Post-reading activities


Для студентов 2 курса

ПО ТЕМЕ №1 «Digestive System ». (пищеварительная система)

Студент должен знать:

грамматический минимум;

медицинскую терминологию.

Студент должен уметь:

читать и переводить специализированные текст;

рассказать о пищеварительной системе.

I. Подготовка к занятию:

Написать транскрипцию и выучить слова:

1. Alimentary- пищеварительный

2. Mouth- рот

3. stomach -желудок

4. intestine -кишечник, кишка

5. small intestine – тонкий кишечник

6. large intestine – толстишечник

7. gallbladder– желчный пузырь

8. tongue - язык

9. coated tongue – обложенный язык

10. palate - небо

11. soft palate – мягкое небо

12. hard palate – твердое небо

13. also– тоже, также

14. portion – часть, отдел, порция

15. to measure - измерять

16. measure – мера, величина

17. to participate -принимать участие, участвовать

18. to digest –переваривать, усваивать

19. digestion– пищеварение, усвоение пищи

20. to defend - защищать

21. defense - защита

22. to move– двигать, шевелить

23. to pass– проходить, протекать

24. bile - желчь

25. tube– трубка, труба, тюбик

переведите следующие словосочетания (устно):

portions of the small intestine, salivary glands, soft and hard palate, abdominal cavity, digestive system, vital activities, to participate in the process, toxic substances, defensive function, bile reservoir, container of food, mechanical and chemical changes, to pass into large intestine



II. Выполнение задания:


1. прочитать и перевести текст

2. Выполнить упражнения по теме

3. Ответить на вопросы.

7. Материально-техническое обеспечение и образовательные ресурсы:

ТСО и ЭОР:Аппаратное обеспечение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, электронная презентация по теме «Digestive System».

5. Контроль и оценка результатов освоения темы занятия


Тема: «Digestive system»

Учебные цели занятия.


· Лексический и грамматический минимум по теме (медицинскую терминологию), необходимый для понимания аутентичного материала;

· Грамматический минимум по теме «Однокоренные слова и словообразовательные суффиксы»


· Читать адаптированную литературу, содержащую 10-15% незнакомой лексики

· Общаться устно и письменно на иностранном языке по данной теме;

· Воспринимать текст по изученной теме на слух;

· Самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь;


· Проводить мероприятия по сохранению и укреплению здоровья населения, пациента и его окружения.

· Представлять информацию в понятном для пациента виде,

· Объяснять пациенту суть вмешательств.


salivary ['sælɪv(ə)rɪ] слюнный

dilate [daɪ'leɪt]/ 1) расширяться

alimentary [ˌælɪ'ment(ə)rɪ]/ 1) пищевой

acid ['æsɪd]/ 1. 1) кислота

enzyme ['enzaɪm]; фермент, энзим

majority [mə'ʤɔrətɪ]/ 1) а) большинство

ejection [ɪ'ʤekʃ(ə)n] 1) а) извержение, выброс, выбрасывание

expulsion [ɪk'spʌlʃ(ə)n] выталкивание

feces [fi͟ːsiːz] фекалии

emulsification эмульгирование; эмульсификация

chewing ['ʧuːɪŋ] жевательный

mastication [ˌmæstɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] 1) жевание

lubrication [ˌluːbrɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]/ смазка, смазывание


Прочтите и переведите однокоренные слова:

digest, digested, undigested, digestion, indigestion; defend, defending, defended, defense, defensive; move, moving, moved, movement; participate, participation, participating, participant; act, active, actively, action, activity



Necessary Organs

Oral cavity

It is the cavity of mouth, irregular in shape, contains tongue, teeth and salivary glands


Muscular tube passing the food from pharynx to stomach


Muscular, hollow and dilated part of alimentary canal, involved in both mechanical and chemical digestion of food, secretes strong acid and enzymes to aid in digestion of food

Small Intestine

Lies between stomach and large intestine, majority of digestion and absorption takes place here, About 5 meters in length

Large Intestine

Second-to-last part of alimentary canal, main function is to absorb water from indigestible food.


Last part of alimentary canal, opens to outside for ejection of food, Controls the expulsion of feces


Accessory Organs


Produces bile for emulsification of fats


Secretes pancreatic juice containing different digestive enzymes into the small intestine


Chewing and mastication of food


Rolling and lubrication of food



Digestion and absorption of food





Digestive system is the food processing system of human body. The whole digestive system is in the form of a long, hollow, twisted and turned tube, called the alimentary canal, which starts from the oral cavity and ends at the anus. The overall process of digestion and absorption of food occurs in this tube. The tube is divided into different parts on the basis of structure and function of each part. These parts are described below.

Parts of digestive system:

Human digestive system consists of the two categories of parts. The first category consists of those organs that are directly involved in the process of digestion and absorption. The second category consists of those organs that aid the process of digestion and absorption of food by producing chemical substances or by some other way, but are not directly involved in the process of digestion and absorption. The first category of organs may be called as “necessary organs” and the second category as “accessory organs” but it should be kept in mind that without the aid of accessory organs, the process of digestion is seriously impaired. When the accessory organs fail to perform their functions completely, the process of digestion may also completely stop.

