I. Use the resources of the library or the Internet to identify the position of each party. Fill in the table. What party’s platform is the most attractive to the voters?

Issue Green Party Democratic Party Libertarian Party Republican Party Constitution Party
Primary related ideologies Social democracy Environmentalism American liberalism American progressivism Libertarianism Classical liberalism American conservatism Neoconservatism Paleoconservatism Christian nationalism
Defense spending          
Election and Campaign Reform          
Universal health care          
More-progressive taxation          
Strengthening Immigration Laws          
Capital punishment          
Drug liberalization          
Civilian gun control          

II. Discuss the following questions in groups. Share your ideas with the class.

1. Would the U.S. be better off with a multi-party system?

2. What are the strong and weak points of a two-party system?

3. Compare the political parties of the USA to those of Great Britain. What are their peculiar features?


Prepare a monologue on the following topic: “The two-party system is a long-standing feature of American politics”.



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