The Theory of the Text



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Упорядники: ткаченко Володимир Пилипович

ГУР’ЄВА Наталя Сергіївна

Відповідальний випусковий А.В. Бізюк


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Умов.друк.арк. Облiк. вид.арк. Тираж прим.

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61166, Харків, просп. Леніна, 14

TEXT: sentences that are unified by a certain topic and are organized in speech according to a communicative purpose in a particular communicative situation.

The word text has its origins in Quintilian's (a Roman rhetorician) book on speeches, with the statement that "after you have chosen your words, they must be weaved together into a fine and delicate fabric", with the Latin for fabric being textum.

On the basis of the communicative direction of their component sentences, sentence sequences in speech are divided into monologue sequences and dialogue sequences. Traditionally, a monologue sequence of sentences united by a common topic is identified as the basic textual unit; it is called a “ supra-phrasal unity ” (СФЕ) (the term of L. A. Bulakhovsky) or a “ complex syntactic unity ” (сложное синтаксическое целое) (the term of N. S. Pospelov); a two-directed sequence of sentences is sometimes called a “ dialogue unity ”.

• paragraph = абзац (written)

discourse = дискурс <-+ extralinguistic «speech plunged into life» (N.D.Arutyunova 1990); text + situation (H.Widdowson 1973)

Text is…

- a speech sequence of lingual units interconnected semantically (topically) and syntactically (structurally);

- a coherent stretch of speech, characterized by semantic and syntactic unity.

Basic differential features (categories) of the text:

1) topical (semantic) unity (цельность)

2) semantic-syntactic connection (cohesion) (связность, сцепленность, когезия)

3) communicative unity = theme-rheme arrangement

Means of semantic-syntactic connection (2):

Cohesion (связность, сцепленность) – formal linguistic means

Coherence (логичность, последовательность) – semantic contact means

Cohesion (внутритекстовые связи): A text is cohesive (or has cohesion) if its sentences are linked.

DISCOURSE ANALYSIS: the identification and description of cohesive devices.

The main cohesive devices in English:


- repetition of words, or words from the same word family (e.g. coherent, cohesive, cohesion) or use of synonyms

- use of general words (like theplace, thegirl, thefacility) to refer to something more specific

- use of words from the same thematic field (e.g. texts, readers, written)

- substitution of previously mentioned words with one/ones

- ellipsis of previously mentioned words (i.e. leaving a word out because it can be recovered from the previous text, as in That's his).


- reference devices, especially pronouns (it may help...) and some determiners (e.g. this, that)

- substitution of previously mentioned clause elements, with do/does, or so/not

- ellipsis of clause elements

- linkers (discourse markers), such as therefore, what'smore, likewise, then, basically, grammatically

- parallelism, i.e. sentences that 'echo' the structure of previous sentences

Coherence (логическая связность, когеренция)

The capacity of a text to achieve its communicative purpose to make sense is its coherence.

Coherence is achieved when the reader can easily understand what the text is about, when the text is organized in a way that meets the reader's expectations.

Cohesion & Coherence (когезия и когерентность)

- Cohesion is a surface feature of texts.

- A text can be cohesive but it may not be coherent.

- Coherence results from the interaction of the reader and the text.

- A good writer will, of course, use cohesive devices to make the text easier to follow, i.e. to make the text more coherent. But if the text is basically nonsense, no amount of cohesive devices will make it coherent!

Types of theme-rheme arrangement of sentences in textual sequences (3):

1. linear (progressive) connection (theme-rheme chain) – цепнаясвязь

T1 - (R1 T2) - R2

There was a girl on the platform She was wearing a hat. The hat was decorated with flowers and ribbons.

2. parallel connection – параллельная

(T1) - R1

(T2) - R2

George was an honest man. He had graduated from Harvard. He was a member of the American Academy of Arts

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