Always made everything sound more exciting than it was

always said everything more exciting than it seemed

often made everything sound more excitingly than it was really


19 … new idea ….  

Each … is taken up to be developed farther

Every single … is been taken up and developed still furtherer

Every … is taken up and developed further

Everyone … is taken up and being developed further





tutor 1 a teacher at a British college or university who teaches one student or a small group
student 2 a person who is learning at a college or university
postgraduate 3 a student who has already received one degree and is studying at a university for a more advanced degree
scientist 4 expert in a particular branch of science; researcher
  5 a person who works in an office, dealing with records or performing general office duties
  6 a person whose job is to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc. in order to discover the truth


research 1 a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding
exam 2 a test of a student's knowledge or skill in a particular subject
diploma 3 a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular exam or finished your studies
career 4 the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money
  5 a set of large folded sheets of printed paper containing news, articles, pictures, advertisements etc. which is sold daily or weekly
  6 a formal document describing the rights, aims, or principles of an organization or group of people


data 1 information especially when it is in the form of facts or statistics that you can analyse
article 2 a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet
report 3 a search for a particular type of information in a large amount of data, or the results of a search
dissertation 4 a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done in order to receive a degree at college or university
  5 a description of an event or something that happened to someone, especially a spoken description of it
  6 a piece of writing that is intended to be acted in a theatre or on radio or television


study 1 a piece of work that is done to find out more about a particular subject or problem, and usually includes a written report
program 2 a course of study, especially at a college or university
skill 3 an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it
degree 4 the qualification given to a student after he or she has completed his or her studies
  5 a temporary position or job in an organization
  6 the ability to talk, the activity of talking, or a piece of spoken language


expert 1 a person with a high level of knowledge or skill relating to a particular subject
specialization 2 a particular area of knowledge or the process of becoming an expert in a particular area
topic 3 a subject that is discussed, written about, or studied
aim 4 a result that your plans or actions are intended to achieve
  5 the work of making sure something is done properly and according to all the rules
  6 a statement that explains the meaning of a word or phrase


basic 1 simple and not complicated, so able to provide the base or starting point from which something
advanced 2 ahead or far or further along in progress, complexity, knowledge, skill, etc.
scientific 3 relating to science, or using the organized methods of science
actual 4 existing in fact
  5 coming before a more important action or event, especially introducing or preparing for it
  6 intended to show meaning, often secretly


part 1 a separate piece of something, or a piece that combines with other pieces to form the whole of something
practice 2 a job or business that involves a lot of skill or training
theory 3 something suggested as a reasonable explanation for facts, a condition, or an event, esp. a systematic or scientific explanation
version 4 a particular form of something that varies from other forms of the same thing
  5 a feeling or state of strongly wanting something
  6 something, such as a funny story or trick, that is said or done in order to make people laugh


introduction 1 the first part of something
solution 2 an answer to a problem
conclusion 3 the final part of something
chapter 4 any of the separate parts into which a book or other piece of text is divided, usually given a number or title
  5 a small amount of an emotion or quality
  6 an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation


university 1 an educational institution at the highest level, where you study for a degree
department 2 one of the groups of people who work together in a particular part of a large organization such as a hospital, university, company, or government
laboratory 3 a special room or building in which a scientist does tests or prepares substances
conference 4 a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as business, politics, or science, especially for several days
  5 someone who makes a formal speech to a group of people
  6 a plan or suggestion which is made formally to an official person or group, or the act of making it


mistake 1 something that has been done in the wrong way, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect
result 2 something that happens or exists because of something that happened before
plan 3 a set of actions for achieving something in the future, especially a set of actions that has been considered carefully and in detail
subject 4 the thing you are talking about or considering in a conversation, discussion, etc.
  5 the way in which something is said, offered, shown, or explained to others
  6 something such as a prize or money given to someone to reward them for something they have done


take part 1 to be involved in an activity, sport, event etc with other people
solve 2 to find or provide a way of dealing with a problem
improve 3 to make something better, or to become better
develop 4 to design or make a new idea, product, system etc. over a period of time
  5 to do something that you were not doing before
  6 to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem


opportunity 1 a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy for you to do something
opinion 2 your ideas or beliefs about a particular subject
equipment 3 the tools, machines etc. that you need to do a particular job or activity
management 4 the activity of controlling and organizing the work that a company or organization does
  5 a reason, cause, or argument
  6 a statement or piece of writing intended to describe how something works or make something easier to understand


