Phil’s Busy Day

`Phil’s ↗day | be`gins at `half past ↘six. He gets ↗up, | `takes a ↗shower | and gets ↘dressed. He `always has ↗breakfast | and `drinks a `cup of ↘coffee. `Then he `goes to the `uni↗versity | for his ↘classes. `When he `finishes his `morning ↗classes, | he `usually `eats ↗lunch | at `twelve o’`clock in the `cafe↘teria. At ↗lunch, | he `sometimes `talks with his ↘friends. `After ↗lunch | he `goes to his ↘afternoon classes. He `usually goes ↗home | at about ↘five. He `eats ↗dinner | and re↘laxes for a while. `Sometimes he `takes a ↗walk | or `goes ↘running. For the `rest of the ↗evening | he `reads and `does ↘homework. `Phil `goes to ↗bed | at about e↘leven. `What a `busy ↘day!

Maria’s Day

He↘llo. My `name is Ma`ria Gon↘zalez. I `work in a `large `company in ↘Monterrey, | ↘Mexico. We `make `bottles and `cans for `soft ↘drinks. I am a ↘secretary. I `answer the ↗telephone | and `take ↘messages. I `also `use a ↗fax machine | and a ↘computer. My `first `language is ↗Spanish | but `sometimes I `speak ↘English. `Many of our ↗clients | are from the `United ↘States. My `supervisor is Mr. ↘Torres. He is an `engi↘neer. I `start `work at ↘eight. I `usually ↘drive to work. I have `lunch from `one to ↘two. I `finish `work at `half past ↘five. I go ↗home | and `help my `mother pre`pare ↘dinner. We have `dinner at ↘nine. `After ↗dinner | I `usually `watch `tele↘vision a while. I `usually `go to `bed at e↘leven.


begin ( син. start) начинать(ся)

half past six [`hɑ:f pəst] половина седьмого

drink пить, напиток

university [`ju:ni`vɜ:siti] университет

class урок, занятие

finish заканчивать(ся)

morning утро

about около, приблизительно

eat есть (о еде)

lunch ленч

cafeteria [`kæfi`tiəriə] кафе-столовая

talk разговаривать

afternoon [`ɑ:ftə`nu:n] после полудня

relax отдыхать, расслабить(ся)

(for) a while недолго

walk прогулка, ходить пешком

go running пробежаться

the rest of остальная часть, остальные

large большой

make делать

can банка

soft безалкогольный

secretary [`sekritri] секретарь

answer [`ɑ:nsə] отвечать

message сообщение

also также

use пользоваться

fax machine [mə`ʃi:n] факс

language [`læŋgwiʤ] язык

supervisor [`sju:pəvaizə] начальник

engineer [`enʤi`niə] инженер

usually [`ju:ʒυəli] обычно

help помогать

prepare готовить

watch смотреть

television (TV) телевидение

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