B, Выберите для выделенных в тексте А слов правильные значения

a. reaction d. work in partnership

b. view e. compartment for the pilot
с make larger f. apparatus, mechanism

C, Замените в предложении выделенный глагол другим глаголом с тем
же значением.

1. A new system enables researchers to carry out complicated tests.

2. Engineers have completed their research in the aerospace field.

3. A huge simulator provides the condition of real operations in flight.

4. Virtual lab helps us learn how to better use cockpit controls.

5. A pilot can move aeroplane in all directions.

D, Заполните пропуски, образуя составные слова, общеизвестные слово­
сочетания и термины. Запомните их.

space... aerospace

remote long.



... memory
... world

... screen... conference human...... access wind...... time

E. Заполните таблицу на словообразование.

Verb Noun Person Adjective
... organization ... ...
direct ... ... ...
... ... collaborator
... ... ... local
... simulation ...
represent ... ... ...

F. Образуйте от выделенных слов существительное, прилагательное или наречие и заполните пропуски.


1. It is... impossible to be in two places at once.

2.... is an expert dealing with matter and energy.

3. Mechanical laws and Newtonian... are very important for creating virtual systems.

4. The equivalent of clip art for virtual reality designers might be... systems.


5. What will make the virtual reality design system of tomorrow...?

6. Is there any... of your taking part in virtual reality confer­ence this year?

7. If we throw an object, it flies across the room,... hitting an­other object and causing a complex chain of events as objects crash into each other.


8. Virtual reality can have great... in many ways, especially in experimenting.

9. Recent... tests of the world's largest simulator enable scien­tists to do research in education, management and industry.

10. Astronauts have... simulated Space Shuttle landings.

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