Exercise 3

Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson

1. Высшее образование в Великобритании платное.

2. Абитуриентов принимают в университеты по результатам экзаменов и


3. Оксфорд был основан в 12 веке нашей эры.

4. Открытый университет Великобритании предлагает курсы повышения


5. Без сомнения, методы обучения имеют большое значение в образовательном процессе.

6. Я никогда не был в Англии.

7. Игорь уже окончил курсы в летней школе.

8. Ольга получила степень бакалавра и учится сейчас в школе Экономики на

получение степени магистра.

9. Когда ты сдал последний экзамен? – 25 января.

10. Это очень интересная книга. Почитай ее. – Я уже прочел ее. Она мне не


Exercise 4

Open the brackets using one of the Perfect Tenses or the Past Simple Tense

1. Last year I (to finish) secondary school and (to enter) the South Ural State University.

2. (to see) our new lecturer? – Yes, I have.

3. When (to pass) your entrance exams? – This July and today is the 1st of August.

4. How many times you (to give) lectures this week?

5. I (to earn) my General Certificate of Secondary Education by the moment I applied to the university.

6. My brother (to get) a Bachelor’s Degree by 2005.

7. You (to prepare) for laboratory classes yet?

8. You ever (to be) to the United Kingdom?

9. You (to choose) your major yet?

10. – I (to loose) my textbook. – When you (to see) it last?

Exercise 5

Express your opinion (agreement, disagreement) in written form about the following statements. Try to prove your point of view by giving arguments

Statement: To be a highly qualified specialist you should study all your life.

I agree completely with the statement. I think that knowledge got at the university quickly become obsolete and you should update your knowledge to be in the know of the latest achievements in science and technology.

1. It’s no use working hard if you have no inborn abilities.

2. It’s more prestigious nowadays to get higher education abroad.

3. Higher education shouldn’t be free.

4. Absent-minded people can’t be successful in research.

5. Tutorials and individual work with a tutor is more useful than practical classes in fixed groups.

Smile with us

William Lyon Phelps, on a pre-Christmas examination paper, found written, “God only knows the answer to this question. Merry Christmas.”

He returned the paper with the notation, “God gets an A; you get an F. Happy New Year.”

Lesson 4. Higher Education in the USA

Task 1. Brainstorming activity

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