Institutes of VIshnu 73. 17. Near the leavings let him deposit upon blades of Kusa grass with the ends turned towards the south one ball of rice for his father


17. Near the leavings let him deposit upon blades of Ku s a grass with the ends turned towards the south one ball of rice for his father, while saying, 'Earth is (like) a spoon, imperishable (satisfaction).'

18. With the Mantra, 'Air is (like) a spoon, imperishable (satisfaction,' let him deposit) a second ball for his grandfather.

19. With the Mantra, 'Heaven is (like) a spoon, imperishable (satisfaction,' let him deposit) a third ball for his great-grandfather.

20. With the Mantra, 'Those ancestors who have died,' let him place a garment (upon the balls).

21. With the Mantra, 'Give us sons, O ye manes,' (let him place) food upon them.

22. With the Mantra, 'Enjoy it, O ye manes, partake of it, (each according to his share,' let him wipe off the grease from his hands with the ends of the blades.

23, With the Mantra, '(Ye waters) imparting vigour,' let him sprinkle the balls to the right with the wet (remainder of the food), and offer the Argha, flowers, incense, unguents, and rice, and other victuals and dainties to the Brâhma n as.

24. And (he must offer them,) a jar with water, which has been mixed up with honey, clarified butter, sesamum, and (ointments, oil, and the like).

25. The Brâhma n as having eaten and being satisfied, let him sprinkle the food (as much as has been left by them) and the grass with the Mantra, 'Mayest thou not fail me,' and strew the food near the leavings; and having asked them, 'Are you satisfied? Is (the S râddha) finished,' he must first give water for sipping to the Brâhma n as facing the north, and then to those facing the east; and he must sprinkle the place where the S râddha has been offered (with water, with the Mantra), 'Well sprinkled.' All these rites he must perform while holding blades of sacred grass in his hand.

26. Afterwards he must, while turning his face towards the Brâhma n as facing the east, circumambulate them from left to right, with the Mantra, 'What a crow (may have eaten of my offering),' and turn back again; he must honour them with sacrificial fees, to the best of his power, saying, 'May you be satisfied,' and on their answering, 'We are satisfied,' he must address them with the Mantra, 'The gods and the manes.'

27. After having given (to all) water (with the Mantra, 'May the food and water and whatever else I gave you be) imperishable,' (and calling out their name and race, and having added the Mantra, 'May the Vi s vedevâs be satisfied,' he must ask, with folded hands, and with an attentive and cheerful mind, the following (benediction) from the Brâhma n as facing the east:

28. 'May the liberal-minded in our race increase in number, and may the (study of the) Vedas and our progeny (also increase). May faith not depart from us, and may we have plenty to bestow on the poor.

29. They shall answer, 'Thus let it be.'

30. (The second half of the benediction shall be, as follows), "May we have plenty of food, and may we receive guests. May others come to beg of us, and may not we be obliged to beg of any one.'

31. After having received this double benediction (through the Brâhma n as saying, 'Thus let it be'),

32. He must dismiss the Brâhma n as, with the Mantra, 'With all food,' after having honoured them according to custom, accompanied them (as far as the limits of his estate), and taken his leave of them.


The Insitutes of Vishnu CHAPTER EIGHTY THREE

Divisions 2221-2250


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