Задание 5. Answer the questions

Задание 1. Read the text.


William Shakespeare was a poet and a playwright and is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in central England, in 1564 and he died in 1616. His surviving work consists of 38 plays, 154 sonnets and some other poems. He is best known for his plays, which have been translated into every major language and are performed more than those of any other playwright in the world.

When William Shakespeare was 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. Shakespeare went to London to work as an actor and a writer. In 1599 the Globe Theatre was built in London and it was in this theatre, situated on the banks of the River Thames, that some of Shakespeare’s plays were first performed. In 1613 the theatre was destroyed by a fire. However, a modern reconstruction of the theatre was built near the original site in 1997 so even today you can go to the Globe Theatre to see one of Shakespeare's plays.

Shakespeare’s work is still very popular today. But why do we like these old plays? Perhaps it is because they all contain fantastic stories. His characters suffer bloody battles, deaths by poison, huge family fights, problems between brothers and sisters, problems between parents and children... The plays are also full of parties, weddings and funerals. They are quite simply action-packed.

Here is a selection of Shakespeare’s plays. Maybe you’ve seen some of them.

The Merchant of Venice. This play is about the idea that people usually get what they deserve in the end, good or bad. Antonio, a businessman, borrows money from Shylock, a money lender. If he doesn’t pay back this money in time, Shylock will cut off a piece of his body. Antonio loses all his business and must pay this terrible price … but is saved by love.

Hamlet. This play is about revenge and also about how difficult it is to take action sometimes, even when it is important. Hamlet’s father is murdered by another man, who then marries Hamlet’s mother. Everybody wants to see Hamlet dead. Hamlet must take revenge, but will he be able to? The famous quotation ‘To be or not to be, that is the question’ comes from this play.

As You Like It. This play is a comedy about romantic love. There is a battle between two evil brothers and two good brothers. People hide in a beautiful forest. They fall in love, women disguise themselves as men, and there are many jokes, songs and games.

Henry V. This is a history play about a famous English king, and a famous battle, Agincourt. We watch the preparations for the battle, the fighting and the results. There are questions in this play: why do men fight? What are wars? Are they glorious or terrible?

Задание 2.   Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–e next to the numbers 1–5.

1…….. a quotation                                      a. a story for actors to perform

2…….. a play                                              b. a person who writes plays

3…….. a playwright                                    c. a type of poem with 14 lines

4…….. a sonnet                                          d. a place where you can watch actors perform

5…….. a theatre                e. words and phrases that come from a text and people often repeat

Задание 3. Circle the best answer to these questions.

1. When was William Shakespeare born?                  a. 1498 b. 1564 c. 1895

2. Where was Shakespeare born?          a. Stratford-upon-Avon b. Cambridge c. Oxford

3. How many plays did Shakespeare write?                  a. 8         b. 38         c. 108

4. How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?              a. 14        b. 38         c. 154

5. What's the name of the ‘Shakespeare theatre' in London?                                                               a. The World Theatre             b. The Old Shakespeare Theatre      c. The Globe Theatre

6. ‘To be or not to be, that is the question’ is from which play?                                                             a. As You Like It                    b. Henry V                         c. Hamlet

Задание 4.  Fill the gaps with a verb from the box.

Cut - pay – went - hide - loses - get - had - fight

1. William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway _______________ three children.

2. Shakespeare _______________ to London to work as an actor and a writer.

3. The Merchant of Venice is about the idea that people usually _______________ what they

deserve in the end.

