Degrees of Comparison

cheap – cheaper –the cheapest nice – nicer –the nicest big – big g er –the biggest early – earl i er –the earliest expensive – more expensive – the most expensive interesting – more interesting – the most interesting

But: good – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst

little – less – the least

much/many – more – the most

1. Fill in the table.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Translation Transcription
control (п,v) control     управление, управлять [kqn′trqul]
decrease decrease       [′di:kr i:s] (n) [di:′kri:s] (v)
  depend (on, upon)        
density       плотность  
increase increase   increasingly   [′inkris] (п) [in′kri:s] (v)
insulator insulation       диэлектрик/ непроводник изоляция  
          [tran′zistq] [tran′sistq]
  result (in)        

2. Read and translate the following international words:

Nouns (n): effect, function, idea, ion, material, metal, milliampere, reflector, result, secret, spiral, triode, volt

Verbs (v): compensate, control

Adjectives (adj): modern, miniature, standard

3. Write the following verbs with –ing. Mind the spelling.

Control,decrease,depend,increase,place,result,conduct, insulate, heat, emit, flow, have, apply, use.

4. Look at Fig.1 and complete the sentences with the following verbs in the correct form: attract, repel, heat, flow, emit .

Fig.1. Electron flow in a vacuum tube

1. The heater … the cathode.

2. The cathode … electrons.

3. Negative voltage on the cathode … the electrons.

4. Positive voltage on the plate … the electrons.

5. Current … from one element to the other through a gas.

5. Make up questions from these words. Use is or are and put the words in order.

1. the\in\student\the\electron\ describing \a\vacuum\flow\tube.

2. the\electronics\ defining \physicist.

3. the\ emitting \cathode\electrons.

4. the\the\electrons\cathode \flowing \from\to\the\plate.

5. the\between\grid\ being placed\the\cathode\and\the\plate.

6. the\grid\the\flow\of\electrons\ controlling.

7. current\from\ moving \element\to\one\the\other\a\gas\through.

8. a\small\negative\voltage\ being applied\to\the\grid.

9. the \decreasing \plate\current.

10. being used\for\amplification\a\triode.

11. flowing \only\current\in\direction\one.

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