affect 1 to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone’s situation
answer 2 to say something to someone as a reply when they have asked you a question, made a suggestion etc.
attend 3 to go to an event such as a meeting or a class
consult 4 to ask for information or advice from someone because it is their job to know something
  5 to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics
  6 to disagree with someone in words, often in an angry way


procedure 1 a way of doing something, especially the correct or usual way
information 2 facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person, event etc.
analysis 3 a careful examination of something in order to understand it better
tendency 4 a general change or development in a particular direction
  5 a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statement
  6 to say the opposite of what someone else has said


book 1 a set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so that you can read them
story 2 an account of something that has happened, usually one that people tell each other, and which may not be true
heading 3 the title written at the beginning of a piece of writing, or at the beginning of part of a book
science 4 knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing, and proving facts
  5 a plan or suggestion which is made formally to an official person or group, or the act of making it
  6 the end or final part of something


arrange 1 to organize or make plans for something such as a meeting, party, or trip
examine 2 to look at something carefully and thoroughly because you want to find out more about it
refer 3 to talk or write about someone or something, especially in only a few words
argue 4 to give the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etc.
  5 a reason that you give to explain careless or offensive behaviour
  6 to have the same opinion


explanation 1 a statement or piece of writing intended to describe how something works or make something easier to understand
prediction 2 a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statement
knowledge 3 the information, skills, and understanding that you have gained through learning or experience
topic 4 a subject that people talk or write about
  5 (the process of asking) a question
  6 a decision that something or someone is not important and not worth considering


dominant 1 more important, strong, or noticeable than anything else of the same type
ordinary 2 not different, special, or unexpected in any way; usual
social 3 relating to society and living together in an organized way
academic 4 relating to schools, colleges, and universities, or connected with studying and thinking, not with practical skills
  5 having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily
  6 successful or achieving the results that you want


concept 1 a principle or idea
progress 2 movement to an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position
question 3 any matter that needs to be dealt with or considered
task 4 a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty
  5 a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about
  6 a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities


innovation 1 (the use of) a new idea or method
stage 2 a part of an activity or a period of development
technology 3 (the study and knowledge of) the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries
search 4 an attempt to find an answer to a problem
  5 a list of aims or possible future achievements
  6 an idea, plan, or action that is suggested or the act of suggesting it


attention 1 the act of directing the mind to listen, see, or understand; notice
model 2 something that a copy can be based on because it is an extremely good example of its type
evidence 3 one or more reasons for believing that something is or is not true
aspect 4 one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.
  5 an argument against another argument, idea, or suggestion
  6 a promise to yourself to do or not to do something


logical 1 reasonable and based on good judgment
alternative 2 something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice
practical 3 relating to experience, real situations, or actions rather than ideas or imagination
available 4 able to be obtained, used, or reached
  5 ready to deal with a situation
  6 happening or existing only once, separate



achievement 1 something that you did or got after planning and working to make it happen, and that therefore gives you a feeling of satisfaction, or the act of working to make this happen
value 2 the importance or worth of something for someone
viewpoint 3 the mental attitude that determines a person's opinions or judgments
structure 4 the way in which the parts of a system or object are arranged or organized, or a system arranged in this way
  5 a book or record containing a list of names
  6 something that is typical of the group of things that it is a member of


contemporary 1 existing or happening now
different 2 not the same
frequent 3 happening often
elementary 4 simple or easy; basic
  5 not easy or simple; hard to do or to understand
  6 consisting of two or more parts



calculate 1 to judge the amount or value of something by using information and especially numbers
perform 2 to do an action or piece of work
suggest 3 to produce an idea in the mind
compare 4 to examine or look for the difference between two or more things
  5 to disagree with something, often by speaking or fighting against it
  6 to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly, or officially


instrument 1 a way of achieving or causing something
sum up 2 to describe something as briefly as possible
forecast 3 to say what you expect to happen in the future
consequence 4 a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient
  5 a socially valuable principle that is strongly supported by some people
  6 a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered


interpretation 1 an explanation or opinion of what something means
history 2 something that happened or ended a long time ago and is not important now
rule 3 an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done
project 4 a statement telling people what they should do in order to achieve success or a benefit of some kind
  5 the act of refusing to accept, use, or believe someone or something
  6 an understanding, thought, or picture in your mind


