Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations

aureole [΄ɔ:riəul] ореол, сияние
regard [ri΄g a:d] считать
inventor [in΄ventə] изобретатель
profound [prə΄faund] мудрый
superstition [sju:pə΄stiʃn] суеверие
to aid [eid] помогать
experience [iks΄piəriəns] опыт
foundation [faun΄deiʃn] основа
generation [ʤenə΄reiʃn] поколение
anesthesia [ænəs΄θi:ziə] наркоз
epoch [΄i:pɔk] эпоха
diagnostician [daiəgnəs΄tiʃn] диагност
suppuration [sʌpju΄reiʃn] нагноение
carbonic acid [ka:΄bɔnik] угольная кислота
germ [ʤə:m] микроб
soak [səuk] всасывание
putrefaction [pju:tri΄fækʃn] гниение
eminence [΄eminəns] превосходство

Task 2. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, reproduce the context they are used in and translate it into Russian.

1. to be worth mentioning

2. a profound investigator

3. natural process

4. a complete exposition

5. accumulated knowledge

6. Russian surgery

7. isolated ideas

8. osteoplastic operation

9. health protection

10. rapid progress

11. an exceptional therapeutist

12. a theory of nervism

13. bacterial action

14. pathogenic bacteria

15. the man was cured

Task 3.Answer the questions:

1. Who was Hippocrates?

2. What facts did Hippocrates establish?

3. What do we have in Hippocratic collection?

4. What do you know about N.I.Pirogov?

5. What did the greatness of Pirogov’s work consist in?

6. What kind of operations did Pirogov perform the first?

7. During what epoch did S.P.Botkin work?

8. Is he known as an exceptional therapeutist or a brilliant surgeon?

9. Where did A.Fleming do his research work in bacterial action?

10. What substance did he discover accidentally?

11. What for did he receive the Nobel Prize?

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