The Unsinkable Molly Brown

In Denver there is the home of the "unsinkable Molly Brown." Daughter of a ditchdigger, Molly Brown became wealthy but, despite years of effort, was not accepted by Denver "high society." In 1912, Molly Brown decided to sail the Titanic on its first voyage, because so many rich and famous people would be making the trip.

When the ill-fated ship hit the iceberg that sank it, Molly Brown didn't panic. She loaded people into lifeboats, leaving only when thrown into one herself. When the ship's officer who was in her lifeboat refused to row and moaned that the end was near, Molly Brown took charge. Wearing a fur coat under her life jacket and holding a gun in her hand, she gave orders to row. She told stories about the West and sang songs to keep people's spirits up. When rescued, she said simply, "I'm unsinkable." And, on returning to Denver, she finally received those invitations she'd always wanted! (780)

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why wasn't Molly Brown accepted by Denver's "high society"?

2. Where did Molly Brown hope to make friends with rich people?

3. How did she behave when people began to panic?

4. Why did she tell stories and sing songs in the lifeboat?

5. Did she save people in the lifeboat to get invitations from rich people?

Two stories about two princesses

Story 1

She was born on the east coast of the United States in 1929. When she was 21, she went to Hollywood and began acting in films. She appeared in the film High Moon, and won an Academy Award ("Oscar") for her acting in A Country Girl. In 1956 she married Prince Rainier of Monaco. She then retired from her career in America and devoted herself to her royal duties. She died in 1982 after a car accident.

Story 2

She was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. When she was three months old she went to live at Hatfield, far from the King and Queen. Her mother was executed by her father when the little girl was two and a half years old. The young princess learnt Italian, French, Latin and Greek from royal tutors. She never married, and ruled for 45 years as a strong and independent queen. She was much loved by the people of England, and her reign was powerful and glorious for her country. (779)

Какой из заголовков подходит к какому рассказу?

1. Queen Elizabeth I – Story …

2. Princess Grace Kelly – Story …

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