as much knowledge as possible. After completing four or five years of study, students write a graduate paper for a university degree (Bachelor or Specialist degree). Very often graduates of the Institute continue their studies for two more years and write dissertations for an advanced degree (Master degree).

Those who are interested in science may take postgraduate courses and to work over the dissertation for receiving a Сandidate degree (the equivalent to Ph.D. in Europe or the USA).

Graduates of the Institute of Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies are able to work at banks, schools, research institutes and other large private and government organizations as specialists of high level.

I hope to find a good job, too.

Kind regards,


1.4 Read and translate the names of the departments and educational programs:

the Department of Biology Biology, Landscape Architecture, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering
the Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Information Technologies Mathematics, Software and Administration of Information Systems, Applied Computer Science in Economics, Computer Security, Information Security, Information Systems and Technologies, Information Security of Automated Systems, Mathematics and Computer Science, Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling, Nanotechnology and System Technologies Chemistry Physics, Radiophysics, Technical Physics, Nanotechnologies and System Engineering
the Department of Geography, Ecology, Environmental Management and Tourism Geography, Ecology, Environmental Management Service, Tourism, Hydrometeorology, Cartography and Geoinformatics


1.5 Match the subjects the students are taught at the University with the departments:

The Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Information Technologies / the Department of Geography. Ecology, Environmental Management and Tourism / the Department of Biology

1 Meteorology, Hydrology, Cartography, Soil Science, Geology, Geomorphology, Ecology, Customs and Civilization

2 Botany, Zoology, Anatomy, Microbiology, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Soil Science, Bionics, Genetics, Physiology

3 Mechanics, Electricity, Principles of Optics, Magnetism, Theoretical Physics, Radiophysics, Digital Telecommunication Systems and Network, Physical and Mathematical Methods, Optics and Spectroscopy

4 Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Science, Differential Equations, Object-Oriented and Visual Programming, Theoretical Mechanics, Functional Analysis, Applied Statistics, Structures and Algorithms of Computer Data Processing, Information Security, Information Systems and Technologies.

5 Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Ecological Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry


1.6 Read these sentences spoken by university students. What is each person studying?

1 We have to know scientific laws that control the life of a particular type of animal or plant.

2 The way we use fertilizers is much more precise than 20 years ago.

3 The world’s human population is now over five billion and is rising rapidly.

4 People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not somebody else’s.

5 Functional analysis as well as the theory of differential variable function spaces was created.

6 The study of light is called optics.

7 The atmospheric sciences are traditionally divided into three topical areas: meteorology, climatology, and aeronomy.

8 Geographic Information System (GIS) evolved in part from the work of cartographers, who produce two types of maps: general-purpose maps, which contain many different themes, and thematic maps, which focus on a single theme such as soil, vegetation, zoning, population density, or roads.

9 Programming language theory considers various approaches to the description of computation.

10 Among the principal attractions are historic sights of Prague, numerous spas and mineral springs, winter resorts, and various cultural festivals.

11 This discipline enables individuals to know the basic features of the world in which they live, the great variety of lands and peoples, the complex associations and interrelations of human beings with resources and nature, and the problems faced by inhabitants of other countries and regions.

12 GPS has become a vital global utility, indispensable for modern navigation on land, sea, and air around the world, as well as an important tool for map-making and land surveying.

13 It is estimated that there are about 50 million species of plants, animals and microorganisms.

14 When a nucleus is transmuted and beta particles emitted, there are specific changes in energy.

15 We have found ways to genetically engineer the plants so that their leaves express more oil.

16 It is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space.


1.7 Match the word-combinations in A with their Russian equivalents in B:


1 departments a) хорошо оборудованные лаборатории
2 computer laboratories b) научная работа
3 well-equipped laboratories c) специалисты высокого уровня
4 supervisor d) доцент
5 well-qualified lecturers e) область математики (физики и т.д.)
6 course work f) оценивать
7 teaching staff g) получить оценку (по предмету)
8 private and government organizations h) высококвалифицированные преподаватели
9 specialists of high level i) курсовая работа
10 the field of mathematics (physics, etc.) j) компьютерные классы
11 research paper k) департаменты
12 associate professor l) научный руководитель
13 to assess, to evaluate m) частные и государственные предприятия
14 to get a mark (in a subject) n) преподавательский состав

1.8 Say your own sentences with the following words and word-combinations:

Model: The head of the group is responsible for the attendance of classes.

1 to be responsible for something 8 to be under investigation
2 the students’ progress 9 to attend lectures (seminars) on
3 to depend upon (on) 10 a graduate paper
4 to be a first (second, third, forth)-year student 11 an additional practice
5 to specialize in 12 to do one’s best to do something
6 to be competent in something 13 to acquire knowledge
7 to receive a university degree 14 undergraduate students


1.9 Match the words and word-combinations in A with their meanings in B:


1 up-to-date a) the people employed by an organization

2 well-equipped b) adapted for a particular purpose

3 staff c) to praise highly

4 to be acquainted with d) to get possession of

5 various e) in current style

6 specialized courses f) detailed discourse

7 to acquire g) of several kinds

8 dissertation h ) to know slightly

9 to glorify i ) supplied with what is needed

10 investigation j ) an attempt to find out the truth about or the causes of scientific problem


1.10 Fill in the word from the list below to make up a phrase. Use each word only once.

To get / competent / to appoint / to receive / to be responsible for / to last / to attend / to have / to join / to acquire / to complete / to obtain / to work over/ to be acquainted with

Model:…… to receive ….… the latest information

1……………………………. the latest information

2…………………………….. lecturer

3……………………………. opportunities

4……………………………. lectures on

5…………………………..... years of study

6…………..…………..…..... knowledge

7……………………………. a graduate paper

8..…………………………... a university degree

9………….……………..….. scientific societies

10…………………………… a Сandidate degree

11…………………………... the head of the group

12…………………………… for the attendance

13…………………………… an hour and a half

14…………………………….branches of science

1.11 Match the beginning of each sentence in A with its ending in B:


1 I study at the University at the Institute of a) professors, associate professors and well-qualified lecturers competent in their subjects, friendly and well-organized.
2 There are 3 departments at our Institute b) Hydrology, Microbiology, Optics, Algebra, Chemistry and some other subjects.
3 The teaching staff of the Institute consists of c) up-to-date well-equipped lecture rooms, libraries, dining rooms, sport halls, etc.
4 The students have at their disposal d) several specialized courses and additional practical and research work in the subject they have chosen.
5 The students are taught many different subjects such as e) and write dissertations for an advanced degree (Master degree).
6 The students are acquainted with all branches of f) as much knowledge as possible.
7 The students must attend lectures on g) a problem to investigate.
8 They learn English to be able h) a graduate paper for a university degree.
9 The students have i) of their specialization.
10 Besides the students must choose j) geometry, physics, history, foreign languages and some other subjects.
11 The students do their best to acquire k) Mathematics, Science and Information Technologies.
12 After completing four or five years of study the students l) to read European and American journals and scientific books.
13 Graduates of the Institute continue their studies for two years more m) the Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Information Technologies; the Department of Biology; and the Department of Geography, Ecology, Environmental Management and Tourism.

1.12 Study the information about exams and education:

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