Lesson 6 «О 99

H.lnmerulus plus capsule forms*a renal (Malpighian) corpuscle. A renal cor­puscle with tubules and blood vessels is called a renal unit, or nephron.

Function. ^)ne chief functipn of the kidneys is to separate fluid and certain solids form the bloodJifhe glomeruy^jr^t^filter from the blood the non-protein portion of the plasma./t is estimated that in 24 hours the total human glomeruli will be able to filterjfegtween 150 and 200 litres, 99 per cent of which Is reabsbibed by ШещцЬи|&£ /

The kidneys are to be regardicKtis filters through which the whole
hlood of the body passes and which remove from the blood a substance,
urea, together with other impurities, which together constitute tlje urine.
The cleansed blood passes on in its vessels, and the urine ^^цй into the
ureters and finally into the bladder. If the kidneys cease io work the
blood will become poisons because of the accumulation of the waste
matters. \f, ^ ■ ^

Упражнение 5. Прочтите каждое суждение. Найдите в тексте предложе­ния, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их.

1. Kidneys are situated close to the spine. 2. The vessels enter the
substance of the kidney at the hilus. 3. The renal cortex, renal medulla
and renal sinus are three concentric, zones of the kidney. 4. The kidneys
may be regarded as filters. ■■/ 6 i\ дЛ- г

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