discussion 1 the examination or consideration of a matter in speech or writing
atmosphere 2 the character, feeling, or mood of a place or situation
scope 3 the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class, etc.
growth 4 an increase in the size or the importance of something
  5 an amount or level of payment
  6 the process of something becoming less, or the amount by which something becomes less


true 1 not false, fictional, or illusory; factual or factually accurate; conforming with reality
important 2 of great significance or value; outstanding
obvious 3 easy to see or understand; evident
present 4 in existence at the moment in time at which an utterance is spoken or written
  5 not real, but made to look or seem real
  6 new, original, and clever


graduate 1 to complete a first university degree successfully
mention 2 to speak about something quickly, giving little detail or using few words
represent 3 to speak, act, or be present officially for another person or people
change 4 to make or become different
  5 to know why or how something happens or works
  6 to have a different opinion or be unable to agree


original 1 the first one made and not a copy  
advance 2 the forward movement of something, or an improvement or development in something
ground 3 a reason, cause, or argument
quality 4 a characteristic or feature of someone or something
  5 the amount or number of something, especially that can be measured
  6 the way in which something is arranged


nature 1 the type or main characteristic of something
attitude 2 the way you feel about something or someone, or a particular feeling or opinion
critical 3 of the greatest importance to the way things might happen
training 4 the process of learning the skills you need to do a particular job or activity
  5 a test done in order to learn something or to discover if something works or is true
  6 a statement about what you think will happen in the future


condition 1 the particular state that something or someone is in
direction 2 the position towards which someone or something moves or faces
design 3 the way in which something is planned and made
cause 4 something without which something else would not happen
  5 a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient
  6 the act of saying that you will not do or accept something


criticise 1 to express disapproval of someone or something
accept 2 to agree to take something
outcome 3 a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.
observe 4 to watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something, especially in order to learn more about it
  5 a particular way of operating or organizing a system, an economy, etc.
  6 a mention of something


question 1 any matter that needs to be dealt with or considered
area 2 a subject or activity, or a part of it
discovery 3 the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time, or the thing that is found
topical 4 of, relating to, or constituting current affairs
  5 a person's ability to do more than one thing at a time
  6 having a lot of influence on someone or something


question 1 any matter that needs to be dealt with or considered
idea 2 a mental representation of something
discovery 3 the process of finding information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time, or the thing that is found
demand 4 an urgent or peremptory requirement or request
  5 something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice
  6 a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong or about a mistake that you have made, and a wish that it could have been different and better


debate 1 (a) serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part
survey 2 an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions
complicated 3 involving a lot of different parts, in a way that is difficult to understand
primary 4 more important than anything else; main
  5 needing little effort
  6 having or made of only one or a few parts


considerable 1 large or of noticeable importance
revision 2 a change that is made to something, or the process of doing this
characteristic 3 a typical or noticeable quality of someone or something
hypothesis 4 an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved
  5 a lack of understanding, or a state of disorder
  6 the fact of knowing someone or something because you have seen or heard him or her or experienced it before


form 1 the shape or appearance of something
confirm 2 to prove that a belief or an opinion that was previously not completely certain is true
put forward 3 to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider
process 4 a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result
  5 an occasion when someone does not understand something correctly
  6 the act or process of taking part in something


effort 1 physical or mental activity needed to achieve something
common 2 found frequently in many places or among many people
feature 3 a typical quality or an important part of something
method 4 a particular way of doing something
  5 the condition of having a lasting effect; importance
  6 an opinion, belief, or idea, or a way of thinking about something




1 positive A full of hope and confidence, or giving cause for hope and confidence
2 critic B saying that someone or something is bad or wrong
3 global C relating to the whole world
4 previous D happening or existing before something or someone else
    E of or at the beginning
    F involving a lot of different but related parts



1 schedule A a list of planned activities or things to be done showing the times or dates when they are intended to happen or be done
2 scholar B a person who studies a subject in great detail, especially at a university
3 profile C a description of a person or organization that contains all the details that someone needs
4 profit D money that you make by selling something or from your business, especially the money that remains after you have paid all your business costs
    E the group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking etc.
    F someone who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid, and owed by a company or person



1 conversation A (a) talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings, and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, or news and information is exchanged  
2 network B a large system consisting of many similar parts that are connected together to allow movement or communication between or along the parts, or between the parts and a control center
3 requirement C something that you must do, or something you need
4 audience D the group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking etc.
    E a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done  
    F a feeling or state of strongly wanting something



