
to set out the Magna Carta the Petition of Rights the Habeas Corpus Act the Bill of Rights the Act of Settlemеnt flexible rigid constitution to amend to abolish house normative nominal authoritarian излагать Великая Хартия Вольностей (1215) Петиция о правах (1628) Закон о неприкосновенности личности (1679) Билль о правах (1689) Закон о престолонаследии (1700-1701) гибкий конституция жёсткого типа дополнять отменять палата (Конгресса) нормативный номинальный, символический авторитарный

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the main point of difference between the US and the British constitutions?

2. Is the British constitution based on one or several historical documents?

3. Which of the constitutions in the world is the shortest?

4. What is the difference between a flexible and a rigid constitution?

5. What is the difference between normative and nominal constitutions?

III. Choose the correct variant.

1. All parts of the British constitution
a) are unwritten b) exist in written form

2. The longest constitution is
a) the constitution of one b) the constitution of India
of Western countries

3. Flexibility is characteristic of
a) the American constitution b) the British constitution

4. Amendments to the American constitution
a) are a simple procedure b) are not easily adopted

5. Nominal constitutions are characteristic of
a) democratic countries b) countries with totalitarian regimes

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