Types of nonce words

Functions of nonce words

Neologisms vs. nonce-words

4.Nonce words as part of the author’s message.

-- Neologisms (N)- new words, word-combinations or fixed phrases; new meanings of existing words (“mouse”). Some neologisms are non-motivated(quark).James Joyce's Finnegan’s Wake. Murray Gell-Mann then adopted it to name a new class of subatomic particle.

-- Nonce words (NW) -new words made up by writers and publicists for a special literary effect. They are rarely adopted into common language. (“I won’t be sonatoed out of my own house”) ' floodle ' - a stretch of water bigger than a puddle but smaller than a flood. NW can give rise to neologisms.

окказионализмы (от лат. occasio - “случай”= “писательские (художественные) новообразования”, “творческие (стилистические, индивидуальные) неологизмы”, “слова-самоделки”, “слова-однодневки”, “эгологизмы

NW & N compared (O.I. Alexandrova):

N – lexical units emerging as NOMINATIVE (= IDENTIFYING), with an intellectual-communicative function.


Nonce-words are characterized by an interplay of explicit and implicit meanings (“ мерцательность” эксплицитного* / имплицитного*)

Reasons for coining nonce-words:

- to express the thought more precisely than can be done with the common stock of vocabulary (“ touch-me-not-ishness ” – having a ‘touch-me-not’ character;

- to find for a compressed form of meaning (“to be sonatoed …”, “guesstimate”, galumphing)

- to express one’s emotional attitude or assessment of an object or person (“floodle”,”twi-thought” – an indistinct or vague thought);

- to foreground the lexical unit, i.e. to draw attention to it, to “re-design” its etymology and meaning («искпедиция» or: such never-existing breed of cats as «кошакса», «съембернар», «невмастифф»)

Э. Ханпира: NW exist not only on on the level of a word but on that of a^

- morpheme (“ silences” “Все каменней ступени”, (Брюсов);

- a word combination (two wives ago ”, “an extremely married man”; “weaponed ladyhood”, «он очень причесывается»). Я изучил науку расставанья// В простоволосых жалобах ночных.(Мандельштам)

- Not only can lexical combinability be violated, but syntactical, too: “Today we shall learn to vanish mice ”. “Иду, и холодеют росы и серебрятся о тебе”).

Types of contexts in which NW occur:

Zero context – a context which is superfluous (unnecessary), as the NW reveals its semantic potential through its inner form.

Minicontext (= immediate environment) – a line, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph sufficient for revealing the semantics of a NW: «кошакса» - the only breed of cat that can rub itself against the leg of its master simultaneously from the front and from behind (a long cat: кошка+такса)

Macrocontex t (the whole work of fiction) – “ a rich full death ” as a nonce-cliché)

Vertical context (historical-cultural) (“пушкинское предикативное наречие кюхельбекерно, употребленное в строке “и кюхельбекерно, и тошно”, не может быть истолковано, если читатель не владеет затекстовой информацией о меланхоличности, мнительности натуры друга Пушкина”. – Н.Бабенко. Окказиональное в художественном тексте)

Nonce-words are often related to allusions:

Орел // кордильерствует над вершинами... (С.Кирсанов)

И, леонардоввинчиваясь в небо, //Достичь сверхмикеланджеловой мощи (Л. Мартынов “Натура живописца»)

J.Fowles. “The Collector”: «Calibanity », “Calibanese”.

Calibanity stands for mediocricy, distrust of everything original, narrow-mindedness, suspiciousness, the herd instinct (стадный…)

He said he’d think about it. Which is Calibanese for «no.”»

In this context the NW «Calibanity» comes close to the meaning of another NW, from another book of the same writer: «mass-everything». (J.Fowles. The Magician. – from graduation paper of Е.Муравьева): «…this awful deadweight of the fat little New People on everything. Corrupting everything. Vulgarizing everything. Raping the countryside. Everything mass-produced. Mass -everything».

Е.В.Поздеева (Пермь) (Об эссе М.Гершуни «Грезиденты»)

вредители -грошмейстеры заведут свою пустораль, двинут свои эйфоризмы

…И снова у думовладельцев пойдут беспробудни

безванные, бездушные плачуги … - about terrible living conditions)

(BK – the stagnation period of Brezhnev’s times, the tedious and never-ceasing propaganda, the gap between the privileged and the common people, with their pitiful living conditions)

From a modern fantasy novel: «ОККУЛЬТОВАРЫ»

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