Education in Great Britain

Занятие № 17

Тема занятия: Образование в Великобритании. Инфинитив и инфинитивные обороты.


1.Изучите новую лексику по теме «Образование», запишите в тетрадь, пропишите транскрипцию!!!

Люди People
выпускник университета graduate
завуч head-teacher
лектор lecturer
ученик; воспитанник pupil
ученик, школьник schoolboy
ученица, школьница schoolgirl
студент student
учитель teacher
инструктор, тренер instructor
Экзамены Exams
жульничать, списывать cheat
экзаменовать; принимать экзамен examine
экзаменатор examiner
экзамен examination
проваливаться (на экзамене) fail
пройти; выдержать экзамен get through
сдать экзамен pass
сдавать экзмаен take / sit an exam
пересдавать экзмаен retake
готовиться к эзамену revise for
готовиться к эзамену study for
проверка, тест test
Степени Qualifications
документ, свидетельство, сертификат certificate
ученая степень degree
диплом; свидетельство Diploma in (English)
квалификация qualification
Образование General
воспитывать, обучать; давать образование educate
образование; обучение education
преподаватель, воспитатель, наставник educator
проверять; исправлять revise
Учить, обучать teach
Учиться, изучать study
Учить, учить наизучть learn, learn by heart


Запишите слова и словосочетания в тетрадь, переведите письменно на русский язык


compulsory —
to attend —
nursery school —
primary school —
infant school —
junior school —
secondary education —
to be divided into —
comprehensive school —
ability —
grammar school —
modern school —
private school —
boarding school —
preparatory school —
public school —
take examinations –

comprehensive school -
technical or humanitarian subjects –

prepare for universities -



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Active Vocabulary:

free — бесплатный
to attend — посещать
letter — буква

to get acquainted — знакомиться
Science — естествознание
Art — изобразительное искусство
core subject — основной предмет
according to — в соответствии с
entrance — поступление
single sexed school — школы для мальчиков и для девочек (разделённые по половому признаку)
GCSE — экзамен на сертификат об окончании среднего образования
"A" (advanced) Level Exam — экзамен уровня 'А' (продвинутого)
to apply — подавать заявление
extramural — заочный, вечерний
polytechnic — политехникум
tutor — преподаватель



Education in Great Britain


Twelve million children attend about 40.000 schools in Britain. Education in Great Britain is compulsory and free for all children between the ages of 5 and 16. There are many children who attend a nursery school from the age of 3, but it is not compulsory. In nursery schools they learn some elementary things such as numbers, colours, and letters. Apart from that, babies play, have lunch and sleep there.

Compulsory education begins at the age of 5 when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for 6 years. It is divided into two periods: infant schools (pupils from 5 to 7 years old) and junior schools (pupils from 7 to 11 years old). In infant schools children don't have real classes. They mostly play and learn through playing. It is the time when children just get acquainted with the classroom, the blackboard, desks and the teacher. But when pupils are 7, real studying begins. Now they have real classes, when they sit at desks, read, write and answer the teacher's questions.

Compulsory secondary education begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years. Secondary school is traditionally divided into 5 forms: a form to each year. Children study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Art, Geography, Music, a Foreign language and have lessons of Physical training. Religious education is also provided. English, Mathematics and Science are called "core" subjects. At the age of 7,11 and 14 pupils take examinations in the core subjects.

There are 3 types of state secondary schools in Great Britain. They are:

1) comprehensive schools, which take pupils of all abilities without exams. In such schools pupils are often put into certain sets or groups, which are formed according to their abilities for technical or humanitarian subjects.

2) grammar schools, which give secondary education of a very high standard. Entrance is based on the test of ability, usually at 11. Grammar schools are single sexed schools;

3) modern schools, which don't prepare pupils for universities. Education in such schools gives good prospects for practical jobs.

After five years of secondary education, at the age of 16, pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination.

There are also about 500 private schools in Great Britain. Most of these schools are boarding ones, where children live as well as study. Education in such schools is very expensive, that's why only 5 per cent of schoolchildren attend them. Private schools are also called preparatory (for children up to 13 years old) and public schools (for pupils from 13 to 18 years old). Any pupil can enter the best university of the country after leaving this school. The most famous British public schools are Eton, Harrow and Winchester.

After leaving secondary school young people can apply to a university, a polytechnic or a college of further education.

There are 126 universities in Britain. They are divided into 5 types:

The Old ones, which were founded before the 19th century, such as Oxford and Cambridge;

The Red Brick, which were founded in the 19th or 20th century;

The Plate Glass, which were founded in 1960s;

The Open University It is the only university offering extramural education. Students learn subjects at home and then post ready exercises off to their tutors for marking;

The New ones. They are former polytechnic academies and colleges.


4.Ответьте письменно на вопросы по тексту:

1.What can you say about  British Education?

2.What do children usually do in the nursery school?

3.When does compulsory education begin?

4.What are the periods of primary education?

5.What subjects do children study at secondary school.

6.What are the main types of state secondary schools in Britain?

7.What examinations do pupils take at the age of 16?

8.Where can students go after leaving secondary schools?

9.What are the types of Universities in Great Britain?


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