Cuisine in the Renaissance

The 15th and 16th centuries were a particularly fortunate time for Italian cuisine. A greater variety became available in the preparation of foods: soups, grilled, roasted, and boiled meats; meat pastries, fish, vegetables, olive oil, refined salads, almond-based sweets, pine-nuts, and candied fruits; cane sugar began to replace honey. Renaissance court banquets were famous for their grandiose variety and refinement. The food of the common people remained rather simple: beans, lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat (used to prepare soups and porridges), eggs, cheese, and mutton.

Culinary Art and Etiquette in the Renaissance

Italian cuisine reigned supreme from the end of the Middle Ages to the 17th century and had a notable influence abroad. In particular, Catherine de' Medici popularized Italian recipes (especially sweets and ice cream) in France when she married King Henry II. It was also in this period that the first menus and table manners were established. Italians were the educators of Europe, and the famous 'Galateo' by Monsignor Della Casa was quickly translated and distributed throughout Europe. The principal innovation was the use of individual cutlery.

Lesson 7

A) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation.

B) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English.

sumptuous роскошный

flour мука

polenta полента (каша из ячменя или из кукурузной муки, каштанов)

pasta паста, блюда из макарон

purees суп-пюре;

2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents:

numerous _________________________________________

still _______________________________________________

abundant __________________________________________

utmost ____________________________________________

Put down the adverbs. Translate the words. Continue the list.

Model: easy – easily, легкий - легко

warm - ___________, ______________ - _________

abundant - ________, ______________ - _________

careful - __________, ______________ - _________

Master the following words.

feast intricate béchamel. consommés gravy -празднование, торжество, деликатес - запутанный, сложный, замысловатый; - соус бешамель -консоме (разновидность супов) - подливка (из сока жаркого), соус, сок

5. Put down the English for:

мясные блюда

рыбные блюда

овощной суп





Translate the following words and word combinations in writing.

sumptuous feasts ____________________________________

jellies ____________________________________________

mayonnaise _______________________________________

bйchamel __________________________________________

consommйs _______________________________________

Read and translate the text.

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