Напиши, что происходило в комнате, когда выключился свет

Контрольная работа

Возраст обучающихся 12-13 лет.



1. Дополни предложения подходящими по смыслу словами

guide book luggage package trip sightseeing

1 We went on a __________ holiday to Greece last summer. It was great.

2 Unfortunately, I lost my __________ at the airport. It went to a different country!

3 The __________ to the pyramids took three hours.

4 I don’t like __________ in cities. I get bored.

5 In the __________, there were pictures of all the museums.


2. Дополни предложения сравнительной или превосходной формой следующих прилагательных.

bad good intelligent easy old sunny

1 My brother is __________ than me at maths. Ask him about the problem.

2 My bedroom is the __________ room in the house. It’s always warm and bright.

3 Katy is the __________ student in our class and always gets the best marks.

4 Kiki the elephant is __________ than any of the animals in the zoo.

5 Number five was the __________ question on the exam paper, but the others were more difficult.

6 Your cold is __________ than it was yesterday. You should see the doctor.






Напиши, что происходило в комнате, когда выключился свет.


7.Напиши предложения,используя условные предложения 1 типа.

8. Напиши предложения,используя условные предложения 1 типа.9


9.Прочитай статью в журнале.Реши выражения верные или нет. (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

A: Hi! I’m Mike Prior and I’m a journalist for the college film magazine.

B: Hi, Mike. I often read the magazine. There are some good reviews!

A: Did you go to see the new Sherlock Holmes film last year?

B: Actually, I did. I went with two friends.

A: I’m writing an interview review for the magazine. Is it OK if I interview you?

B: Sure! That’s great. I’m Pamela Jordan.

A: So, Pamela. Did you like the film?

B: My friends and I had different opinions. I liked it, but they didn’t.

A: Why was that?

B: I liked it because I thought it was a good adventure. I like Robert Downey Jr and I think he’s a good actor. I thought the film was exciting and I liked the story. It was clever.

A: Why didn’t your friends like it?

B: Well, they really like the old Sherlock Holmes stories and they thought this film was too modern! They didn’t like Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock. They thought it was like a James Bond action film, and Sherlock Holmes is really a great detective, not an action man! Also, in the old stories Dr Watson is quite slow and not clever like Sherlock. But in this film, he’s very quick and clever too!

A: Do you think it’s good to make films from books?

B: Yes, I do. The film can be different from the book because it’s a different art form. Sometimes it must be different because you don’t want to get bored! Today, a lot of films from books are modern, and that’s good because people today can find something useful and interesting for them in the films. It’s also good to make people think about the old stories, and perhaps they can read them after the film. I read some of the Sherlock Holmes stories after the film.

B: Did you like them?

B: Yes. They were good. But I preferred the film! It was more exciting!


1 Mike works for a film company.  T/F/NM
2  Pamela saw the film with her family. T/F/NM
3  They all liked the film. T/F/NM
4 Pamela liked all the actors in the film. T/F/NM
5 Some people thought the film should be like the old stories. T/F/NM

10. Дополни предложения правильной формой present perfect.

drink read cook buy see

1 I __________ that magazine. Have you got a different one?

2 My brother __________ a new motorbike. It’s very fast!

3 I __________ an advert for the new sports shop. It’s very big!

4 We __________ dinner for you. Here it is!

5 I’m sorry – I __________ all the milk. Can you get some more?

11. Дополни предложения правильной формой present perfect.

1 I __________ (not finish) my project yet. Can you help me?

2 I __________ (already write) four emails.
I don’t want to write any more!

3 __________ you __________ (see) the new James Bond film yet? It’s very exciting.

4 Bess __________ (just have) a baby. It’s a girl!

5 Hannah __________ (not go) to the bank yet. She’s waiting for you.


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