1 personality A the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think
2 manager B a person in charge of a company's sales activities and its sales force
3 competence C the ability to do something well
4 investigator D a person whose job is to examine a crime, problem, statement, etc. in order to discover the truth
    E a person who studies or has a special knowledge of economics
    F the description of an object or an idea as if it had human characteristics



1 model A something that a copy can be based on because it is an extremely good example of its type
2 solution B the answer to a problem
3 field C an area of activity or interest
4 transaction D  an occasion when someone buys or sells something, or when money is exchanged or the activity of buying or selling something
    E a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities
    F the group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking etc.



1 profit A money that you make by selling something or from your business, especially the money that remains after you have paid all your business costs
2 method B a particular way of doing something
3 research C a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a new understanding
4 comment D something that you say or write that expresses your opinion
    E a willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something
    F a piece of text, a formal suggestion, or a drawing in its original state, often containing the main ideas and intentions but not the developed form



1 receive A to get or be given something
2 confirm B to make an arrangement or meeting certain, often by phone or writing
3 indicate C to show, point, or make clear in another way
4 identify D to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what that person or thing is
    E to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to that person and making them believe it
    F to tell someone about particular facts


1 common A the same in a lot of places or for a lot of people
2 structural B relating to the way in which parts of a system or object are arranged
3 key C very important and having a lot of influence on other people or things
4 internal D existing or happening inside a person, object, organization, place, or country
    E a particular way of thinking, especially one that is reasonable and based on good judgement
    F having a lot of ideas and enthusiasm



1 sequence A a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other
2 expense B the use of money, time, or effort
3 problem C a situation, person, or thing that needs attention and needs to be dealt with or solved
4 background D the conditions that existed before a particular event happened, and that help to explain why it happened
    E the group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking etc.
    F money that is earned from doing work or received from investments



1 deal with A to take action in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem
2 increase B to (make something) become larger in amount or size
3 follow C to move behind someone or something and go where he, she, or it goes
4 differ D to be not like something or someone else, either physically or in another way
    E to give the main facts about something
    F to express the most important facts or ideas about something or someone in a short and clear form



1 capital A money and possessions, especially a large amount of money used for producing more wealth or for starting a new business
2 tax B  (an amount of) money paid to the government that is based on income or the cost of goods or services you have bought 
3 budget C a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need be able to spend
4 event D something that happens, especially something that involves several people
    E a detailed record that a business keeps of the money it receives and spends in a particular period of time
    F an amount of money that a person pays to be allowed to do something such as joins an organization



1 opposite A completely different
2 contemporary B existing or happening now
3 precise C exact and accurate
4 empirical D based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory
    E able to compete
    F of or at the beginning



1 agreement A an arrangement or decision about what to do, made by two or more people, groups, or organizations
2 phenomenon B an event or situation that can be seen to happen or exist
3 profit C money that you make by selling something or from your business, especially the money that remains after you have paid all your business costs
4 source D the course of a problem or the place where it began
    E the act of saying what you think or showing how you feel using words or actions
    F the act of considering something again in order to make changes to it, give an opinion of it or study it



epilogue A an extra comment or piece of information added at the end of a novel, long poem or other piece of writing
preface B an introduction to a book or speech
epigraph C a short piece of writing put at the beginning of a book or on a building or statue
appendices D a section giving extra details at the end of a book or document
  E the main part of a book or document
  F the process of changing, improving or making additions to a piece of writing



abstract A a summary of a report, speech or academic paper
contraction B a word made by leaving out a letter or letters of a word or words
abracadabra C a word that you use while performing a major trick in order to make the trick work
citation D a phrase or sentence taken from a piece of writing or speech
  E a way of speaking a language that is used only in a particular area or by a particular group
  F the words characters speak in a play, film or book



review A an article in which someone gives their opinion of a play, book, art exhibition
abbreviation B a short form of a word or phrase
thesis C a long piece of writing that is the final part of an advanced university degree
essay D a short piece of writing on a particular subject
  E a reason or set of reasons that you use for persuading other people to support your views, opinions
  F one or more ideas that explain how and why something happens



ancestor A someone who is related to you who lived a long time ago
inhabitant B a person that lives in a particular place
immortal C someone who has been famous for a very long time
imposter D someone who pretends to be someone else in order to trick people
  E someone who helps another person do something illegal or wrong
  F someone who is well educated and is interested in art, science, literature at an advanced level