4. If Antonio doesn’t _______________ back this money in time something terrible will happen.

5. Shylock will _______________ off a piece of his body.

6. Antonio _______________ all his business.

7. In As You Like It, people _______________ in a beautiful forest.

8. Henry V asks a question: why do men _______________?

Задание 5. Answer the questions

1. What do you think about Shakespeare?

2. Have you seen any of his plays?

3. Have you seen any movies based on Shakespeare’s plays?

4. Which play would like to see the most and why?

Задание 6. Грамматика. Основные случаи употребления -ing –формы.                                                        Только -ing –форма употребляется после:                                                                                             1) фразовых глаголов, таких как: go on, keep on, give up, put off, etc.: We can’t go on living like this! – Мы не можем продолжать жить так!                                                                         2) любого глагола, имеющего после себя предлог: depend on, look forward to, think of, etc.: We all looked forward to going to the South. – Мы все с нетерпением ждали поездки на юг. 3) прилагательных с фиксированным предлогом: be afraid of, be fond of, be interested in, be worth of, feel like, etc.: I am afraid of speaking to him. – Я боюсь разговаривать с ним.             4) Go swimming/go fishing. Конструкция go + V-ing употребляется для выражения различных видов деятельности (особенно видов спорта): go swimming, go sailing, go skiing, go jogging, go shopping, go sightseeing, etc.:I ’ d like to go skiing. – Я бы хотел покататься на лыжах. When did you last go shopping? – Когда ты последний раз делала покупки?                                                                                                                                         5) Глаголы, после которых всегда используется -ing форма: appreciate, avoid, contemplate, delay, deny, detest, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, fancy, finish, involve, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, resent, risk, suggest                                                       Пример: Jason won't mind lending you his car.Ing-форма также всегда используется после следующих выражений it’s no good, it’s no use, feel like, spend time, waste time, it’s worth, there’s no point, can’t help                                                                                                                           6) Глаголы, после которых может использоваться как -ing форма, так и инфинитив, при этом значение глагола НЕ меняется: hate, like, love, prefer, begin, continue, intend, plan, propose, start. Сюда же можно отнести выражения can (‘t) bear и can (‘t) stand.                     Примеры: I love to eat/eating out on Saturdays evenings. I can’t bear to watch/watching horror movies.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму.                                           1. Paul has given up ____ (smoke).                                                                                                   2. I like _____ (visit) places of interest, but I hate ____ (lie) in the sun all the day long.                     3. Don’t forget _____ (take) your books.                                                                                                  4. Stop ____ (talk). You prevent other students from _____ (listen).                                                   5. He enjoys _____ (go) to parties, he likes _____ (meet) people there.                                             6. Is he really interested in _____ (take) part in our discussion?                                                                   7. I like ____ (try) exotic dish, so I’d like ____ (eat) something extraordinary.                                            8. I like ____ (work) in office and ____ (solve) different problems.                                                      9. John suggested _____ (go) to the cinema.                                                                                       10. I was afraid of____ (pass) the driving test but failed.                                                                                     

Упражнение 2. Заполните пропуски, употребив данные ниже глаголы в правильной форме: escape, go, interrupt, solve, teach, cause, see, spend, come, help(x2), live, travel.                                      1. It took us a long time but we finally succeeded in ____ the problem.                                                      2. I’d love ____ you but it’s impossible. You must do it yourself.                                                             3. Forgive me for ____ you but may I ask you something?                                                                        4. The driver of the other car accused me of ____ the accident.                                                                 5. I travel a lot. And you? Do you love ____?                                                                                         6. I wanted to cook the meal myself but Dave insisted on ____ me.                                                             7. Mrs. Bond thanked Sue for ____ to see her.                                                                                          8. The film isn’t very interesting. It’s not worth ____ it.                                                                                   9. Where are you thinking of ____ your holiday this year?                                                                   10. I like your house. Do you like ____ here?                                                                                          11. The guards weren’t able to prevent the prisoner from ____.                                                               12. My brother is a teacher but he doesn’t like ____ very much.

Упражнение 3. Закончите предложения так, чтобы они были синонимичны данным в скобках, используя -ing формы.. (Why is it useful to have a car?) What are the advantages of having a car?                                                                                                                                              1. (Helen has a good memory for names.) Helen is good at _____                                                               2. (We didn’t eat at home. We went to a res taurant instead.) Instead of ____                                        3. (Tom thinks that working is better than doing nothing.) Tom prefers working to ____                       4. (They got married. They didn’t tell any of their friends.) They got married without _____              5. (Our team played well but we lost the game.) Our team lost the game in spite of ____                        6. (Carol wants to leave school soon.) Carol is looking forward to ____                                                                7. (Do you want to play tennis tomorrow?) How about ____?                                                                          8. (I phoned Sarah. Then I went out.) I phoned Sarah before ____                                                                 



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