Упражнение «Being helpful» («предложение помочь»): разделитесь на 2 подгруппы: 1 часть группы рассказывает о своих проблемах, 2-ая – предлагает помощь


- I seem to have lost my pen.      - I’ll give you mine. I’ve got 2 pens.

- I seem to have left my copy book at home. - I’ll give you some sheets of paper.


- I’m going to be late for my next lecture.      - I’ll tell the lecturer you’re coming.

- I need a dictionary.                                      -There are several dictionaries on the teacher’s table. Ask if you can use one of them

- I am cold.                                  - Let me close the window.

- I am afraid of draughts!                     - Let me shut the door.

- I am shorter than you, so I cannot see anything on the blackboard. -Take my seat and I will take yours.

- I left my textbook behind.                  - We can share mine.

- It’s so stuffy here!                   - Let me open the window.

- Oh, I didn’t catch the last phrase of the teacher.            - Have a look in my copybook – I have put it down.

- I have dropped my pencil.                 - Let me pick it up for you.

- My mobile phone doesn’t work – I think the battery has run down.         - You can use my phone.

- Thank you for your help!                            - You are welcome!

- I need a file.                    - I think I can give you one. Here you are.

- Oh, I’ve stepped on your foot, I’m sorry!            - It’s OK! Don’t worry.

- Could you give me a paper clip?                 - Sorry, I haven’t got any.

- Have you got a drawing pin?                      - Yes, here you are.


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