Translate into English, using right modal verb

1. Моя сестра не уміє готувати.

2. Я не зможу відвідати вас завтра.

3. Чому ти не зміг дати мені її адресу вчора|учора|?

4. Я повинна була ходити в бібліотеку щодня, тому що|бо| не могла знайти потрібні книги.

5. Він не повинен був забувати вживати ліки.

6. Мені доведеться|припаде| посидіти dдома|вдома| ці дні. Лікар|лікарка| говорить, що я не повинен нікуди виходити, доки|доки| температура не буде нормальною.


Read and translate the text in a written form.

This process embraces several procedures. Joining of the base metals is achieved in most cases by fusion of a metal deposited between the surfaces of the metals to be joined, no pressure being required to accomplish the weld. In some cases the heated edges are fused without the deposit of metal.

In gas welding, the fusion heat (which is very high) is supplied by combining suitable gases. All gas welding-process utilize oxygen combined with acetylene and other fuels.

The welding torch or blowpipe consists essentially of a gas mixing chamber and usually is designed in two types: the low-pressure of injection type and the equal-pressure type.

Word List:

1. gas welding газовая сварка
2. in most cases в большинстве случаев
3. surface покрытый
4. to require поверхность
5. the metals to be joined свариваемые металлы
6. low-pressure of injection type инжекторная,горелка с низким давлением
7. equal pressure равномерное давление


1. What procedures does this process embrace?

2. What way is the fusion heat (which is very high) supplied by?

3. What is the welding torch or blowpipe consist essentially of?

IW #14.2 Gas Welding (Part 2)

Gas welding is a non-pressure process using heat from a gas flame. The flame is applied directly to the metal edge s to be joined and simultaneously to a filler metal in the form of wire or rod, called the welding rod, which is melt ed to the joint. Gas welding has the advantage of using equipment that is portable and does not require an electric power source. The surface s to be welded and the welding rod are coated with flux, a fusible material that shield s the material from air, which would result in a defective weld.

Word List:

flame – пламя

edge - край

simultaneously – одновременно

filler – наполнитель

wire – проволока

rod - прут, стержень

to melt - плавить(ся)

joint - соединение, стык

advantage - преимущество

to require - требовать нуждаться

surface - поверхность

coated - покрытый

flux – флюс

fusible - плавкий

to shield - заслонять, защищать


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