Functions of digestive system:

As stated above, digestive system is the food processing system of human body. The food taken by human beings is digested into simpler molecules that can be absorbed into the blood and utilized for various functions of human body. As the digestive system is the only route of intake of nutrients (in normal conditions), therefore necessarily all the nutrient requirements of human body are fulfilled by this system alone. If the digestive system is impaired for some reason, health of the affected individual will seriously decline.




Post-reading activities


1. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. The soft palate is a continuation of the soft tissues covering the hard palate. 2. The small intestine composed of three main portions is a thin-walled muscular tube. 3. The weight of the largest of the salivary glands is 28 gr. 4. The liver consists of small lobules connected together by connective tissue, different vessels and nerves. 5. The duodenum is called so because its length measures about the length of twelve fingers. 6. The liver consisting of lobes is covered with a fibrous coat. 7. The peritoneum is a serious coat covering the inner surface of the abdominal wall. 8. The shape of the stomach changes when it dilates and its borders greatly extend. 9. Bile secreted by the liver participates in the digestive process and has a defensive function. 10. Food undergone mechanical and chemical changes passes from the small intestine into the large one.



2. Прочтите, определите функцию слова that и переведите предложения:

1.We liked that lecture very much. 2. The function of the liver is different from that of the stomach. 3. The valve that divides the atrium and the ventricle in the left chamber is called the mitral valve. 4. That portion of the alimentary tract which forms the large intestine consists of caecum, colon and rectum. 5. The brain of the man is heavier than that of any lower animal.6. The scientist determined that the heart consisted of thin vascular tubes. 7. The vital capacity of the lung in the male is bigger than that in the female.

3. Закончите предложения одним из предложенных вариантов и переведите их:


1. The lecturer told us that the total weight of the blood pumped by the heart daily …

a. is ten tons

b. was ten tons

c. had ten tons


2. Before Vesalius the scientists considered that the left and the right heart chambers.

a. are connected by the valves

b. connected by the valves

c. were connected by the valves


3. He read in the book that ancient Greeks … arteries “air ducts”.

a. called

b. call

c. were called


4. The physician determined that the patient …

a. has pneumonia

b. was pneumonia

c. had pneumonia


4. Ответьте на вопросы. Ответы [М1] запишите в тетрадь.

1. What organs does the alimentary tract consist of?

2. What are the main structures of the oral cavity?

3. What is the tongue?

4. Where does food pass from the mouth?

5. What is the role of the stomach?

6. What is the largest cavity in the human body?

7. What are the chief portions of the small intestine?

8. What is the large intestine divided into?

9. What role does the liver play?

10. What does the liver secrete?

11. What process does bile participate in?

12. What does the gallbladder serve as?

13. What does the pancreas secrete?

Домашнее задание: см. Приложение 1., учебник стр. 70, упр. 3



Приложение 1

TASKS (все письменно)

I. Find the words in B having the close meaning with the words in A:

A. chest, to take part, to place, big, digestive, to perform, mouth, shape, main, body,

toxic, portion, disease, drug, doctor

B. to locate, part, large, thorax, ailment, oral cavity, to participate, physician, form,

organism, alimentary, medicine, chief, to carry out, poisonous

II. Complete the sentences:

1. The alimentary tract begins with the ….

2. The … is the organ of taste.

3. The teeth and the salivary glands are in the ….

4. From the mouth food passes through the pharynx into the ….

5. The … serves as a container of food.

6. The … is the largest cavity in the human body.

7. From the stomach food passes into the ….

8. The … is divided into caecum, colon and rectum.

9. The … is the largest gland in the human body.

10. The liver secretes ….

11. The … serves as a bile reservoir.

12. The … secretes digestive juice containing enzymes.

III. Describe the location of the organs:

the tongue, the stomach, soft and hard palates, the small intestine, the large intestine, the liver, the gallbladder, the pancreas

V. Open the brackets:

1. The first division of the alimentary tract is (forming, formed) by the mouth.

2. The stomach is a (dilating, dilated) portion of the alimentary tract.

3. The intestines occupy the central portion of the abdominal cavity (separating,

separated) from the thoracic one by the diaphragm.

4. The liver secretes bile (participating, participated) in the digestive process.

5. The pancreas is a gland (lying, lain) under and behind the stomach.

Рекомендованная литература

Основные источники:

1. И.Ю.Марковина, Английский язык для медицинских училищ и колледжей, М.: ИЦ «Академия», 2008

2..Мухина В.В. Английский язык для медицинских училищ, М.:«Высшая школа»,2003 год.

3. Тылкина С.А., Темчина Н.А. Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ. М.: «АНМИ», 2000 год.

Дополнительные источники:

1. Перфильева Г.М. Английский язык для медицинских сестер: учебное пособие.

–М.: Эксмо, 2008. -448.

2. ABC First Aid Guide, Dr Audrey Sisman, 3nd Edition 2011.

3. Basic First Aid, American Safety& Health Institute? Student Handbook, 2008.




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