decision A the process of making a choice after thinking carefully
revision B the process of changing, improving or making additions to a piece of writing
criticism C comments that show that you think something is wrong or bad
refugee D someone who leaves their country, especially during a war or other threatening events
  E the process of making a judgement or forming an opinion after considering something carefully
  F something you consider likely to be true even though no one has told you directly or even though you have no proof



critique A a careful written examination of a subject that includes the writer’s opinions
immigrant B someone who comes to live in a country from another country
resident C someone who lives in a particular place
citizen D someone who has the right to live permanently in a particular country and has the right to legal and social benefits of that country as well as legal obligations towards it
  E someone who has been sent to a foreign country to teach people about Christianity and persuade them to become Christians
  F a university teacher who has come from another university to teach for a period of time



 sequence A a set of related things that happen or are arranged in a particular order
 structure B the way in which parts of something are connected with each other and form a whole
sample C a small part or amount of something that is examined in order to find out something about the whole
 system D a set of connected things or a group of related parts that work together as a whole for a particular purpose
  E a large amount or collection of something such as knowledge, information or work
  F a careful written examination of a subject that includes the writer’s opinions



 circumstances A the facts or conditions that affect a situation, action, event
series  B several events or actions of a similar type that happen one after the other or follow one after another
 memo C a short official note to another person in the same organization or company
issues D subjects or problems that people discuss or argue about, especially relating to society, politics etc
  E the effects of an action or event, especially bad effects that continue for some time
  F the main ideas, facts or general points about something, but not the details




application A a formal, usually written, request for something such as a job, place at university, or permission to do something
points B ideas or opinions among a number of others, or facts that are parts of an argument or discussion
report C a spoken summary or written document that gives information about a particular subject, situation or event
 minutes D an official written record of what is discussed and decided at a meeting
  E a letter that you send with documents or a package, that gives information about its contents
  F an official statement giving information to the newspapers, television, or radio



flip chart A a set of large pieces of paper that are connected at the top so that you can turn the pages over to present information to people
flow chart B a drawing that uses shapes and lines to show how different stages on a process are connected to each other
scheme C a system for organizing or arranging information
schedule   D a plan of activities or events and when they will happen
  E official instructions or advice about how to do something
  F pictures or images that are designed to represent objects or facts, especially in a computer program



quality  A a feature of a thing, substance, place, or something that is typical of one thing and makes it different from other things, for example size, colour, etc
quantity  B the amount of something that can be counted or measured
context C the situation, information, or events that are related to something and that help you to understand it
conclusion D something you decide is true after thinking about it carefully and looking at all the evidence
  E a plan or suggestion which is made formally to an official person or group, or the act of making it
  F the subject, ideas, or story that a piece of writing or a radio or television programme deal with



coincidence A a situation in which separate things happen by chance at the same time or in the same way
evidence B facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true
exaggeration C a comment or description that makes something seem better, worse, larger, more important etc than it really is
concession D something that you allow someone to have in order to end an argument or a disagreement
  E the gradual change and development of an idea, situation, or object
  F a process in which different styles, ideas, designs etc combine to form something new



resilient A able to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event
eloquent B expressing what you mean using clear and effective language
outgoing C friendly and sociable
sensible D reasonable and practical
  E able to understand other people’s feelings and problems
  F able to be trusted to do what you need or expect



senior A with a high rank or position
excessive B much more than is reasonable or necessary; much greater than is usual
executive C having the power to make important decisions in an organization or government
overwhelming D much larger, stronger, more important etc than anything else in a situation
  E not serious or sensible, especially in a way that is not suitable for a particular occasion
  F very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly



lucrative A bringing a lot of money
exclusive B very expensive, and therefore available only to people who have a lot of money
bulky   C too big to be carried or stored easily
expansive D very friendly, generous and willing to talk a lot
  E helping you to deal with a problem quickly and effectively although sometimes in a way that is not morally right
  F forceful and determined, especially in a way that is offensive or annoying



coupon A a piece of paper that allows you to buy something at a reduced price or get something free
receipt B a piece of paper that you are given which shows that you have paid for something
voucher C an official piece of paper that you can use instead of money to buy a particular product or service
recipe D a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food
  E a written list showing how much you have to pay for services you have received, work that has been done
  F a list showing how much you have to pay

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