StageCraft: AnArtofthePastandtheFuture




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StageCraft: AnArtofthePastandtheFuture

Stage Craft is an art that has been in existence since the beginning of theatre. The use of stage craft techniques and different types of machinery has been in use since the fifth century. In Greek theatres special effects machinery were also used to allow Gods to appear on the roof of certain set pieces and these special effects were used to fly people and things through the air. This technique of flying was achieved by using a device called the machine. This device is simply a crane that was operated by the use of counterweights. It is said that the machine was supported by a large stone that projected out into the orchestra. Another ancient form of stage craft is the use of aekkykahma. This was a rolling device that was most frequently used to roll out the bodies of the actors that had been killed off the stage and it also provided a way to portray an ill character by rolling them in.

Stage Craft has taken on many new faces sine the fifth century. Many things have changed while some have stayed the same. But it really was not until theatre hit the United States that stage craft became a very important part of the production. In Greek theatre, stage craft served a very practical purpose. Such things as the scene were used to provide a backdrop and basically somewhere for the actors to hide and change their mask and other things. Even during the Elizabethan period the set would stay the same throughout the whole production. When theatre hit the United States, the idea of a set that followed the story had been played with before but not really successful. When theatre really began in the United States the set was looked at as something that should follow the story and be consistent with the plot.

Since one of the first plays in the United States in 1690, the set and ideas about the set have changed drastically. One thing that really changed the direction of stage craft was the ability to use electricity for lights. When the use of stage lighting became popular, stage craft changed because the lights allowed the set to be seen in greater detail.

The building of the set is only part of the set. The painting of the set is also a very important part. In the theatre there are many ways of painting the set. Different types of techniques are used to create different moods. Such things as when you are painting a flat then you fix the seams with strips of muslin. Muslin is the fabric that many theatre companies use to create flats and painted scenes. Some theatres use masking tape instead of muslin to fix seams in flats. Masking tape sometimes creates a smoother finish than the muslin.

2. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання:

a) When had stage craft begun to be used in theatre?

b) What kinds of special effects machinery were used in Greek theatre?

c) How and for what was the technique of flying achieved?

d) What is ekkykahma?

e) How were the ill characters portrayed (according to the traditions of Greek theatre)?

f) How was stage craft changed during the Elizabethan period?

g) What had really changed the direction of stage craft?

h) Is painting important part of the set?

i) How are flats created on the stage?

3. Випишіть до словнику наступні словата словосполучення, перекладіть на українську мову та вивчить їх напам’ять:

ü stage craft

ü machinery

ü roof

ü special effects

ü device

ü counterweights

ü ancient

ü to roll

ü to portray

ü ill character

ü practical purpose

ü backdrop

ü to hide

ü to change

ü mask

ü to be consistent with the plot

ü to change drastically

ü electricity

ü stage lighting

ü painting of the set

ü to create different moods

ü to fix the seams

ü strips of muslin

ü fabric

ü masking tape

ü instead of

ü smooth

Задание 1.

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