Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно): from the history of transport. Classification of transport

Группа ОП-213

Занятие  №12

Тема: Виды транспорта, их специфика.

Задание 1. Запишите новую лексику по теме «Виды транспорта, их специфика». Научитесь читать, выучите слова и выражения по теме.

1) bicycle [΄baisikl ] - велосипед

2) automobile [ ΄כ:t әmәbi:l ], car - автомобиль

3) motorcycle [΄mәutә ‚saikl ] - мотоцикл

4) go by plane/ air [΄εә] – лететь самолётом

5) circular [΄sә:kjulә ] - круглый

6) Richard Trevithick [΄treviӨik ] – Ричард Тревитик

7) maglev - magnetic levitation – магнитная левитация

8) go by train – путешествовать на поезде

9) go by bus- путешествовать на автобусе

10) ship/ ferry- корабль/ паром

11) helicopter (‘copter) –вертолёт

12) the most convenient – самый удобный

13) the most expensive – самый дорогой

14) the fastest – самый быстрый

15) the safest – самый безопасный

16) the slowest – самый медленный

17) the cheapest – самый дешёвый

18) the best – самый лучший

19) the worst – самый плохой

20) high-speed train – высокоскоростной


Задание 2.Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно):  From the history of transport. CLASSIFICATION OF TRANSPORT

Historically transport is divided into 4 categories:

Ø road transport;

Ø water transport;

Ø air transport;

Ø rail transport;

Road transport is the oldest one. The first forms of road transport were horses and oxen carriages. People invented bicycle at the end of 18th century. The first bicycles hadn’t tires, it had only iron wheels. After it all machines have motors. We can speak about automobiles and motorcycles. Types of automobiles include cars, buses and trucks. Trolleybus is a road transport too, it only uses electricity.

In water transport we can generally mark a ship, a boat, a submarine, a ferry and a barge. Modern sea transport is slower than air transport, but it is very effective. More than 6 milliard tons of cargo was delivered by sea in 2006.

Air transport includes balloons, airships, airplanes, helicopters. The airplane is the second fastest method of transport, after the rocket.

Rail transport is the transport for carrying passengers and freight along railroads.

The first locomotive was designed by engineers Richard Trevithick and George Stephenson.

Locomotives used different types of traction: steam, diesel and electric.

Rail transport has many different classifications. We mark out common trains, light-rail transport (metro and trams) and underground trains. Their tracks usually consist of two rails with sleepers, but today we can speak about monorail train and maglev.

Speed of trains is increasing every year. An official new world record speed of 574.8 km per hour is set by French TGV near Paris on April 2007.


Задание 2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы:

1) What 4 categories of transport do you know?

2) What is the oldest form of transport?

3) When was invented bicycle?

4) What had all machines after bicycle?

5) What types of road transport do you know?

6) What types of water transport do you know?

7) What transport is the fastest in the world?

8) What does air transport include?

9) Who invented the first steam locomotive?

10) What was the name of the first locomotive?

11) In what year did Stephenson construct his “Rocket”?

12) What types of rail transport do you know?


Задание 3. Выпишите предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста и переведите их письменно на русский язык:

1. Air transport is the oldest one.

2. Trolleybus is a rail transport.

3. Modern sea transport is slower than air transport.

4. Helicopters are the second fastest method of transport, after the rocket.

5. “Catch-me-who-can” was a high-speed train.

6. Locomotives used 3 types of traction: steam, diesel and electric.

7. Speed of trains is increasing every year.



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